So, I located a whole new crop of Camp Cre8ive (I like using the "8"!!) pictures. And since I will be starting a new group next Monday, I thought maybe I could get us in the mood by looking back at what the Wednesday group did with their Halloween scrapbooks.

I laid a big ol bunch of supplies on the table from which they could choose. This included letter stickers, funky tape, ribbons, "jewels", etc.

That, for me as a kid, would've been a dream!! To come into a room and not have any idea what tools I'd be using, have the all supplied to me, and tell me to get after it. I swoon!

Because I know I will eventually get my group down to the girls who really, really love it and want to be there, I offered it again, and first dibs went to the girls involved last go round, fall 2011.

Ol Emma Lou is coming back. So is Lexi, and Molly Ann and Ramie Jo.

These two are diehards!! Emma Claire and Angel Grace both remind me of me when I was a kid. Absolutely absorbed!!

Maddi is coming back as well. Then there are some who are moving on to soccer, guitar, piano, whatever!! That is what happened to me at 13 when I had to make the decision to stop dancing after 10 years in order to pursue my deeper love of sports. It happens. I just can't wait to see what girls "come out in the wash" as being the ones who absolutely LOVE this!

I kinda wanna help mentor them. You know, from a creative standpoint. Never settling for a "so-so" social studies project. Or thinking long and hard with assistance of a color wheel and fellow "artists" before choosing the new color for a bedroom makeover.

I also look forward to seeing how they change and mature and grow. Already, I have picked up on some of their different creative styles. Some are more sloppy, and free. Some are meticulous and linear.

I am shocked that my Paigey Poo isn't coming back. She is quite the equestrian, so I would imagine her mama is having a tough time getting her to and from. But look at those feathers... is that not an artist?! I love ecclectic style. Paige definitely has that!

And look at that table. It inspires me NOW... two months later! I just love paper crafts.

Ramey Jo is coming back. She is my jackrabbit. Get er done fast. Then go play! That's her motto.

Sarah will be back to help me as my art assistant. The girls loved her and she understood what I needed from her as far as the help to set up, dismantle, and give more assistance to the younger ones as needed.

There are snacks at each class. This is a nice break midway through, especially if we need to wait for a background to dry or glue to set. Ummm, you didn't think I'd have carrot sticks, did you?!

Angel Grace LOVES her some art!! ANd her Halloween scrapbook showed she has talent in that area as well. Her mom now has a precious keepsake from Halloween 2011! Made by Angel Grace.

I don't give the girls a whole lot of help. In some cases, none. I provide a project and inspiration. I will sometimes show them my example, then let the wild dogs run!

I like that every kid has a totally different final product.

I mean, look at these. I think all of these are by second graders.

And then, the aftermath. I keep it somewhat together, but have to put it away for the next project to be introduced the next week. Oh, and the fact that I LIVE here!

So, I await my full class of students for the 2012 winter season.

And we often had one little straggler who joined in after the group left and she was picked up from daycare. I may let her in on the group this year. She has shown me a true interest in art, and actually, she is pretty self motivated and has definite ideas about where she'd like to see her projects go.

And this was mine. I love that when a season/ holiday is over, so are my recorded memories, tucked away for viewing at a later date.

ANd with that, if you happen to be a local yocal, I have a few spots left. I intend to do classes for 8 weeks, (Feb/ March), then, take a little break and do another 8 weeks. There will likely be an art camp in the summer.

And the moment many of you adults have been waiting for.... next MoJoy ART RETREAT...
March 2-4. Details on the projects to follow. Or if you think you want to attend and have an idea of what you "hope" we'd be doing, shoot me a comment and I can make it happen. I have that kind of pull! Ha. All food, supplies, and lodging provided. I can take 10 this time. So, holllla.
I always love when you show your Camp Cre8tive pictures. It truly is so inspiring. I am trying to get a group like that together around here. I know a lot of creative kids that just don't get to create. What would be better than getting out of their homes and being given free range to create to their hearts content. I certainly agree that the table of supplies is one of the greatest things. That is actually why I have a table in the basement that I never 'clean' off I place various supplies on it and when I become inspired by something on it I start my creating. Hope you have another great retreat and can't wait to see what projects you do this time. While I can't be a part of it it always inspires me and I try to plan similar projects here at home. Thanks for always sharing your creativity with us and inspiring me!!!
I'm interested in the retreat if it deals with painting or scrap booking. What are the costs for me and my sister to attend?
If I can work it out, I would love to come. Definitely jewelry making and painting. I've never done scrapbooking, so I'm open to that too. I live in Natchez so getting there is no big deal.
Melanie!! My mom and I would love to come! Before we commit, I wanted to make sure we wouldn't put a damper on the party if we didn't stay the night (since she lives in the area)? I've been waiting for you to do another one of these! Please let us know what you think.
Woohoo Mo! I'm excited to hear about what this retreat will offer. I would love a mix of art activities like the last retreat. I would especially love more advanced canvas techniques (lettering, extra painted detailing, etc.). Can't wait to here what you have in mind!!
Hmmm if I were able to go I want to learn lots of painting techniques! Although I do love your jewelry too. Anything!
Oh, I want to learn how to sew!!! So bad!
How did you learn? A class? Books?
i would love to come to your retreat but i live in the north part of ga and i have never been far off on my own.i love your jewelry making and painting i would love and oh scrapbooking too. i dont know if i could afforde it or not since iam disabled. so anyway i just love looking an reading about your retreats.. oh did u find out about what i was talking about in the message i sent to you i havent heard back from you. let me know thanks hugs to you
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