If only I hadn't let her have that chocolate. These would've been blow up quality for sho!

But alas, we were eating M&M's if I had to make a bet on it.

This is my baby girl who actually ASKS for chocolate! And she can't say her C's, so you can just imagin that word! She gets that chocolate craving honestly!!
But, the point of this post is to call attention to....


She has the CRAZIEST cowlicks all on the top of her head, but I swear, I think it gives her body on top. I wish I had those cowlicks!

And it just bounds around her face, like "the Rachel" of the 90's. And have I mentioned how LONG it is getting?

She is just a JOY! I just thought I'd give you a look at my sweet baby girl early in the morning, on a lazy weekend, with beautiful hair, and a face full of chocolate.

You're very welcome!
and Happy weekend! SHEW! It's been a long, weird week!!
wow...no comments yet! I feel so special to be first! HA...she does have beautiful hair! She is a doll for sure! I love that you allow your girls to eat chocolate in the morning. I can't imagine! HaHa. Well, enjoy your weekend! It's finally here!!
Hugs from Missouri,
Precious with or without a chocolate face.
Hi Mo ~
Chocolate and all, you can't get much cuter than her! She is a living doll - you can just tell.
And chocolate in the morning - why not, you only live once!!
Her hair is beautiful, just like her.
You did good, Mo - two darling little girls.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Diana from Colorado
All of your pictures are just precious and priceless. Keep 'em coming!!
gg is so beautiful and i love her long hair. ellie was absosmurfly adorable in her ballerina oufit. i don't care what you say, that girl has great taste! lol
Find a really good photoshopper to 'clean' the chocolate off her face then you can blow it. Although, I'd blow it up as is as I love it as much as I love chocolate!!
Those are the BEST pictures Mo. I agree with the last poster...I'd blow them up anyway, chocolate & all. She is just beautiful, and has grown into such a big girl!!
Don't forget to bring attention to those beautiful eyes too, along with her pretty long hair!
Enjoy your weekend with your little sweethearts.
I love long hair and have definitely noticed that long beautiful hair both your girls have. I'm amazed at how long their hair is getting (Gabbi especially)I love how her hair frames her face and you are right about her cowlicks giving so much body to her hair. The one thing that makes me sad about only having boys - Never being able to do my children's hair.
Mo, if you want to email the pics to me, I can take the chocolate off her face :) abrant13@gmail.com!
her hair is just gorgeous!
You are right!!! Just beautiful. Chocolate or no chocolate; BLOW them up!!!
Beautiful!!! Chocolate or no chocolate; BLOW them up! Have a great day/weekend.
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