Thursday, April 14, 2011
Taking babies to school.
Well, so much for Paul. I hate that. I LOVED watching him dance and wiggle in only his unique way! Pia bored me to tears in a Celine, better than everybody/ diva way, and Stefano... WHY!? Ok, so I will stop with the Idol talk. THanks to those of you who played along. I long for a little interaction with all the peeps who read this blog. So, hey. Why not today, you shoot ME a question. Just whatever. I will try to answer it in the comments section as I check the blog and see new questions.
Have I mentioned my new hobby? If you are my FB friend, you may have seen my hint...
I learned to SEW the other night. And, as is my usual case, I am OBSESSED!! I don't know where I can squeeze out any more time, but just you wait til this weekend... I will be posting my first three projects! I made three shirts. F-U-N!
We have spring portraits tomorrow afternoon, a bridal shower Saturday morning, pics for a friend of prom Saturday night, a birthday party for a 3 year old neighbor Saturday, an Easter egg hunt Sunday afternoon, a 4 year old birthday party Sunday afternoon....
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I can't think of a question right now other than what kind of vitamins do you take for all this energy! :) I can't wait to see the shirts you made! Love the pics of those cute cute girls! Can't believe how big they are getting!
First question to come to mind is have you & Todd thought anymore about adopting another child. I know you had talked about it before and talked about maybe wanting to add a boy to the mix. Just wandering if that's something that might happen in the future or are you pretty set with your perfect opposites?
I love this idea! What is your favorite memory from being in your sorority?
You are such a positive person and a 'giver'. What really ticks you off and when you do get ticked do you work out of it?
My question is... What does Todd do for a living?? I believe you've mentioned something about making golf clubs?? (job or hobby??!)
No questions right this moment, but I sooooo enjoy reading your blog...don't always comment, but I ALWAYS read it....EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I do this in the mornings with my coffee....huggers, BJ
Would you recomend lap bad. Tell me the good and the bad
I have to go with Mbeaty19 and ask about adoption / more children? It seems like you have more than plenty of love to give!
I want to know---are you ALWAYS so "up" and in a good mood? Or do you just get dadgum "ill" sometimes?? haha...I wish I could be as happy & joyful as you all the time. You are just so much FUN!!! I wish we were neighbors so I could come over to all the fun get-togethers ya'll have! Love, love, love all of you!! Much love from Georgia :)
Oh BOY! But I feel we are like besties already! Haha.
I know you can't see me...sitting here trying to come up with a question! I would've asked about lap band or I want to think of something different. Ummmm....You've said you played softball. I'm a huge softball/baseball fan. What position did you play and have you played slow-pitch as an adult? I know, lame...but I'm interested!
Have a happy/busy weekend!
Hugs from Missouri,
I think it is so "funny" that I come to your blog EVERY single day and know so much about you and your darlins. Like I truly know you and you are one of my friends. So my question for you is: What blogs do you read? Do you have some that you stop in on a regular basis? And I'm also kinda wondering if you have ever clicked on my name and stopped by my blog? :)
I love this! As a fellow mom of girls, what do you think are the two most important things you can teach your girls about life? I'll tell you mine in a later comment.
I see mention from a few comments that people feel like you are their friend. My you get creeped out by people who approach you and say they read your blog (like I did in Little Rock at the Keith Urban concert LOL)?
Second question...when will you ever remember to send me the canvas I ordered? Girl, I know you stay crazy busy. Not a huge deal.
I DO love me some MoJoy! It's the way I start everday!
My son has had AFOs since birth, I realize they are custom to each foot, but is there anyway to recyle them to anyone?
I loved Paul too! Stefano shold have gone first. Pia, yes boring. I'm voting for James, lauren and Jacob. My question: What does Todd do for a living?
When are you going to the beach and for how long this year? I so enjoy you sharing your beach/ocean/dining out/crafts and the girlies' outfits and swimming suits. I soothe my absence of beach and ocean by viewing your fun.
Love the pics of the girls. They still look a bit sleepy.
Have you sold your other house yet?
SEWING? You exhaust me! Question....retreats? when??? I vote for a scrapbooking one! Also, are you putting in a pool? The girls are adorable. I love to read your blog!
Oh Lordy mercy, I better get going! I, Ellie and looks like maybe Gabbi too, are all home sick today, so I can take time here and there to play this! I'll start from the top...
I really don't know about the adoption thing. Todd says NO. NO more! He loves his girls and thinks we are a perfect foursome! I kinda feel that way too. But... Gabbi's birthmom called me recently and is pregnant. Not sure why she would be telling me if it wasn't in the back of her head. So, there's that to be considering. This is her 6th, and she is 24, and she does not have custody of any of them. SO, we may have to really explore that. But, for now, I'm trying to just be content.
Debbye, I am coming back to yours. I have always wanted a public forum to tell a sorority story, so it may be longer, so be watching for it. I guess I can start with LOVING intramural sports with my sorority. We appeared to be girly girls, but were a bit bad ass! We (KD's) dominated in flag football, softball, and won overall panhellenic everything every year. Those were the glory years. But as you may or may not know, I LOVE sports and was always involved in them growing up! SO, that was a natural fit where the sorortiy was concerned. I was also pledge class president, so I was always really involved. I kinda loved it ALL when I was at a smaller college. Misery at LSU!
My not so happy story regarding my sorority will come another day/ time.
Ok, so...Julia, hmmm...
I suppose the same things tick me off as other people. Funny how so many people talk about how upbeat and positive I always am. Honestly, I sometimes feels that makes me a hypocrite on my blog. Because I am NOT always upbeat and positive! However, I am a firm believer in what you put out there is what you are going to attract more of. SO, if I have an opportunity to write something daily, why would I squander that on a negative ANYTHING that would only sap my joy all over again?! I am amazed at the people on Facebook who have one opportunity to write a "status" and choose something like,"It's raining again." or "I have a horrible headache." I mean, seriously? There's NOTHING else that you can come up with to share with the world? Is that a soapbox? I hope not. Just an observation.
I will be thinking about that whole what really ticks me off and get back with you! MO
Becky and Joan... Todd the Bod...
Well, Todd DOES have a college degree! HE just never quite figured out what he wanted to do with it. God has a way of matching up the right people with the right people. The good news is that while he was trying to figure it out, I KNEW! So, it worked.
At present, he works at MMPT, as my accounts payable dude. I LOVE having him there. Who knew?!
Actually, I think EVERYONE likes having him there. We were a company dominated by women, and anyone who works in a similar situation knows that MEN have a way of letting more things just roll off and not making such a big deal out of the little stuff. It tends to take the edge off everyone! I mentioned a huge embezzlement deal that occured at my clinic last year, so having TG there has really helped me relax knowing there's a second set of, just as concerned as mine, eyes watching the coop!
And yes, his club making is more of a hobby. MO
Theresa, I think I already answered that one. I Do get in my foul moods! I sometimes go NUTS over the fighting with my bossy, sassy toddler who is SO strong willed it drives me nuts. (WHERE does she get that from!?) Because I run a pretty big therapy practice, I can also say I get a little miffed at slackers at work! ANy other bosses out there? I just want/ expect people to give their best when getting paid for their work. Hmmm, what else? I'll be thinking and get back to you.
Tracie, I think I covered yours already. I always wanted four kids. But didnt' anticipate a nephew with cancer, raising nephews in the mix, starting a running a very busy medical practice, and then starting motherhood at 38! With that... Doubtfully on the more kids thang. But never say never!
Jeni, sorry I skipped you. Lapband. Yes I would do it all over again. But, if I were looking into it now, I would consider the gastric sleeve. I have been seeing some unbelievable results with that! And I am back over 200 pounds, which is NOT cool! However, I have HORRIBLE eating habits, (please no "shameful you" emails, thank you very much), and trust me when I say, lapband IS a sacrifice. A huge one! We eat out A LOT with our friends, and I hated the constant back and forth to throw up to the bathroom! My band is an "older" model, and there have been some changes. Mine is highly sensitive, so it seems I can either eat whatever or nothing at all. The whole "limiting" factor hasn't been all that fabulous for me. I wish I could just love me being me... at whatever weight. It is the biggest, number one, most absolute YUCK thing about myself. I'm sure everyone has "their" thing! Mine is my weight!! MO
Shari. Yes, I played as an adult, but only until about young thirties, mainly because I got so dang fat! I pitched some, but was always a slingshot pitcher, vs. windmill, so was usually put in as a "change it up on 'em" pitcher, vs. a starter. I am a FIRST BASEMAN! period! LOVE that position. Played that from about 6-7 years old til adulthood. I know everything there is to know about first base! ha.
And since you asked (not!), one of my very fondest memories EVER, but especially regarding softball, is when we were in the world series for summer ball over in South Carolina. My best friend growing up was Kelli Dickerson. She was the kind who could, and did, knock it out of the park. I was a base hitter. Get on, steal, score. That was me! Anywho. We were at the closing ceremonies of the World Series, which by the way we WON by beating Texas in the finals, and they were announcing Offensive and defensive MVP's of the entire tournament. I whispered to Kelli, "You may win this! You hit out as many as that amazon from Texas!" And as I am whispering to her, they announce Offensive MVP of the 1986 World Series...Melanie Massey! I nearly fell OUT!! Of every girl in the whole tournament, I apparently had the highest batting average of anyone. See, slow and steady DOES win the race. Glad I could share that. It was one of my proudest moments! Mo
Bethany. I DID just go visit your blog so I could say I did! I actually think that was my first stop! Sounds like you are as busy as me! OR MORE! You have yourself a Posse! I, like the rest of the world, MUST go check out Ree and the Pioneer Woman. Usually only her main blog. All the others bore me, after all, I am not a homeschooler, cook or photographer (well, maybe sorta), so I just stick to her neat ranchlife stories. I really love Emily Falconbridge, so earthy and natural, but could NEVER live like her! And I occasionally like to see what Stacy Julian is doing or Becky Higgins, since I just bought her big scrapbooking package this year (haven't done a single page!), and Ali Edwards. But gawlleee, she lives like a most perfect life that occasionally gets on my nerves. I hope I never come across as having a perfectly organized and happy, wonderful life. I am far from it. I usually stop by my friend, Bre's blog, just for a bit of "hey I know you", and believe it or not, noone else I know blogs! I used to go check Lindsay's and Jessi's but they both stopped blogging. I surf blogs often, because I love to find new ideas, for instance, now that I am a seamstress and all (HA), I am LOVING the blog LIttle Blue Boo. And I like blogs with a gazillion related links too! we should have a big blog swap one day! Oh, and I always check out Elsie Flanigan too. Not sure why. We definitely do not share similar tastes in style. But, you know what I think it is... she is a positive person. I just like positive people. Mo
Nineisenuff... Man! ON the spot on this one! Two most important things to teach a girl? There's GOT to be more than two! I mean, you want them to respect themselves, thus demand respect from others (boys!!), but we haven't really gotten to THOSE kinds of talks!
So for now...
I think, hmmm...
the importance of family. And we will have some BIG "family" talks coming in our near future. That families can come together in all kinds of ways.
Being proud of your work... at this juncture, it is art related.
Respecting people's differences (they hang out at my clinic a lot, so they see ALL kinds of kids and differences)
Being brave to try new things.
I know that's more than two. I will have to seriously contemplate my "biggies". That's not a question I can wing. Although I tried! And I KNOW I will think of a few biggies later and wish I had added those!
Thanks for making me think! MO
SHannon, as in crazy stalker Shannon from Little Rock.
I LOVE when people introduce themselves. I cannot believe it though! It is surreal to meet folks who just know you through the internet. Crazy world now, isn't it?!
And remind me again... are you Overman? If so, send me that address so I can ship that thing out! It's been ready since the week you ordered it, I think! Just lost touch. Mo
Other Shannon. Yes, I do recycle AFO's at my clinic. As "custom" as we want to say they are, they really do a pretty good job when I have a similarly sized kid who I am not sure if AFO's will help or hinder. I have also cut some down to make SMO's (know that term yet?) when a full ankle block isn't necessary. So, yes. I do recycle. Mo
Mary H.
We are going to the beach (Paula, Tashia and I) end of this month. KEY WEST!! Then, as a family, we go our usual time at Memorial Day weekend for about two weeks. Todd always comes later, because he plays in a golf tournament that weekend. I have been trying to round up sitters to go with us. It's a pretty good gig for them too! Staci and Maddi are working to go with us too. MO
NOPE. Haven't sold the old house. We have so much work to do on it. And we need to get GOING! I want to use that money to put down on this one!! WE have so much yard work, some replacement of fascia (?) boards, a leak in a ceiling that messed up some sheetrock, etc. Just gotta get our big butts in gear to fix it! Mo
Mary, This has been fun!
Ok, yes, probably a pool someday. But not now. I don't want that stress! I like walking next door to Paula's for now! It means no way will they sneak outside in a curious manner to check it out without me. Yesterday, Gabbi dove in off the stairs WITHOUT a ring or floaties on. She would've drowned had two of us not been there watching her. She has little fear!
And retreats, YES! YES! YES! I just need to get my mojoy in order to clean up my artroom and get one organized! I am shooting for the summer! I have a friend (SUZY) and one moving back (BRE) who should be able to get me lined up to do these. I have so many FUN ideas, but as of yet, my art room keeps getting smaller because I have so much stuff in there! I also plan to work part time this summer, so should have time to do a few! Stay tuned! MO
got me thinking!
A couple more, and now I will be making a life list, and hone it til it's what I want!
Respect and love nature.
Create your own fun. that's a compliment to your own creativity.
Hey Mel. I am from North Mississippi and I am sponsoring a group of Sr High Girls in their mission at The Ronald McDonald house in Memphis. They want to do a once monthly event for patients, their siblings and their parents. Knowing that you and your family spent time there I was wondering if you had any ideas of things we could do. We went in March and did a Cookie Decorating/Disney Karaoke party. We are learning about food restrictions in the patients and don't want to leave anyone out. So, besides providing a meal do you have any ideas of fun stuff we could do with the kiddos?
Great answers, Melanie! I love to talk to other parents about their experiences.
Our girls are 9 (today!), 12, and 15. If I had to pick the two biggies right now (and yes, there are many more!), I think #1 - encourage them to have their own relationship with Christ. #2 - people skills! Because no matter what you do later in life, good people skills will get you far! Learn to get along with all kinds of personalities. We are trying to intentionally surround ourselves with the kind of people we want our girls to become. And I think that respect for yourself grows out of learning good people skills.
Work-ethic is high on our list, too (as business-owners). Family is, too, and we are fortunate to be close with all our family.
I'm loving reading all the questions and answers!
I admire how close your family and friends are to each other!! Y'all always seem to be getting together and hanging out. Do y'all ever get on each others nerves??
You have made such an impact on many children and adults of various abilities. What made you decide to go into physical therapy? How did you start your clinic? You have said you worked mostly with adults, so why did you decide to make such a children friendly clinic? Why did you decide to expand you clinic? Basically, tell me about your work life!
I don't really have any questions right now other than can you tell me how to find you and add you to my facebook friends? I love your blog and love hearing about your girls they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Well it seems like I already know you, but lets see ..... I got a few...."after reading your question regarding Gabbi's birthmom and seeing that she does have siblings, do Gabbi ever get a chance to see them?" Also, given the fact that I have a very strong willed, and outspoken child as well, do you feel that sometimes there are some things you just do not bend on? If so, which ones are they? Also, have you checked out Bree's woodland fairy pics on fb? I think it would be a wonderful theme for your girls, especially w/all that lush and green yard of yours!!
Well I am really curious how you think life with Ellie will go when she's 7? 10? 16? if she's so strongwilled now at 3? And how important is God/ religion in your daily/home life? Hope you stay open minded about a couple more kids- you do have a lot to give in many ways and it'd be awesome for Gabbi to grow up with a biological sibling!
Kristina, without being too specific, seriously ANY craft activity is welcomed! Those kids get pretty bored being inside all the time! Y'all could do something like a hide and hunt, like an indoor egg hunt. Or any sort of foam decorating project with those foam sticker craft projects. Also, does anyone have a portable printer? Take their pics, print em out and make a frame for them on the spot. that they decorate. That'd be fun. Decorate a tee shirt, ribbon up some flip flops, the options are endless!! Glad y'all get to experience that. SO fun. Mo
NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK?! Do you have a sister? There are family dynamics that I think are just universal. Like a little bit of competitiveness! We both have girls the same age now, so that will be its own source of contention from time to time. Both trying out for cheerleader, both taking dancing and wanting the main character,...whatever! So not cool. But, we get along pretty well, I suppose. My girls, otherwise, are Paula and Tashia. We have a friend going through a rough road right now, so we are drawn together pretty tight! But, as anyone, we go through the typical, roll your eyes, things. Mo
Kristina: Don't mean to butt in, but we spent some time at RMH in Memphis too. I started a scrapbook while we were there. I'm pretty sure it was called "All About Me" and I left it in the Craft Room. Did you know they have a craft room? Well, of course they do. St.Jude and RMH are just LIKE that. Anyway, each patient did their handprint on a page w/ some info. and left it in the book. Hope it's there but that would have been in 2005.
Hey MELANIE: my question is what have you done creative this week? Any Talismans? I was thinking I had already asked you, so I may have missed your response. I'll be thinking about ya tonight (and I"ll get back to you), but I'm making some 3x3 (or smaller) somethings...
Love this opportunity to ask questions! :) I've always been curious about what it's like to have your own business? what's the best thing? What's the worst thing? I'm also curious about therapy: when would you use PT v OT v chiropractic care? What's the differences? How did you get in this field?
Are you doing the 1/2 in December with us Rolla, MO girls? As you said, if we can do it, you can!
Are you doing the 1/2 with us Rolla, MO girls in December? We did it so I know you can to.
So I don't really know you in real life but I feel like I do since I know so many people that really do. I work with Julie Thompson & used to babysit for Cynthia Parker. I'm coming out of lurking to let you know that I'm so excited that you have learned to sew!!! A friend & I were talking about how much we would love to come to an art retreat but we really wished it would be a sewing one. You have to put it on your list for this summer. There are SOOOO many cute fabrics & we could have sew much fun. Maybe even Lindsay would come and help us out. I can't wait to see what cuteness you come up with.
I just love ya Mo. Because you remind me a lot of myself...except I have absolutely ZERO artistic ability. But you are an auntie after my own heart. I cannot have kids of my own and my sibs have been gloriously generous with sharing theirs. I love my eight with a fierceness and passion I cannot quite put into words. Much the way you love on yours...especially when Jake was in the fight for his precious life.
So no real questions, just a little lovin from your Yankee nurse friend up in the Pacific Northwest! Have a great weekend!
whew. Ok, one more for tonight. I'll pick up tomorrow where I left off.
Ava, I started my practice because I really wanted to work with kids and there was no such practice around here offering services (PT, OT, Speech Therapy) to kids. That was 15+ years ago you gotta understand. And actually, the adult side has just evolved. I would hire a therapist who had a skill set which catered to the adults, so we went with it. Now, we are probably 70% adult. At least in the clinic I work in the most. I have five freestanding clinics. Monroe, WEst Monroe (peds and adult), Ruston, and Shreveport.
My Poppa used to say "Make a decision, then make it right." that is basically what I did when I decided to venture out on my own and start a practice. I knew NOTHING about billing. I bought a book and hired Staci to come type up the codes that we looked up individually to describe the service I'd provided that day. We used a borrowed typewriter and I had a box of index cards I wrote on for her to come copy from at the end of her school day. Very fancy set up! Hey. It ain't where you been... it's where you are going! ANd that's my PT practice story. Slow and steady won that race!! Mo
Oh I love the story about starting your clinic!!!
That's awesome!
Have a great weekend.
Hope you haven't already mentioned this ~ did you use an adoption agency? How long was your total wait? We're your BM's demanding and did you every worry they would change their minds? Sorry for so many 'adoption' questions! We did fertility treatments for several years and then our adoption process took a couple of years. I would love to adopt again, but the whole process scares me (ours was pretty trying)!
I have a question... How did u meet Todd and was he your first true love?
Ok, I have lots of answers on the next post. Go check for your answers! Mo
What type of camera(s) do you own? Have you taken any photography classes or are you self-taught?
How do you do all this creative stuff with your girls. Sew. And so much more and update this blog daily. (which you do a great job at(: ) Is it hard handling your blog? And do you have a facebook page?
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