Guess what! 2016 has been a really good year in lots of ways! One such way is the expansion of my physical therapy practice. The Ruston clinic moved from about a 1200 or so square foot space to 6000 square feet. They feel like they are in Nirvana! And now, the West Monroe clinic, and the first place I actually bought vs rented, waaaaaay back when, is being expanded from around 2400 square feet to more like 4800. Give or take!
I seriously have the world's greatest staff! They are so committed and love what they do, and it SHOWS!! As a company, we have five core values... Teamwork, Service, Compassion, Fun, and Knowledge. And all decisions we make,( hiring, firing, disciplinary action, bonuses, advancements), ... ALL are based on how well we are living out these five values!The fact that we are making these types of leaps in a time where many small medical practices are being bought out by "super center" medical systems or shutting down due to the changes in healthcare on a national level, MMPT is trucking onward and upward!
I am grateful.
Ha. Jamette thought she'd steal my phone and take a random pic for my photo library. She must've forgotten I have a blog! :)
Look at Miss Addie. Talk about a sweet one.
I could take pics of sweet kids and even adults all day long. We have close relationships with our patients and their families!
Here, John Wesley, who used to actually be an MMA fighter, and who is now becoming a beast in the gym again, is reduced to mush when this baby girl is laughing!
I love a sight like that. Gosh, I wish everyone could experience loving their job the way that most of us can honestly say we do.
We are having a company retreat on Dec. 11, and it will be held in this building. This week they finished up our flooring, so we are getting closer by the day.
Meanwhile, back at the homefront, Gabbi is still having to wear her brace to school everyday, cause we haven't been in for a follow up appointment at the time of these pics. Someone asked me about the fractures, and well, as of now (December), I am assuming they are healed. They have calluses where the bones healed, and some were not perfectly straight nor "end to end" per x-rays, but basically, the soft tissue injuries won out! And she couldn't be casted, so we just had to pick the lesser of two evils and go with it. She needs OT right now, and now that cheerleading is over, we might can work it in one to two days a week after school.
I MUST mention my awesome zinnia plants! Anyone who has been reading my blog for awhile knows that I LOVE zinnias!! They remind me of my Poppa who used to grow a whole crop of them, just like this, for me to come and cut.
I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating, the year I got married, he planted a second crop mid-summer just so we could have them at my late September wedding. And the morning of the wedding, he and I spend the morning harvesting them for decorations at the event. 
Sweet, sweet Poppa!Ummm hmmm... thought these pics would just "disappear", didn't you girls?! Well, I think we know who will post those suckers in a heartbeat, now don't we?!
Kimie came by the Ruston clinic when I was there to deliver my birthday present. Talk about LOVING it!!
I mean, how perfect is this bag for me? I now use it as my main toting/ carry all!
ANd a couple more entries in my I AM journal to inspire you to maybe start your own.
How bout this one?! And these are things I am CLAIMING for my life. Not necessarily that I've seen yet. But I WILL!
Hope you are having a great week so far!
Use your gifts!
1 comment:
Congrats on MMPT expanding two locations!!! What a great group you have.
Love the bag Kimmie gave you.
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