It's been a long time since I've had a week like this! I am WHOOPED!
I haven't seen much of my kids as I leave early and stay late at work. NOT cool! But, it is what it is and even in the "other" hours, Todd and I are packing them back and forth to and from the new house. Carpet is in and appliances are coming this weekend. Woop woop.
Sooooo, when I can, we try to take the easy route, and THIS, my friends, is supper!

Supper AND entertainment! McDonald's Playland!

Miss TuTu/ Peace Sign up there took off in a blur!

Precious angel baby darling took time to have a nugget!

And theeeennnnn....

Oh, and I ain't no dummy. I went by and got Emma Lou to entertain the masses. I kicked back on a bench in the mama area and did absolutely NOTHING! That is seriously a rarity! I hardly EVER do nothing!

My girlies thought it was fabulous. Look at that hair! WHERE is your bow, MIss Priss?!

I am so glad these doors are so heavy. Ellie is a wildcat.

This is her in warp speed all over the place. See how I snuck a kinda cute tee shirt in with that purple tutu and Peace sign bow? (Bow... thanks to Emma and PauPau for the "teenage" bow)

She was full of sheer delight. And the grouch I have been this week, she deserved it.

Gabbi moves a little slower, but she grinned ear to ear nonstop as well.

Well, I hope your Friday is a good one. Mine will be... know why? Cause it is a FRIDAY!!
Whew. It's been a doozy. Cannot wait to get in this house we have been building on for 16 months! And Tracey, glad you finally signed in. Oh, and Mere, do so more often! Seeeee, I read every comment. (Tricia and Amy K are regulars!!)
Hope you have a great Friday to MO!!! Doesn't seem possible that 16 months have gone by, since the first posting of the BAH!!!
Don't you just love that purple skirt from Target! I was upset that the purple were all gone when I went back, but I got my hands on the pink one! I'm having deep thoughts about the black one too!! Nothing like a trip to Mickey D to let the kids blow off some energy!! Happy Friday Mo!
That play place looks awesome. We usually do Chic-fil-a, but that looks like more fun!
I was away from the computer yesterday and missed commenting. Your office staff must be a fun bunch of people.
I remember the days of McDonald's playland. Many a day I spent letting my son play after I picked him up from preschool. I chilled&he let off some steam after lunch&before naptime. Do your girls nap? If you tell me that Ellie has all that energy w/o refreshing her batteries...I really have sympathy for you!
Have a great weekend!
Yup, I'm a regular - gotta have some MoJoy with my morning coffee.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stop by this morning, because my son had his tonsils & adenoids removed, so it was an early trip to the surgery center.
Thanks for sharing the cuteness from McDonald's playland.
Happy Friday & Happy Weekend (Hope you find some Mo Time after a long week).
P.S. Do you still have the 52Qs on your refrigerator or have you packed them away and moved them to the BAH? Just wondering if you might surprise us with a 52Q post on Sunday??!! (Not that you don't have enough on your plate already, right?)
I guess you really do read every comment, even during bad weeks :). Those two girls are so cute and are dressed to the nines as they say. I just love their clothes. My kids looked like that too when they were little, but at 24 and 20 I don't get to do it anymore :(. Enjoy the weekend. It sounds like you deserve it.
as far as tutus and pettiskirts go, jc penney's has some cute ones, but you gotta look at the premium pettiskirts at that girl is awesome! i loved the mcdonald's playland when i was a kid (my fave was climbing up in that big hamburger, you know that was when it was outside!) but come to think of it, i've never taken bells. i just might have to take her this weekend! have and stress-free and uneventful weekend!!!
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