Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day 2010

Hey. We got something to say!
Say it loud and say it proud. WE LOVE OUR DADDY!
Todd has settled into fatherhood MUCH better and more quickly than I had ever expected.
It's not that I didn't think he'd do great. Buttttt...
You see, we were 38 when Ellie Sue came along. That is a LONNNNG time of doing what we wanted when we wanted! A baby was a pretty huge adjustment at this phase of our lives.
Enter NUMBER TWO! And only 13 months later! Shazam!!
Now our world IS their world!
Todd plays a whole lot more golf. He lets them fix his hair. He paints little fingernails and toenails. He has even learned the importance of monogrammed panties when they are wearing dresses!
Yep. I have a pretty good husband! I think I have mentioned this before, but I have a friend, an older lady, who told me when I was dating Todd, "I like him. He has twinkly eyes." I knew what she meant! I had noticed that before too!
My twinkly eyed husband.
I love you and the life we have together!


Bella's mommy said...

You gotta love a man that understands the importance of monogrammed panties! Happy Father's Day Todd the Bod!

tricia said...

Happy Fathers Day Todd

Molly said...

Love this. You definitely got a good one. Happy Father's Day, Todd!!

Amy K said...

So sweet - yes you do have a wonderful husband! Great photos too!

Beth E. said...

Awww....what a sweet tribute to Todd the Bod, Mo! I love it. You're gonna have to show us some pics of him painting nails! ;-)

Tell him to enjoy his special day. He deserves it!

Dawn said...

Happy Father's Day Todd! Mel - you do have a good daddy and husband. I love the last picture in this post. How ever did you get him to smile for the camera? See you guys Friday!!!

Cherry said...

Loved that you had a good time last night...even with the kiddos..Thank ya'll so much for everything that ya'll have done. Ellie loved Jen didnt she? Your girls are adorable...

jenny said...

LOVE this picture of your twinkly-eyed hubby. What a blessing it is when our husbands love God AND us!

Melanie Christian said...

You have a wonderful husband and the girls have such a wonderful daddy! All of you are so blessed!

Melanie Christian said...
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Anonymous said...

Twinkly eyes like Santa!!!! Happy Father's Day!

MLP said...

Twinkle Tod the Bod! Happy Father's Day! Great post!!!

Cathy said...

Oh, Mel! This made me teary! You two are so great together!