Oh wait, look... I did manage to catch a few azaleas in bloom.
Gabbi Girl, loves to walk up and down this little wood plank path. She can do with or without the flagstone stepping stones, but that wood path... is like a magnet to my GG.
Do you remember all the pictures I used to take of Ellie Sue in the garden? At one time, there was only one! And I put my girly poo in the garden on a weekly basis for new blooming pics. I haven't done this as much with Miss Lou. Because, well, now there are TWO. And one of them is ELLIE! And two, outside in the garden, with Ellie as busy as she is, ... equals no camera. Just a need for Gatorade!
This is Mr. Johnny. He has helped me in my garden on and off for the past 10 years or so. He hasn't been around for about 5-6 years, and my poor little garden has seriously suffered. Now, out of the clear blue, he comes back and is wanting to know if I need help. He certainly showed up at the right time. He has dug up about 100 plants and potted them for me to take with me to my BAH. Some of them are really sentimental to me. In fact, my great grandmother's house was updated about 12 years ago, and when that happened, they tore down her chimney. I rescued all the bricks and made a little patio out of them in my garden.
Gabbi Lou is wearing an Ellie hand me down and one of my all time favorites! Precious girls! 
And then, there is good ol' Earl. Gabbi's first word in the morning is "mama?". She tries to find out if I am awake and ready to come get her out of her crib. Shortly thereafter, there is an "Earl?". That baby girl LOVES her dog! And that dog loves his baby, Gabbi! They have a special relationship for sure!
Mr. Johnny has taken up all such important features from my garden, and the majority of them have already been transported to the new location. Can you believe we should be there in about two months?! ahhhhh!!! My garden and my cottage are going with me. Although, Todd and I are still in "discussions" about that. Again. (I'm gonna win!! I'm just sayin'!)
I love seeing photos of your beautiful gardens. I am a gardener, too, but nothing like your gardens. I don't know where you get all your energy!!! Can't wait to see photo of your new home.
your garden is straight out of a book!
The garden looks gorgeous! The kiddos are adorable....as always. Lol. Hey you haven't mentioned anything lately about your lap-band procedure. You look GREAT but how do you feel. Is it worth it? Would you do it again? What advice do you have for someone considering it?
Can't wait to see pics of the BAH!
That is awesome that you are moving all of your sentimental garden treasures with you. Isn't it funny how attached we get to our plants. And I know you are especially attached to your garden for many very good reasons. So happy for you. Can't wait to see some BAH pics. We recently purchased 3 acres and are in the process of having a big pole building built for storage and my hubby's work shop. As a matter of fact I just finished up a post on it so I completely understand your excitement. I only wish we were moving in 2 mos!!! Good luck :)
That's incredible that you're able to take all those plants/flowers with you. And the bricks...love that! I have thought your garden was gorgeous since the first pics I saw of it. Of course adding two sweet girls to the pictures doesn't hurt! :)
Can't wait to see new pics of the BAH!
By all means,please take the cottage,it is YOU..The new place will have to be a hard act to follow to leave all the time and love you have put into the present home and gardens.But what fun for all to establish new roots...I'm proud for you.....
Aw Mo your garden and cottage is just beautiful. I wish I so could afford to buy your old house just so I could have your garden.lol If there is anything I can help you do digging up your plants let me know. If you have any you want to get rid of let me know. I love old timey flowers/plants/vines. Your new place is going to be beautiful with your cottage
I have a feeling your gonna win the cottage discussion too! :) Can't wait to see pics of the BAH
If you're taking votes regarding your 'discussion' with Todd, my vote goes to KEEPING THE COTTAGE. It is so charming and seems to have been such a big part of you pursuing your art! This is all very easy for me to declare, of course, because I do not have to participate in coordinating the move! But all the same, imagine how lovely it would be to continue to have it with you!
Hi Mo ~ Well, it's none of my business, but I think the cottage should go with you. It looks so beautiful - even if you do not use it in the same capacity. Maybe a playhouse for the girls???? Oh what fun that would be and they can sleep in there when they get older...oh the possibilities! It is adorable. Your garden is breathtaking - just beautiful! I can't grow a darn thing......that must come from the fact that I was born in New York....oh well but I do appreciate a great garden.
Gabbi looks like such a little doll on that pathway with Earl - precious! Have a fun Tuesday. Diana from Colorado
I love your cottage...you must take it to the BAH!!! It seriously looks like a picture out of Home and Garden mag!!!
Do you still have your rootbeer plant? If so, do you know what zone it is for? My Mom LOVES rootbeer and I think she would get a kick out of a rootbeer plant, however she lives in Western Nebraska...zone 5.
I do love your garden. Tell Mr. T that there are some things in life that just have to be. You will not be able to 'go back' and get that cottage. IT MUST GO TO THE BAH! There just are no ifs, ands or buts about it. All those memories HAVE to be preserved and taken with you. I'm sure there is a huge group of us that would come down and fight your case with you. I don't think Todd really wants that to happen. OR we'll come down and move that cottage piece by piece and put it back together again. Just let us know when! As always, love your pictures.
Maybe he'd be up to you building a new cottage at the new house? Just think, a whole new project that you could design and build! That's what I'd do. Just sayin'!
Are you crazy?? Heavens NO...you are just BUSY!!
I just absolutely LOVE seeing pictures of your garden!! While I completely understand why you want to move the cottage ~ have you given thought to making it harder to sell the house without it there?? Just a thought for what it is worth!
I'm jealous of your cute family and great life! I'd want to move that cottage too! Come on, it's a one in a lifetime kind of place and it's so cool, you have to take it with you. And Earl..I'm a huge dog lover. I do rescue and if Earl ever needs a new friend you know who to ask :)
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