Well, we are back home! And I will need every minute of the weekend to unload/ unpack all the C.R.A.P. I packed as well as the J.U.N.K I bought while on our trip. I need a storage building out back! Seriously, why do I do this to myself?!

So, these are our attempts at a family photo. We were smiling for Samuel, Linda Lou's son, who was our "official" photographer. But, Mary Allison had my camera and was steadily snapping too!

This was when Gabbi had to be awakened and was NOT a happy camper!

I will feel like such a slacker today with only one post. Gonna be kinda strange! To those of you who checked in daily, and more importantly, let me know it by commenting back, thanks so much. I like the "back and forth" of knowing what you are thinking/ feeling about my insane life.

Johnnye was pulling his shirt up and having no shame whatsoever to try and get my girls to laugh/ smile.

It was working for Ellie for sho!

Beach 2011 was fun. It was really fun. It was so fun I am ready to go back! Seriously. I am planning on how to get back there a little in July.

Hunter wants me to take him and a few friends, so I suppose as his favorite aunt, I am gonna work it out "for him"!

I'll be honest though. I do love what I do for a living and am excited to get back to it on Monday. I will see my sweet Kelsey girl first thing, and my brain has been stirring with ideas to try with her. Sometimes the best thing for work is a vacation!
Oh, and I need to clarify something... that game on the beach, that Todd built... that's called cornhole! (You were right!) Washers is a similar board with three holes, where you do actually use washers to try and make them in the holes. These beanbags were actually CORN bags, and Todd is from Wisconsin, where his cousins/ uncles taught him this game, and he brought it south to share it with his own buds.

Alrighty then... do you think any of these were worth blowing up?! I will get you more info on the "blowing up" place soon. I prefer foamboard, as it is cool without a frame!
Help a sista out. Which one do you like? Or one from the side of the road on the rocks?!
Enjoy the weekend at home!
There is no place like home!
The pics on the rocks are so much better than these new ones posted in my opinion. #4 on the rocks is my favorite!
boy oh boy, i sure did enjoy your vacation! i loved all the posts and pictures-i kinda feel like i've been on vacation without leaving my recliner! i think i like the family pics that were taken on the rocks, too. i do really like the coral color. thanks for the necklaces and bracelet-got them yesterday and haven't taken mine off since i put it on. enjoy your weekend!
I have really enjoyed your posts. It was fun to go on vacation with your family. We normally go to the beach the first part of September. We stay in a house in Morgantown. I like the pictures on the rocks also. I liked #5. Thanks so much for sharing.
Looked again....#4 or 5 on the rocks is my pick of the family pic!
Have a great day!
Thank you for always making me smile!
Loved hearing about your vacation....going to miss all your updates!!! Those little girls of yours are so precious. You have a beautiful family!!!
The last 2 are not bad, but you don't have the water for you whole color wheel deal!
I went back to the other ones and I like #4 on the rocks.
I love the pictures...especially the colors you guys are wearing....great job!!...huggers, BJ
I like #4 near the rocks. I'm sad your vacation is over. Our vacation is not until the end of August.
Your girls are just precious.
I vote for #4. Love it. Enjoyed your posts and seeing your vacation spot. I was in kohls the other day and I saw the nightgown Ellie had worn in one of your posts and I smiled because I was like oh Ellie has that. Like I know Ellie...or you...or any of you. But in my mind....I do.
try a family photo with 6 kids HAHAH what a joke. Although I end up picking the most outrageous one because it is our life . One year I have one of my kids looking totally sideways the other grabbing the one kids head and forcing his head forward. I will have to post them someday it is hillarious!!!
Well dang, do we HAVE to go home? I'm not ready! I think I've had as much fun reading and looking at the pics as you did actually experiencing it. So glad ya'll had a great time!
I prefer the side of the road pics, just bc GG was more herself. Although I LOVE the pic of Ellie laughing, so CUTE!
I can't wait to be back at work on Monday either, a week away was nice but I'm ready to be back!
Hope you are able to hit the beach next month!
#4 from the other set is cute and I like #8...kind of explains your family. GG loves her momma, Ellie with her daddy (in a few years talking him into letting her do certain things!) and you leaning on Todd, very cute!
Ya'll are the coolest family ever!!
Welcome home! I love your posts and pictures. Love the corally/pinky shirt and dresses for the pics. Soooo pretty!
I love pix 4 even if Gabbi is not looking right on - glad you are home safe and sound! Thanks for taking us to the beach with you all
Some also call the game "BAGGO"
Gonna miss all the posts.
i like number 7 im glad you enjoyed your vacation but the pics are so good 7 is the one i pick to be blown up.. its so precious. i enjoy reading your blogs everyday sorry i missed posting to you on here im going to get back to posting to you more. i want to go to the beach this summer i love the ocean and walking on the beach at night
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