To condense my personal account of such a magnanimous weekend was no easy feat. I could sit back and give you a visual of everything, but I believe Mo has covered that quite well. I have to admit though pictures and descriptions provide a “good visual” , but actuallybe there in person is by far the BEST! As we were welcomed with open arms, Bree and I felt like family from the time we set foot in the convention center. I had to laugh because my husband thought I was crazy to drive 5hours to meet and stay with people, that I had never met in person before. What’s even worse, I was taking our 4yr old!! I have to give him a little credit, he does trust my judgment, just sometimes…it’s questionable!
However, after following this family thru Jakes illness and on thru MoJoy, I knew in my heart of hearts this was where I was suppose to be! Boy oh boy, was I spot on!! I never anticipated the enormity of the “Shake” or the timeless effort that the Raborn/Massey family and volunteers put into it. I was equally in awe of the close-knit community of West Monroe. From teens to Seniors! Everyone donated of their time! How awesome and rare is that!!! There is no stone left unturned in this awesome event! From the beautiful cylinders of black/green sand at the entrance to the stage crew inside!
I told my husband it was like a scene out of “Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory” ! The one where “Charlie gets the GOLDEN TICKET and is invited to the factory”! That’s what it felt like when I had the “SHAKE FOR JAKE” ticket in my hand! When I entered the “Shake” I was simply in awe. I just wanted to sit and “absorb” the evening. What humbled me mostly was the huge smiles and the caring hearts of Don and Staci’s. To not be angry and remorseful was hard to understand BEFORE I attended this weekend. Now I know the reason they smile, I know the reason they continue to do what they do, and most importantly….I BELIEVE!
There is no doubt in my heart that next year will be even more spectacular, because of the dedication of The Raborn/Massey clan and the wonderful community of WM! Thank you again for making me a part of such a wonderful cause. Special thanks to Jin-Jin for the accommodations, and Mary Allison for the babysitting service!! Bree STILL talks about you!! Mo, you are simply awesome and even more engaging in person. Thank you for the personal tour of THE BAH (it is awesome)! Gabbi and Ellie you girls are more beautiful in person. The saying is “We do everything in TEXAS big” well I think there is a small community in LOUSIANA can make that a questionable statement! Thank you for the honor of being there and I most definitely will be back NEXT YEAR!!
Dawn "Dee" Pickens
(snekcip in comments section!)

I feel like a celebrity! :)
You ARE a celebrity!!
It was so good to meet you Dee!!
Thou shalt not covet, though SHALT not covet!!! But dog gone it, I do!!! Dee, I had tears running down my face reading your post, and felt like I was looking at it with new eyes along with you. I truly hope this GA girl can make it next year!
Awesome....since I'm retiring the end of January this next year, maybe I can be part of this wonderful event also!!....huggers, BJ
awe...i may have teared up reading this! now i want to attend even more! i'm planning on next year being my first but definitely not my last!
Beautifully written, Dawn! You gave me goose-bumps!!!! Little Jake crossed my mind twice today... when the clock said 11:11, I said "Its Jake time!" ...then on the way home this evening the sun was streaming so beautifully throught the clouds, again that little bald-headed cutie came to my thoughts! He sure left an impact, and I never even met him! Thanks so much for sharing!
great post!!! I'm still talking about how much fun it was!!! Can't wait for next year!
Dee-we walked right by you and your little one in the jumper when we got to the telethon about 11:30. I hate terribly that I didn't know who you were at the time so I could have visited with you. My daughter is Shelbi( She is the one in one of the last posts in the black and white dress-she sang at the telethon. We are JOR foundation recipients and love the Raborn clan like crazy! Next year I will definitely introduce myself!
dee reading your post made me feel like i was there with you i would love to come next year i need some one to go with me and somewhere to stay im not a traveler i havent traveled alone kinda scared too iam in ga in flowerybranch area so if anyone is in my area or close that would like to go lets talk or when mo does a art retreat i would love to have someone to go with to it i want to go to it when she has one.. i love reading about everything that went on this past weekend.. i want to meet everyone well im heading to bed its late here and im tired thanks dee for the blog... hugs
Thanks dee! I loved me some Bree too!
So glad you could come and through this post I think you can help further inspire more people to make sure they attend next year! Can't wait to see y'all again!
-Mary Allison
That was a very heartfelt post. Thank you Dee! Mo always does a fabulous job of making me feel like I'm there in LA too but you did it too. You also made me a little jealous! (a tour of BAH..dude!) Thank you for sharing your take on the shake (so to speak) it was wonderful.
Hugs from Missouri,
Thank you Dee for the blog. I'm glad you had a great time
Thank you for the guest post Dee!! This was going to be my first year at the Shake, but due to some unfortunate circumstances look's like next year will be my year!! I LOVED your Willy Wonka reference ~ that really puts this event into perspective ~ and how it is a "not to miss" deal!! Dee ~ next year you can take all us "newbies" under your wing and show us around!
I love it! :) Thanks for sharing! Also, MO-I'm so bummed I missed your telethon call. I will donate through the website!
What an awesome expierience for you and your little one.
Emily I would have loved to meet you! I have followed your Shelbi on CB!!! I did walk in on the live telecast of her singing, but it didnt click it was really THAT SHELBI!!! Wow!!!
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