Have I mentioned that we are a little busy around here?! Wellllll, more than EVER in my whole entire life, I think! For instance, if it wasn't for my mama, I am dead serious that I would not be able to get my oldest kid to her dance class. It just wouldn't happen!

I typically meet someone at 7:15 in the morning, such as this morning when I met the landscaper. And then, I work like a dawg til lunch... where I hustle back home to meet someone else... today the girl to paint the cabinets, then back to see many, many patients in the afternoon. Today, I waited extra long for my 5:30 patient who never showed. In the meanwhile, I forgot about the tree trimming guy I set up at the house for 5:45. INsane in the membrane!
Oh, wanna know more about these pictures?!

Obviously, these were taken at the old house. Where things were slow paced and calm and small.
Ellie was on the cabinet, doing a little catalog shopping.

Most of the time, she just wanted to buy long hair! She is obsessed with her hair being long!

And apparently, she picked out these cute little black and white polka dotted shoes. Gurrrrl, I gotta tell you. I am in agreement! I wish they came in my size!

Sorry I got a little vent-y tonight. I am just so dang tired! Todd's parents are coming Thursday, and since they get to visit about once a year, I really want my house to be in as good an order as I can get it. And then, oh... did I mention two toddler baths, (and one who HATES them and resists them like the plague..Gabbi Girl), feed two babies and a husband, straighten up a bit, and dang, it's like 11:30! I need 56 hour days! Just sayin'!
Looking forward to things slowing down!
Remember to take care of yourself too!! :)
Slow down Mo and just live in the moment! Remember it doesn't have to be perfect all the time! There is gonna be some days....things just won't and CAN'T be done! I truly had to "get that understanding" myself. I felt like I was running myself ragged w/that mindset!!
I'm sure Todd's parents understand you have just moved and everything is not gonna be in order! Just LIVE IN THE MOMENT and ENJOY YOURSELF/FAMILY!
Also...how's your health. I have been on vacation and don't recall you saying if you visited a doctor or anything! Yep, that's right girl...I'm keeping TABS on ya!!
One person can't, CAN NOT do it all. And if it all can't get done quickly then it gets done when you have time.
By the way...I'm gonna SUB your word for the year!! Instead of NESTING, it's gonna be RESTING!!! I think you over shot the "nesting" by a longshot! You kinda swayed more for >>>>>>>> EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM!! Get it!! Ha!!!
Take it easy Mo...life is too short. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Enjoy each day with those little ones - soon they won't be little any more. Take care of yourself too!!
Your in-laws will love your house whether it is "perfect" or just has the four of you standing in the middle of a mess - they probably would like to help. So don't drive yourself crazy, they are coming to see you people as much as the house and I am sure they would tell you the same. So, try and slow down a bit, I know that is next to impossible, but try - and, a-vent away here. It is okay.
I have one that was resisting bathtime until we let him have a popsicle in the bath every night. It works great. I keep like 3 different kinds in the freezer, let him pick, and then by the time he is finished I am done with his bath! Try it out it might just work for you too!
Oh and by the way....vent away girl...you need to get all that out! you are one amazing women, don't ever forget that!!!
Thought of you earlier this evening while browsing Kohl's.com's Christmas stuff. They have a new "Spirit of the Season" dinnerware that you can get with "Believe" on them. And also Believe mirrored wall stickers which would look great somewhere in you BAH!
Take care of YOU so you can take care of those adorable girls!
Oh Mo, I wish there was something I could do to help you from afar!
My life has completely changed over the past 1 1/2 years, because I've been learning (I'm kind of a slow learner - hee hee) how to say "NO"! Once I realized that it's ok to say no to those things that don't fit my priorities, and not worry that someone will be "mad" because of it, my life has been somewhat simplified.
You ARE Wonder Woman; however, you don't have to be!!!!
Love your Keeping-it-real post!
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