OMMMMMGGGGG... If you saw the panties picture, pretend you didn't. If you didn't, count yourself lucky! And yes, that was some unidentified stranger whose name will remain anonymous! OMMMmgggggg... she'd KILL ME!! Hahahahahaha
Can you tell I am more into the story telling of my pictures than my actual pictures themselves?! I got kinda caught up!

This is prior to a little running around the resort grounds. These days the more trampy it is, the more my oldest daughter likes it! This cute little Ralph Lauren white denim skirt is actually Gabbi's and with the right top, would be so cute!!

Ellie takes it, pairs it with a tank which has a little built in bra, and adds a 1/2 sweater adn is capable of skankin' it right on up. But. She did this entire outfit all by herself!! ANd I don't know if you can tell it, but she's pretty jazzed by it!

But one thing remains... they are pretty sweet to each other. ANd for now, I will certainly take that!

Ellie thinks she is about 10 years older than Gabbi and refers to her as a "baby" or refers to she and Madi as "the big girls". SHe does NOT have the concept that they are only 13 months apart! ! She is going to be in for a rude awakening!!

Ok, so no panty shots today! And Mary, to answer your question, I still intend to do an art retreat or two this summer. I've just gotta schedule that sucker and DO IT! And I need to go ahead with that virgin voyage and see how it all goes. I have so many fun ideas. I just need to MAKE It happen! Just like I MADE this vacation happen! Alrighty then, if you were coming to an art retreat, what would be the thing you would most like to see happening there? Scrapbooking, sewing, jewelry design, ....???. Lemme know.
I'm afraid I won't be coming to your art retreat, but I do hope and pray to come your way for another reason. ;)
If I could go on your retreat I'd like to see jewelry making but ANYTHING you'd teach would be a blast. Oh......I'd love to learn how you paint the Christmas canvases!
I thought (or was hoping!) that was a bathing suit/cover up...not that I saw a picture like that or anything!!
i would love to do jewelry.. im going to try my best to come to the retreat.i love to learn how to make jewelry like you do.. i love your posting and all the pics you are posting of your vacation.. looks like yall are having a blast enjoy your vacation and keep blogging and posting pics.. hugs to you
Mo- I sent you an email (hope you don't mind!) Just wanted to tell you to be looking for it!
This is interesting and read it all and do the birthday calculation
Money bags
This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens
Once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to
Your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese
Feng Shui. The one who does not forward.....will be without money.
Interesting - read on!!!
This year we're going to experience four unusual dates.
1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all...
Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add The age you will be this year,
The results will be 111 for everyone in whole world. This is the year of The Money!!!
The proverb goes that if you send this to at least eight good friends money will
Appear in next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENGSHUI.
Those who don't continue the chain won't receive.......
Its a mystery, but it’s worth a try. Good luck.
I thought of Jake when I received this email! He would love all the 11's!!!!!!!!!!!
Does she seriously not know yet? Bet you might be regretting sending all those FB friends over to her the other day:)
I'm just waiting on you to say the date for Art Retreating. I'd love to do a canvas and some jewelry.
And drink bloody marys. Preferably while doing jewelry. I'll do well to paint something recognizable as it is!
If you need any planning help...HOLLA! Whatever it takes to make it happen.
I would love to travel to an art retreat to learn something new...painting, jewelry, sewing. Maybe sometime in the fall when it's starting to cool off here, but still warm in your neck of the woods!
Guess how excited I was to come home yesterday to find a package on my kitchen table from the one and only Mo.....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! You rock girl! Thanks.
I have to tell you, when my 11 yr. old everything-crafty daughter saw it, she was swooning over it and asking about you. When I told her that you also make jewelry (ooohhh), scrapbook (ooohhh), and just about anything crafty, she said, "oh, she's just our kinda person"!! Cracked me up...
It looks like so much fun! I'm loving all the posts and Ellie is looking way too old in her posing for pictures. BUT she is the cutest little girl in Blogworld! AND Miss Gabbi is so sweet. Loving all the pics and can't wait for more!
OMG you are blogging so much I can't keep up!!!! Hope you are having a wonderful vacation and I love seeing all the pics of the girls...they are lucky to have you as their mom!
1) I did see the panty shot and thought to myself that Surely it was someone's bathing suit......guess not lol
2) Jewelry jewelry jewelry for the retreat. That's my vote.
Your posts are making my breakfast soo much better! LOVE that your 18year old (HA) already knows how to pose!!! Please keep the posts coming
Very cute post. I like when your two girls are loving on one a another. I wonder when Ellie will realize that Gabbi isn't much younger than she is, I just love that girl! She's playing a great role of big sister!
Enjoying all the posts! Shouldn't Todd and MA (and maybe Hunter) be there...?
As the mom of 2 boys born just 10 months apart, I LOVE your posts about your precious girls. My oldest was just like Ellie. Always referred to his brother as "the baby." They are good buddies and I love it! I have been enjoying all your posts and look forward to more to come!
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