Well, techinically, I didn't do it this time either. Jessi did it for me.
She SCANNED some pictures for me. Why am I so technologically challenged?! I am sure it is simple, but I just haven't learned how to get it from the scanner to my computer. Some day!

These are little photos I took with my Instax camera. My dad and Rita got me this little beauty for Christmas. I think it is cooler than sliced bread. I always did love the Polaroid concept, but as you know, they aren't making those anymore... voila...
Enter Instax.
I especially love them because they are so tiny. I cannot wait to use these in my scrapbooks. Whenever I EVER get back to scrapbooking. I am predicting, maybe July, when we are in the new house and all my stuff is back in a "spot".
So, quickie about these pictures... We tried to take Don's boat out last week for the first time of the season. He had just had it winterized and put in a brand new battery.

We took the girlies to get new lifejackets (You may have seen that on Facebook!... Gabbi patting her leg and calling the "shish" on the dock... dang! I can't link that either!) and headed to the boat landing. When we arrived, Don had already put the boat in the water and we spied him floating about 75 yards away out in the bayou. We had to make do with sand and some juice bottles and whatever we could to preoccupy three toddlers on the bank's edge until a good Samaritan towed him back to shore.
The girls were only concerned about riding in the boat. Ellie has been talking about wanting to do this for weeks. We cross a big river all the time and she always says, "Are we going to ride in that river on Don't boat?" Yesssss, Ellie. And so it has been for day after day after day...
There was no way we weren't riding in that boat. So, with lifejackets on, we stuck them up in the boat and rode around and around the parking lot. Talk about some redneck fun. I was laughing so hard I could hardly speak. Don, not so much!
This is the three of them piled in the back of the borrowed minivan (a la Facebook also), thinking they were riding like this to get crawfish. Actually, Staci, Veronicia, and I , determined to make the most of the evening DID take the girls to eat crawfish and had a ball. There was a "jumpy thing" that the girls got to hang out in, and we just got our bellies full.
And that is the story of our first Boat Ride and my new Instax camera. Have a good day.
You always seem to have fun--no matter the situation!! And as usual, those girlies look so dang sweet & happy!! Still looking for pics of the BAH though......
Those darn boats...we've had to take a ride in the parking lot too. Hey it was still fun!!! Have a nice weekend!
Love the little pics...nice to be able to see things fast and not have to wait to upload on computer or get developed (if people still do that). I enjoy soooo much reading your Blog daily, even tho I don't comment often. I tried to add you on FB but haven't received your confirmation yet. Maybe one day soon? God Bless!
HA...I can just see ya'll towing the boat around and around so the girlies can get their ride!! TOO FUN!!! Sorry Don! I haven't seen the Instax ~ sounds like I might need to check them out!!
Hee hee! I'm sure in the minds of the wee ones, that ride around the parking lot rocked too.
I received the beautiful canvas in the mail, and posted a photo on your FB page - you probably already saw it - it turned out amazing - thank you!!
Happy National Scrapbooking Day...do you have all your supplies packed up? I'm going to try and get something paper-related accomplished today, but it's also my oldest's junior prom, so we'll see!
Have an awesome weekend, and thanks again for the canvas!
as usual, those girlies look so dang sweet & happy!! Still looking for pics of the BAH though......
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Seriously would have loved to see the riding in the boat in the parking lot escapade! Tell Don to lighten up a bit :)
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