Ok, I am just going to totally switch gears! No babies today. Only my office peeps.
This is Renee. Renee is usually the first person you talk to when you call in for an appointment. It is her job to get the insurance information all jotted down, take the prescription information with diagnosis and such, and send you over to scheduling.
On the weekends, she is a RIVER RAT!
This is Melissa. She has been with MMPT for TEN years! I have literally watched her daughter grow up! She was a toddler when I met them, and now she is in junior high!
Melissa is in charge of insurance appeals. SHe also maintains contracts we have with outside the office, such as with school systems and such.
This is Beth. Beth also works in billing. She pretty much loads up every charge from about 20 therapists from 5 different clinics at the end of every day. She can also slap a sheet of paper at me in nothing flat with a report from everything from how many patients each therapist saw in a day, week, month, etc. to how much money we expect to written off due to each insurance company's specific contract with us. Interesting stuff tonight, huh?
Beth has a highschooler son, Wes, who is going to be a great leader of some sort some day. He is a classy dude with the nicest manners. THat is a pretty high compliment to a mama these days!
This is Donna. She recently became my office manager. She has experience in this area and has been my right arm since a recent "crisis" occured. You know how businesses are... "crises" occur every now and then, and if you are in the right frame of mind, you GROW from them, not SHRINK!

Donna's hubby works as a contract RN all over the country. He is presently in California and she will be going to visit him in a week or so. SHe is also a great dane mama!
Hey, Jared. How'd you get in here?!

This is my step kid. Actually, I have just watched him grow up, so I count him as one of mine! ANd I LOVE his mom and sister. They both go cheer with me at TEAMJAKE in Memphis!
ANd here is sweet Ashley. SHe is a speech therapist in my West Monroe office. She is the one employee who never, ever, ever forgets to write a thank you note, and always remembers to get me a birthday present, Christmas present, and writes me little notes of encouragement.

I think everybody needs an Ashley.
Oh, and she is married to a cowboy, so they do a lot of rodeoing on the weekends.
Jessica has only been with us a year. And would you believe she found the love of her life and is getting married in October of this year? She was MEANT to come to West Monroe to find him! SHe was a student year before last and did an internship with us. Her family lives in Alabama. We loved her and asked her to stay.

I am making Jess's bridesmaids' earrings once she decides on a pearl color!
You probably already know Karl. He is head honcho of TEAMJAKE every year. He is also my clinical director. He pretty much runs the place. He makes the hard decisions that I am not always able to make. We really lean on each other, as a business this size really requires a leadership "team" and not a single leader!

He also announces every morning that he will be holding prayer in the office for any patients of employees who would like to join to gather with him. We usually have a crew. He typically prays that our gifts are used according to God's purposes and specifically for our patients of the day. You wonder why MMPT is so blessed?!
This is Tyler. Ty-Dawg is a college student who works now as physical therapy tech waiting til the day comes he gets his hiney in PT school. He will make an absolutely awesome therapist! He is sociable and patient and kind. And he can strike up a conversation with just about anybody.

I like him because he always has a pocket knife. (But he needs a haircut!!)
This is Miss Beverly. She runs the West Monroe adult clinic. She takes care of all the patients there, as well as all of the therapists! Everybody loves Miss Bev. She goes to bed about 7:30 and gets up at 4:00ish. I don't understand people like that! She is always the first to open up the joint at 7:00.

And I think if one person asks her in a week who does her hair, 50 do! She is our most stylish dresser of the whole group.
This is Becky (left) and ANgela (right). They are the therapists in the West Monroe adult practice. Becky has done so much continuing education in the area of spine, (neck and back ) that I just personally don't think anyone in town can TOUCH her treatment! The girl's got skillz! And Angela, is probably one of the best physical therapy assistants I have ever known. She can work with orthopedic patients, neuro patients, kids, and recently has even started helping me with my pelvic floor patients. Have I mentioned I am doing a new bunch of patients lately? I'll have to save that for another day!

Becky is in my shoes with the toddler. She has a kid in about the 2nd (?) grade and a two year old. She also has a photography business on the side. OH.... and she is doing the 1/2 marathon again this year for TEAMJAKE.
This is some of the crew in a staff meeting where we were having our first ever telecam'd staff meeting, where we were able to share with our staff from all the other clinics via webcam. It was kind of a trip!

Don't we look all fancy and important?!

We have a couple of extra helpers right now, and I swear it is like having two more PT's! Kathryn, foreground, is a tech, who just finished her internship with us and who is waiting to apply and hopefully be accepted to PT school in the spring. Amy, to the right is a student from St. Augustine University in Florida who is doing an internship with us. SHe has been immensely helpful this summer.

ANd this is Kristi. She is a COTA. And is about to put herself on match.com. If you know a single man. I mean, a GOOD single man, let me know. I think she is mid 20's, extremely sweet, and super fun. I am her manager!

Kristi has a niece named Addabelle which drives me crazy, cuz I LOVE that name!! Remember when Gabbi was almost Annabelle? I am still thinking about that! But, we go to court to finalize that little precious on September 14th, so actually there is still time to change it.
JUuuuusssst kidding. Gabbi Lou, it is!
Ok, found these pics and just thought I'd share. I will highlight some other folks next time. Oh, and guess what. Jessi has started us a new blog....
mmptinc.tumblr.com Check it out! Don't forget it is new, so give us time to make it Fab-u-lous!!
Thank you for doing this on your blog! I talk to my family all the time about my "other" family all the time, so I was so happy when I seen you posted this tonight!! Ive sent them all!! However...I must say... I do LOVE Ellies fashion show a couple of posts back!
Wow, you just said so much about your staff! What a compliment, anyone would be proud to work for you girl!I enjoyed meeting each and everyone one of your Angels! Hugs from Fort Worth!
Melanie, what a great tribute to your staff. I'm guessing that MMPT is an awesome place to work and receive services! Keep up the fantastic work.
Oh, and kudos to Karl for leading prayer in the clinic everyday - that's wonderful to hear!
I finally got to see Ashley! I was her buddy for a TEAMJAKE marathon several years ago. I just love her! She still sends me emails and I love seeing her email address when I go into my email. She looks just like I imagined - sweet as sugar! Loved seeing your office peeps!
Thank you for putting Jared in with your employees. Who knows one day he may work there...he could go around and give everyone a massage!!!! I have said this before but I am saying it again, YOU ALL ARE AMAZING thank you so much for helping Jared reach for his stars!!! I love you guys!!!
Vicki (Jared's Mom)
I have talked to a couple of these folk on the phone. I would love for my mom to come to IMOT. But, I have not been able to make it happen.
What a fun place to work! My son's girlfriend, Tabitha, was an intern again this summer for the PT department in an area hospital. She has one more year at VT (goooo Hokies!). She's also preparing to apply to PT school. I think she has to take some sort of tests first, though...similar to SAT's I believe? I'm sure you know all about those!
I need to know more about the single chick. I have an EXTREMELY wonderful little brother who is 26 and adorable. (like his sister!)
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