I have enjoyed all the Q and A! Keep em coming. We have a hugely busy weekend! So, I don't really know how much blogging I will get done. I took the three girls to have professional photos done today, and snapped a few myself.

They had so much fun together. And these aprons... oh my! Could hardly stand it they were so cute!

Keep firing those questions and I will keep answering them.
Can't wait for the pics! I just read your previous post, so I'll have to think of a question to ask ya. But not tonight...it's almost 1:00 a.m. here! I'll ask one tomorrow.
I just posted answers that were probably 3 LONG paragraphs long and it didn't post. I have to rest now! Be back!
Debbie. Find me on Facebook at Melanie Massey. Write something that let's me know you are a blog friend. You really need to friend me. I do a daily pic of my girls! Cause I am pshycho like that. MO
I can't believe I lost my last answer. It was very detailed. And now I have less energy! But I'll try!
I am very open to Gabbi Girl meeting her birth siblings. I had an opportunity in the recent past to talk to the adoptive mother of two of them. She was very standoffish and acted like she wasn't interested in a relationship of any kind. The kids were zoned to go to Gabbi's elementary school, and since I didn't really think they should date, I figured we should at least be aware of each other. Apparently, she wasn't as concerned. I heard they just moved to Texas. I want to stay in contact with all of them to make my job easier one day when Gabbi or Ellie want to find all their peeps. Ellie's birthmom was young and is planning to go to medical school now. Mo
Laura, ARE YOU CRAZY? 1/2 marathon? Didn't you see that I weigh over 200# now? No seriously if I could just get motivated, I'd love to! Hope to see you girls back in Memphis this year. We appreciate your efforts!! Mo
Mary. Hmmm good question.
Best thing about owning my own business? well, it's been lucrative financially. And I am pretty luckey that I have flexibility in my schedule to help with my girls or travel or whatever. I suppose that's the best thing. Oh, and I am a bit of a control person, so I like that I, alone, am ultimately responsible for every decision, down to what color our tees will be or which color chart will stand for which service. I also plan the waiting room photos to hang, the extra activities we will be participating in (upcoming Easter egg hunt), and this week, I had KK come to my house instead of the office (she is our college help), to help me with the girls. So flexibility and control.
As for worst, well... there is a HUGE responsibility for many lives! I am ultimatley the one who has to make sure we have made payroll, and ours is HUGE! I know that each of my employees needs to be productive! I have to motivate them to be so, so that we can meet our many humongous financial demands of a month. So, I guess the worst thing... financial management. I don't think with that side of my brain!
Amanda, don't you worry about it. We WILL be having a sewing retreat! I have already been thinking about what I need to add to my art room to make the room for such a thing. Several of us are meeting here tomorrow at 3:00. Come on over. Mo
Mary. Touchy question! I dated a guy on and off for six years before I met Todd. He's local and a super great guy. I am proud of what he's accomplished. Believe it or not, he and his wife also adopted a little boy. Weird huh? Soooo....
as for the second part of your question...
I hate telling how TG and I met. We were out at a "club". I'm pretty sure it was a country bar at the time. It was a college hangout-y kind of place. It was THE DAY I broke up with the aforementioned guy! I went up to Todd and said, "If you can't figure out this magic trick, will you buy me a beer?"
Classy story, huh? I'm telling my kids we met at Sunday School! MO
Our adoption story is way too simple and almost not even fair! Both of my girls' birthmoms called me and asked me if I wanted to adopt their babies. Not sure how Ellie's found out about me, but since you may have heard that Ellie's date of conception is Jake's date of death (TO THE DAY), she was just meant to be mine! She actually lives in my neighborhood now! It's just a non-issue! THe birthdad gave up his rights early into the process, because he was potentially in trouble since he was of age, and she was 15. The birthmom was a trooper at the hospital, but the dad decided to show up and start contesting things. I decided to focus on my adoption attorney's advice (as she was in and out for the whole arrival), and ignore him, because his rights had long been waived. But when I heard he was upstairs trying to convince the birthmom, I called HER mom who came back to the hospital and checked her daughter out a day early. She said, "I'm taking her home. I know how to watch for infection!" I've always loved her for that! From then on if the birthdad, who had no rights, wanted to see Ellie, it was in MY hospital room! 5 days later, the paperwork was signed, and all was well with the world. The dad... got another young girl pregnant 6 months later. There's a little girl in town who looks an awful lot like ESG!
Gabbi's birthmom called me at work, and said,"I'm pregnant and I don't want this baby. Do you want it?" She was going through a lot with the foster system, having four other kids all in foster care, and knew that the baby would go straight to the foster system too, should they find out she was pregnant and didn't have a plan. WHEW! Can you imagine MY GG with another famlily? I am SO glad she called me! I took her to every appointment, and we stay in contact now.
Not a lot of drama for me. You should definitely go for it again. Prepare your heart. I kept mine open but guarded throughout the entire process! Mo
Oh Mo! Those sweet cousins together is so wonderful. Am gonna brag on my babaies cuz your babaies bring them to mind. here is what you have to look forward to...
My oldest is 23. She is fresh out of nursing school, working in a an ICU, has her own real apartment and just last night had her 18 year old cousin sound the night. Not any of her "grown up" friends, her 18 year old bestie cousin. What said bestie doesn't know is that for graduation her parents are sending her to Hawaii with her grown up cousin. They are so close and such good friends. All eight of mine are.
Ober the weekend we celebrated one of my babaies 16th birthday. It was tons of fun but he said what he wished for most was that his sister and 2 cousins would have been able to come home from college to celebrate with him...how many 16 year olds wnt that...and this kid is cool, in a garage band and everything LOL :-)
I love to see pics of all three of yru girls. I love to read about your big ole fun loving family and I am like a little crystal ball into what you have to look forward to. As your kids, all of them, grow older they will always have home and they will want to be there because that is where their people are. You have given them such a strong foundation of family and it reminds me of my own. We are lucky girls Auntie Mo! Lucky...BLESSED...indeed!
How awesome that one picture inspired all that mush from me. I off for a little photography of my own. One of my college boys is home for a LaCross game...time for a few action thoughts!
Have a great weekend Auntie Mo
I'm back! I used to post comments all the time but then I went away for a while but now I am back and happy to see that you are still here! I can't believe you built your house and moved in! I was away longer than I thought! Your girls are gorgeous and growing up so fast. My oldest grandson is around Ellie's age and the baby is 9 months old. They have stolen my heart and are my life! You are so lucky that Todd works with you - my husband travels all. the. time. but is usually home on weekends. He just got back from England last night. How is Stacy? I followed Jake's blog (that is how I "met" your family) Madi is getting big, too! How are the 2 boys? Good to be back! Susan in West Virginia
Oops! That posted under my daughter's name - sorry! I will post this under my name so you know who it is from! Susan
Hi Mo! Just a faithful blog follower here -- Kathy, I live in Dallas. :)
This is really silly, but I have been dying to know if the circular staircase in your house is the only access to the second floor! Guess I'm just so practical that I can't imagine not putting in a "real" staircase. I don't think I've seen another staircase in your pictures. Like I said, silly question, ha!
Also, just wondering if you sold your other house yet? Forgive me if you mentioned it and I missed it. Although I NEVER miss your blog posts, lol! I love seeing your pictures, not only of your girls but also of your crafts and your decorating. You have such talent and flair, of which I'm very jealous!!! :)
Thanks for letting us ask questions, I love this!
Kathy (but my friends call me Kat!)
Hey Kat. I am not known for my practicality! YES. It is the only staircase. I AM, however, known for my "flair"! Ha! So, TG and I rented a lift deal to elevate beds and such to the second floor. NOpe, Haven't sold the old house yet. Got too much work to do on it to get any kind of good money yet. Should be on the market in summer. Mo
Hey, me again. (Haven't been by in a couple days so be warned:long comment ahead.) First off, are you kidding? I loved your rainbow room and I love your rainbow house. So my question(s) is/are, "did you have help designing the house and if not, did you feel like you had another full time job doing it? I know I did with ours. It about wore me out. BTW, we do have really similar tastes with the French style, the stone, and the cypress. Must be something in that WM water.
Next question: What kind of camera do you use?
Last question: Did you know Pioneer Woman is getting her own show? (Food Network I think.)
p.s. I agree, Pia was boring. I like Jacob but he's gotta do something about his feminine mannerisms if he wants to win.
Tee. Let's see if I can do this without looking back at the questions...
first: You and Amanda both want to know what kind of camera I use. It's a Canon Rebel T1i. And I had to go get it to know that answer, if that tells you how "into" my professional gear I am. NOT very. I have never had a class, but have really paid attention to good photos, and hardly ever use a flash when I shoot. I love up and down angles. Versus straight on.
Second: Pretty much designed my own house. Could do it TOTALLY alone now that I have lived through one! But, I had a friend who has helped lots of people who was very respectful of my style, but who helped me pull it all together. I liked having her as a sounding board. TOdd couldn't care less about most decisions. Some he was very invested in, though. His man cave, outdoor grill area, etc.
And NO, I didnt' know PW was getting a show, but not surprised. She's the BIG TIME! Maybe Mo STuff will be a show some day! Ha. Melanie
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