We interrupted this program to show you a glimpse of present day cuteness of Gabbi's bday! And now, we return to our scheduled program of trip to Wisconsin 2011!
Ok, so now we are in Wisconsin. Madison to be exact.

Uncle Tim's house to be even more precise. And talk about hitting the mother load, they have an old golden retriever, so you know who is in absolute Heaven!

Uncle Tim has this cool elevated porch in the back yard, and we decided this is where we needed to have our glass of wine and chill.

Gabbi and Ellie decided it was time to do their nails.

Trust me when I tell you I had bought MANY tinkering little activites, games, toys, books, you name it... for the LOOOOONG road trip! And these nails were our last fun thing that hadn't yet been used.

And then, the inevitable occurred!

While we chilled on the deck, Gabbi made pals with the dog! Naturally!

She has an animal magnetism.

Daddy found a hammock, so both the girls were down with that!
We were SOOOO not used to this awesome weather! Louisiana has had record highs all summer. Did you notice Todd in a pullover windbreaker a few pics above?! It was CRAZY!

The girls really liked meeting all their uncles. NOw that we are home, Ellie will just sound off with, "Uncle Jeff is coming to see us tomorrow." Or "Hey, is Uncle Toby coming over today? What about Uncle Tim?".

This little girl doesn't miss a lick! She is a smart kid and just hears EVERYTHING, remembering it all!

That should come in handy someday when it's time for school activities.

And then, Uncle Tim let the girls in his tree swing.

I think Gabbi likes swinging almost as much as she likes animals!

This is Todd in his Saints jacket. Todd, you wuss!! Even your girls are in sleeveless shirts!! I think we are so excited, just to have an opportunity to put on a jacket. It's been a while!

And then, Ellie took over the Canon Rebel! It's a big camera, and it's pretty nuts that she can carry that sucker around, much less aim it, even in the general direction, and take pics.

WOW! That's a PRETTY picture of me!! ME and ALL of my chins!
And another nice composition!

Poor kid. She can lift the camera, just not high enough to actually get anyone's heads in the pics!

Oh look! A head! Just no focus. Getting better!!

HEy, not bad, kiddo!

And tomorrow's adventure, Spring Green, Wisconsin! As far as our memory lane.
As far as reality, tomorrow's adventure for Melanie is to be in St. Louis. I know I got the yay from Kathryn and from Tricia. MaryH, are you from there too!? And Dottie, you still around?! If you are interested in maybe meeting, send me an email.
mojoy@att.net I think I have your number, K.
I'll be around 4 days!
Peace Out!
Love the pics Mo....looks like you guys had a great and fun-filled trip! Thanks for sharing. My husband is from Milwaukee and I love it up there. Only been there once, but sure hope to go back....huggers, BJ
Ellie's outfit is sooo cute!
A few weeks ago our temps were record breaking, but now we're back to beautiful summer days.
Is that a Spotted Cow I see in Todd's hand?
Have fun in St. Louis!
What fun those girls are having. How cool it looks up there. Nothing like here!
Note to Kathryn, Tricia and Mary H: You guys are gonna LOVE Mo! She is just as sweet in person as are her post!!
looks like a fun visit!! and... i love the girls outfits!!!!
While I was just in upstate NY visiting my Mom we needed jackets in the evening because once the sun went down it got cool. I welcomed it too because it has been HOT HOT HOT in St. Louis this summer. We have a reprieve going on right now but not jacket worthy for sure
I think you should come to Virginia...southwest Virginia, to be exact. Everyone should experience the Appalachian Mountains. No banjo music...I promise! ;-)
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