So as you may or may not can tell, I am not elaborating on this blog, rather letting your eyes feast on all the goodness! I have to host THREE parties this week, one being tonight and one being tomorrow night, so I have a LONG, LONG, LONG list of things to do. Sorry about my halfway blogging. I purposefully picked these pictures because I didn't have much time to write and wanted your eyes to be F.U.L.L.!!
This house was Chock full of fun things all in rainbow colors. and all with an artistic theme.
Emery made this cute banner. If you haven't figured it out yet, these girlies are twins!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to show my artroom in this RARE state of cleanliness! BEFORE:
These are the little darlings who participated. Because there are TWO girls having a birthday, they were each allowed her own invitation list, thus FIFTEEN little girls to teach to paint.
And before long we were off to the races. This is Miss Evie. She takes my art class, so she was ready to rock and roll with that heat gun.
And here we have a birthday girl. Brooklyn?! Bailey? Oh gosh! I can't remember.
The mamas had to be constantly reminded that this was THE GIRLS' projects, as they tried to shape up the ornaments or convince them of the colors to use. This always makes me laugh.
We, as adults, try so hard to impose our ideas of what looks good or what is the best match/fit on our kids. They have a very good idea of what they like, and might I encourage you to let your kid do his/ her own artwork. Someday you'll be glad that it was THEIRS and not theirs with YOUR spin on it. I'm now stepping down off my soapbox
Kerri... STEP AWAY!! We can have a mama paint party if you want!
And just so you can see a miracle occur... this is the AFTER!!! WOW!! Go, Mel! I mean, this is truly amazing.
We had two whole groups of girls (about 8 in each group) pass through my art room, slapping paint all over the place, slinging glitter, and still... the room was back in order!!
Then came present opening time!
Recognize that cute rainbow cake?! That was at my Gabs's party too.
Ta daaaaahhh!!
And who is THAT cute little thing on the end?!!
Well, sometimes she's cute, anyway!
Oh, and did I happen to mention that while one group was painting, the other was using oil pastels!
We had to keep them preoccupied someway!
So, happy birthday, girls!! I hope it was a birthday party you will always remember!
Peach, Love and Paint!
What a cute and creative birthday. Sounds super fun.
I so agree with your soap boxing! As an elementary school teacher I encourage kids to do there own work then parents come in and hover. Most kids still do it their way! I love it! Who says trees can't be purple!
ADORABLE! All of the goodies were so cute!
i am either getting old and blind or your pics have gotten smaller. i have to click on them and look at just the pics to make them bigger lol
this was a beautiful party - great use of theme, but still with tons of homemade touches. none of this cool stuff was shared when my kids were small lol looks like the girls had a great time.
i still think you should build an art studio onto your pt clinic and you can host the parties there and stay busy with it. i am sure that somebody in your posse would love a job running a joint like that and you wouldn't have to have people in your personal space.
oh how sweet i love all the colors and how it was all set up i was in aww at all of the decorations and then seeing them in your art room painting i see how much fun they was having i m with you about you telling the moms to let their child create their own little creation they can come up with very pretty art... i loved all the pictures that you took i can inmagine being there i kinda wish i lived close to you so i can come and use your art room so i can paint scrapbook make jewelry. i have to mine in my small bedroom i have a small desk that i use to make jewelry and scrapbook ohh i went to a pintrest christmas craft making party last night ohh how much fun we made christmas crafts if you go to my facebook page you will see the pictures on there. well im going to go i will send you a message about something i did last night i dont know if you know about this.. well thanks for your pictures and blog about the birthday party..
Now that's a CUTE PARTY!!! Super idea!!! Pictures spoke for itself indeed!!
PS Gotta agree, I find myself trying to "help" Bre, but decided to step aside when she flat out said "Momma!!! I want to do it MYSELF! Whoaa sistah!! Okayyyyy!! Hence the INSTAGRAM pic of her lamb-looking Santa we made last night!! It was byfar the cutest Christmas ornament I have ever seen!! Even though I think Santa was says Baaaaaa instead of Ho! Ho! Ho!! :)
Such an awesome party!!! My daughter would have LLLOOOVVVEEEDDD that!
LOVE the bright colors - I'd like a party like this myself... and I'm 53!
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