Can you believe it? We are getting ready for the marathon at St. Jude in December!
As you may remember TEAMJAKE has been in the top 5 fundraisers in the world for the past 6 years! It is very important to us to continue to raise money for St. Jude as we KNOW firsthand the incredible work they do in that hospital!
I'm not sure here, but I think I was telling my kids to be quiet! And I think they were mimicking me! They'd better stop mimicking me! I don't like it!
As you may also remember, Karl (in gold) is our team leader. He and his wife (in coral) are very involved and have been doing this for us since the first year Jake was diagnosed in 2004.
My little sweet angel was into the meeting as you can tell.
It is always exciting to have "newbies" in the group! They will soon learn what it means to really run for a CAUSE!!

This is our friend, Sarah. This will be her first 1/2 marathon. We are so proud of her!

And man, is this ever a pretty picture of Maddi. When I blew it up to look at her face, it is absolutely gorgeous. I may have to have it matted and framed! And GONE are the days that MY three year old will wear sweet little dresses. NO, now she wears goth make up and "ugly tank tops". :(

My kiddos found a new friend and were outside willing maddi's Barbie car to work! (See my house? Waaaaaay over there?!)

Then, we tried to get a group shot. First one of the season.

Aha! Karl was even able to set the auto timer to get us all in there!

And I was prematurely celebrating that we had captured it , when... FLASH!

And, well, I WARNED Staci. And she posed it up anyway! I mean, really, no bra? STACI! Our mom raised us better!

So, get ready! I will be calling on all bloggers to help with fundraising efforts. We have some really good opportunities to raise money! The first one includes $5 vouchers at Steinmart. So, if you have a Steinmart in your area, be thinking about how many $5 tickets you think you could buy or sell. You take it to Steinmart and get $5 off your purchase, so really, it is a no lose situation! Just puts money in our TEAM's (and ultimately St. Jude's) pocket!
See ya later, alligator!
I think Staci might kill you for the "boob shot"!!!
Your fundraising efforts are truly inspiring. I admire each one of you. I see the 'little' ones were participating too! You start them young. And the mimicking.....hysterical!
The reason that Ellie doesn't act like a three year old is because I firmly believe that she is a 15 year old trapped in a three year old's body.
Mo, Pardon the totally unrelated comment, but I need your help! Our church is helping with a Day in the Park in our little town on Saturday. We're gonna do face-painting on the kids. I need some SIMPLE designs that we can do quickly. When I look on the net, all I get are these elaborate whole-face/head designs. I know you've had some cute little designs on your page, but I can't remember when and don't know how to find the pics. Any chance you can send me a link or let me know what dates to look at on your site? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. God bless.
4 of those "newbies" are my sis's and bro-in-laws!!
Ok these pics are at your new house, right?! Looks like ya'll have already moved lots of stuff!! What little I could see looks great!!! I'm dying to see more pics of everything finished!
Happy to help when you come a callin' on bloggers for fundraising help! Since Jake's the reason we're here together, I want to do my part to keep his light shining (and that smile that brings tears to my eyes) to help so many others in need.
I belive the war is on with Staci ~ can't wait to see the "pay back" picture. Loved all the pix's of your little ones as always ~
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