I am thinking that perhaps the people who suffer the most when we don't have pics to post are the grandparents. Especially those who live waaaaaay down in Orlando or waaaaay up in Wisconsin! They don't get to see our girls as often as they, or we, would like, so this blog is how they get to see our girls growing up.

This is the morning I let teh girls open their Easter gifts from DeeDee and Granddad.

I would say they were straight out of the bed, but as you know, Ellie likes to change her outfit numerous times a day, so apparently she got out of bed, then out of her pj's, and straight into her "green jeans"!
Sweet Gabbi was content to hang tight in her gown. I love a baby girl in a gown!

Those girls are pretty fond of candy... all shapes, sizes, kinds!

Gabbi flocked straight to her suckers! And look, she was even willing to share with her big sister. Can you believe the body in that baby's hair?! I love it!

ANd then, they decided to share the M&M's.

We all have matching turquoise toenails right now. I love having girls!

Above are little Lou's toes. And below are mine and SueSue's!

Look at that bouffant! I just love Gabbi's hair! It looks like the Jennifer Anniston style of the 90's!

Oh yea. She certainly IS double fisting it with the suckers! Hey, it is a care package and it is for a holiday. That is how we roll.

And then, Gabbi packed her a "purse" full of goodies to take around the house a while.

Following in her big sister's footsteps, I guess you could say! The bags were a hit, DeeDee/ Granddad!

So, in conclusion... thank you very much, DeeDee and Granddad for a great Easter package.

We LOVE getting mail! Send a box just any ol' time!
So adorable!!!
We roll the same way around here, Mo!
Way too cute, and those bags are adorable! Does Ellie have hers packed full of accessories?
Love the toenails...my 10 yr. old is all about the turquoise polish that she got for her birthday right now too.
Oh Mo, I am lovin' this first pic of "E"....the expression is priceless. I would love to do you a "custom pic/poem" using that picture. I want to do one for each of your girlies. Please let me know if that would be ok. Cute just doesn't say enough about these girls....huggers, BJ
Precious, just precious - I love Gabbi's two fisted lollipops - way to go girl. And the fact that they share......beautiful. I loved matching with my girls - I know what you mean about being happy your the Mom of girls - there is nothing like it - we are truly blessed. Have a happy day, Diana from Colorado
Mo, did you get my email? My name wasn't mentioned so I emailed but didn't get a reply.. anyways I had the 2 12x12's.. the pickup/airplane ones :)
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