We got all dolled up, slapped Big Baby in a pair of bloomers and Uggs and hit the road.

There were fireworks to be bought! And my little chickies had seen some in the sky and were pretty fired up about getting some themselves!

As you can imagine, Ellie did her own styling. Complete with her "play" high heel wedges.

We went to the closest tent in town. I told Todd we probably paid double the price, but hey... anybody out there been shopping with toddlers lately!? It's about speed and efficiency!

As much as he wants to say, "It's for the sake of the children", we all know that Daddies get kinda all tingly when they are told they can go and spend money on pyro anything!

And let's face it, girls get all tingly when they are told they can go spend money on just about anything.

SO, they each snagged a basket and away they went!

Think they cater to kids in this industry!?

Not that it mattered all that much. Check out Gabbi Girl's choice. She was heading to the big guns.

Miss Romper, here, was methodically plotting her course around the tent.


And then they emptied their goodies on the counter. They got the full firework shopping experience!

Daddy even threw in a few "big" fireworks for the surprise effect. They have LOVED passing others shooting fireworks over the past few days. It's a big thing here in the south. Maybe it is everywhere... I really don't know. But we gots a buuuunch of rednecks round these parts! And rednecks love fireworks!

Our daddy will be in charge of supervision of the pyro show. Mama will likely be sitting poolside with a fruity drink.
God Bless America!
Ellie, boy do I love that child.
GG looks adorable in purple,
Todd and fireworks, bet it was a good show!
See y'all in the AM!
(first to comment!)
We northern rednecks love fireworks too! The good ones aren't as readily available here as they are just south of us.
Hope you had a great 4th.
Haha rednecks love fireworks! You crack me up.
Hope everyone enjoyed the show!
I have to say I chuckled at the fireworks stand right next to the gas station. Something ironic in that!!!
Laurie in NJ
I see that Gabby has now learned "the pose". So cute!
Mo - I think it is the entire USA that likes fireworks. :)
It's the hubby's "duty" to blow stuff up and my time to shine is the next day picking up...sigh!
Its illegal here in St Louis so those tents aren't around, but I've seen them closeby in St Charles Mo. I was amazed the first time I saw them;couldn't believe you could by fireworks in a temporary tent set up on the side of roads.
A burn ban has been issued for our county, so fireworks were not "the norm" this year. This year is was sacred silence in the neighborhood!!! I gotta to admit a little sheephisly "BOY WAS I ECSTATIC!!! Yes, we love the firework show (which we missed because Bree was passed out before it began) but I hate the random fireworks that neighbors pop! Especially the little ones they "light" and let the whole string of 'em go off!! It makes my nerves bad, the poor dog of ours barks and cowers all night and it goes on way after the 4th of July! So besides a lowkey and "low volume" 4th of July, it was a good one and glad to see you guys had a great one as well.
I think all Americans love fireworks! We're not allowed to have our own though, since it is way too dry here. Sometimes we buy and save for New Year's.
Traditions, it's all about traditions, baby!
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