Our Key West trip will be continued tomorrow. For today, let me say
a) we are three very happy mamas!
b) we are three very grateful daughters!

To our babies, our role as mama is the most important one in our lives. As for me, I never knew how fulfilling it would be and how much being a mama is WHO I am and always was. I am so appreciative to the two women who gave me this precious opportunity.

And to our mamas... I can say that you have raised three happy, fulfilled, self-sufficient, strong women. Mom, for that I am eternally thankful. Thankful that you didn't just give me things, but encouraged me to earn them. You taught me to work hard and to preserve my reputation because that is something that is very easy to damage and extremely difficult to repair. You made sure I had the opportunity to be involved in just about any activity that came along and that you felt would somehow enrich my life. (even though I was the "only" one who didnt' get to go to the Prince concert!) You let me learn lessons and supported me as I accepted consequences from bad decisions and reveled in my good ones! I don't think you ever missed a ballgame, a recital, a halftime show, cheer camp show-off, or even a good trick off the diving board! Thank you for making life an adventure and teaching me so much about what kind of adult I would need to be by showing me by example. I love you and appreciate you and am glad that life is so rich for you at this juncture in your life.
P.S. Happy Mother's Day to my sister too! Isn't it fun having babies at this time in life, and to raise them together... this is gonna be a fun ride!
P.P.S. Happy Mother's Day to my mother-in-law, DeeDee, who raised a great man. Todd is patient and kind and is an awesome daddy and husband. I know he could only learn these attributes from a mama and daddy who raised him to know better. Love you.
What a sweet post! Ellie and Gabbi are very lucky to have you as a mom.
Great post! So glad that you are a mom and enjoy it so very much. Reading posts like this make me want to have a baby, ha, no not yet! You are my example when people question me or bug me about my age and how old I may be when I do have kids. You are a great mother, Jin Jin raised two great girls!
Happy Mother's Day to all!
You celebrate being a mom every single day, Mel...it's evident in your blog posts! :-)
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