As promised...
Is there anything sweeter than some messy haired kids with silky pajamas?! And you know her skin is warm from being sun-kissed! ahhhh... bliss!

Nevermind that whole "Bliss" thing!! This one prefers anything paint splattered, or with a peace sign. WHERE does she get this? She is at an in-home daycare!! geeez!!

Hayden THOUGHT he'd sleep in a little. Hahahahahhahahaaahhahaaaaaaa. NOT with my kids around!

This is what Ellie had to say about his sleeping late on that blow up mattress!

Keeeeee ya!
Drake, Hayden's friend, gave up. He just went ahead and got up and got his shower. Why fight the inevitable?!

She's at the ready!!

And back to this... lalalalala... It's like a changing scene in a movie from a tiger attack to a lady in a long dress picking daylillies. ANd imagine the music playing in the background of each said scene. Well, THAT is my Ellie and Gabbi!!

The dichotomy that is my children!!

Which one are you!?
20 posts!!
Get crackalackin.
I think I'm more Gabbi....wishing to be a little more Ellie! Looks like such a fun weekend.
I just wanna know.... who is the poor sole in the green shirt you photographed in their UNDIES, then plastered on the internet!! LOL! You guys crack me up!!!
I bet Staci is gonna kill you when she sees this....Love yall....
Ahh Haaa Haaa! If that's your sister's undies in the green jammies you better run for the hills when she sees this! OK, I have to stop reading tonight or my guys are going to think I've gone MIA. Now you get *crack*-alackin' and show the owner of the undies their internet debut (looks like 'de-butt' huh?!)... hee hee
I'm like Holly said - more Gabbi yet a wanna' be Ellie.
I'm more Gabbi and so were both of my girls. I LOVED dressing them up just like you do with Gabbi. When I had my son(23 now) I had to search high and low for not so blah boys clothes. What a challenge!
You better hope Staci doesn't see the blog!
Lovin' that the girls are waking up those big boys!
I see London....I see France...I see.....:)
How funny! Poor Hay.....he'll laugh about those little girls waking him up....someday in the very distant future!
I'm more Gabbi but always wishing I was an Ellie! I think deep down I am!
Loooong time reader, first time (I think) commenter. Been reading since the days of Jake!
Had to comment as I sit here laughing at the poor, pantless sole who's rear end just made it's (her(?) as I'm assuming it's Staci) internet debut. :0)
Thanks for the laugh!
I am assuming that this post has been edited. I was an Ellie as a little girl, but somewhere along the way I became more of a gabbi. I think my inner Ellie is still in there somewhere. My girls are 16 and 20. The twenty year old is and has always been an Ellie. My baby girl has always been a Gabbi. I love their differences. They are the perfect balance for one another. :)
OMG!!!!! You got me laughing even harder now that you edited the pics! I love the comment "I see London, I see France...." Poor Staci!!!!
I am an Ellie...on the go, and lovin' life!! Never a dull moment with me, and from the looks of it, never a dull moment with Ellie! I missed the undies....
OMG, I am about cracking up reading these comments! Sorry I missed out on the underwear pic!! Your poor sister! I would say I definitely am a Gabbi, but do sure wish I had more Ellie in me some days! Have a great night!
Back to the post before. When are the jewelry or scrapbooking retreats going to happen? You built the big house.....moved the cottage, etc. etc. I'M READY!
Oh great I leave the house for an hour and I missed it. Mo you crack me up, it must have been good based on the comments. Gabbi is so cute, lovin all the pictures
Do the big boys ever get tired of the little girls and all of the girl drama?
Man,I wish I was on vacation....jealous jealous jealous!
I'm more Ellie!! I love her spunk! I can feel it though the pictures. Gabbi looks so sweet, I could sop her up with a bisquit!!
Poor teenage boys...they don't need to sleep in! ha
Thanks for sharing.
OK I missed the undies too!! Dang it...But loving the comments about it! Looks like yall are having a blast!
I'm thinking that while you're having your art retreats Ellie can teach a class "Unleash Your Inner Ellie Sue"!!! We could all use that!!
Here I am, bringing up the rear!
Your comment about the Shake for Jake reminded me that Don hasn't contacted me about the hunt Pushmataha Plantation was going to donate. I am assuming that you still want it for the auction. Tell Don to contact me.
I can't believe I missed the undies picture but it still cracked me up! I am more a Gabbi but have always wanted to be an Ellie...
Can't wait to hear more
I missed the pic too, but had a good laugh imagining the fallout of you posting it!
OOOooo, crabby teens being awoke abruptly...I know how that goes.
That last pic of sweet GG with her hair all pulled back says it all. Absolutely precious.
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