Before we headed out to attempt our family photos, we had to go through our usual routine of my pretending to put make up on my girls. We have to do the whole shabang! ... eyeliner, blush, eye shadow, lip liner, lipstick... all of it.

as you can imagine, I DO NOT put all that on them, actually. All I have to do it kinda get it close to their faces, and they are convinced. But, one are this does not pertain is in the lip GLOSS department!

Nope. When it comes to that shiny, smooth, luxurious potion, well.... my girls MUST have it. It is like a moth to a flame!

In fact, this is how I totally bribed Ellie into taking a few PRE-photo shoot photos with me!

We actually woke Gabbi Girl up from a nap a little early, so I doubted seriously if we were going to get ANYTHING out of her with regards to happy moods and smiles!

But Ellie, true to her word, lathered on the lip gloss, then moved in for a sweet pic or two.

I think I may have to blow one of these up on foamboard for my condo wall! Todd and I have a new paint job completed, and we have put the old photos back on the wall. Poor Gabbi Girl is hardly represented at all. PROJECT ONE when I get back in town is to get some current photos for the condo walls.

And maybe one of these will be on there when one of you rent the condo someday! Ha. I was asked tonight if we take down all of our personal photos when we leave each year. I said, "NO, in fact, I put them up and leave them up intentionally. I would love it if everyone who came to my condo had an awareness of Jake, and my girls, and....". I think it'd be kinda cool.
Ok. See y'all in about two hours.
I have been following along the last two weeks, but not commenting. I can't always get logged in to blogger when I'm at work, and I'm too easily distracted/busy at home. But I LOVED reading about your adventures. Your joy is definitely shining through in your posts! Quick question: You talk about putting your pictures on foamboard or canvas. Do you have a favorite website you order from? I need to do the same thing for our cabin, but I'm unsure where to start. Thanks!
I'm here! While I was waiting in the 100 minute wait line for rockn rollarcoaster I was catching up on posts! Love it when baby girls want to put on make up, so cute. Love the coral..can't wait to see the family pics.
All girls LOVE lipgloss even old ones like me! I'm a junkie!
Cute!! It's easy to see how much you love being a Mom and how much your girlies love YOU!! You are a "hands-on" Mom....keep up the good work Mo!......huggers, BJ
I love these make-up shots. My 4 year old as to get all dolled up too!!!
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