This is a day I have been thinking about for some time. It is and always has been a little hard for me to remember how old Jake was (or how young) when he was diagnosed with cancer. Today Ellie is 2 years and 5 months old. This is exactly, to the day, the same age Jake was when we sat in the hospital stunned and crying, not to mention afraid of what was coming. We never knew how dramatically our lives would be changed.
Many of you have watched as Ellie was born and now as she has been growing up. You realize, as do I, that she is still basically just a baby with a big full life ahead of her. She is vibrant, funny, and the joy of my life.

This little boy was the same to his parents at this very age. I can't imagine life without her and it's still hard to believe life without him.

Your girls are so cute and growing so fast. I have always thought Jake and Ellie favored a little bit. just something about that smile.....Take care and have a Merry Christmas!
Oh how I miss Jake! Those big blue eyes, thank ya'll for sharing his life with us.
Enjoy your sweet Ellie, today and always.
Mo - thanks for sharing that sweet face. . .jake has a light about him. . . . Life is short and so sweet. . . . Ellie is so dang cute!
Merry Christmas!
I don't think any of us could imagine what it was like for Don & Staci to hear the news. As you said at 2 years 5 months a child has their whole life ahead of them. It truly makes you realize what a blessing it is to have a child. It makes you hold them a little longer, tell them a a few more times how much you love them, and make each moment more special. God blessed us with placing Jake in our lives and he continues to bless us. Looking at that picture of Ellie is just another reminder that Jake continues to play of role in your life and how significant his life was.
I sure do miss Jake. He will always hold a special place in my heart.
Your family is awesome, Mo, and all of you...every single one of you...deserve the very best in life. May God hold all of you close as you live each and every day to it's fullest.
Now...go hug those girls for me! ;-)
It is hard to believe that Don and Staci (and your entire family) only had 2 1/2 short years of normalcy with Jake. He truly still was but a sweet babe at the time of his diagnosis. That is a hard one to stomach. My Grant is 4 years 9 mos right now and almost exactly the same age as Jake was when he went to Heaven. I couldn't imagine waking up tomorrow and never being able to hold him again. My heart goes out to you and your amazing family. I have always thought you have all done such a wonderful job of keeping J-A-K-E's spirit and legacy alive. Please know that he is still very much alive in our hearts.
Sending blessing and ((hugs)) your way today and always.
such profound words.................
I am hugging on your whole family tonight. Look in your hearts, I am there.
It still amazes me sooooo much how much Ellie Sue and Jake favor!!! She is the girl version of Jake!! Both are soooo precious and full of life!! I know Jake took care of things for you to be able to be Ellie Sue's mom. He really left his mark on her!! Praying for your family all the time, because I dont know what I would do if I were in your shoes!!
I love seeing that picture of your precious Jake. Thank God for both Jake & Ellie. The world is a better place because of BOTH of them!!!
Mo, thanks for sharing your inner-most feelings with all of us. I too, can only imagine what Don & Staci and you...and the whole family, must have gone thru on that day! Life is sooooo very precious and tho you guys only had little Jake for such a short time...he packed a lot in that short time...he touched lives and changed the way so many people felt about things...he certainly left his mark on this BIG ole mud ball we call Earth! Heaven gained a beautiful little "candle" that burns brightly in the window up above...and some day, that little candle will light the way for his family and loved ones...and there will be a reunion to beat all reunions...God bless each of you Mo, and may He hold each of you close during this Christmas season!.....huggers, Bj
I love that picture of Jake, oh and when I came to comment there were 11 comments...Hey Jake!!!! I cant even imagine walking the path you all had to walk with Jake. I guess the only comfort is knowing he is healed and with Jesus and that someday we will get to join him.
I just hate that Jake isn't here to grow up with Maddie, Ellie & Gabbi. And of course his big brothers. Jake was truly somthing special and he is still changing lives. How can anyone read about Jake and not be a better person? What a glorious day it will be when you are all together with Jesus!
I am a better mother and alot more compassionate now. Like I've said before, when I'm having a bad day, pictures of your girls always make it better.
Two very PRECIOUS and BEAUTIFUL children! Thanks for sharing that PERFECT picture of sweet Jake! And, by the way, I LOVE that shot of Miss Ellie!
Wow! So hard to believe. Jake was so precious and oh how I miss reading about him. Peace be with all of you!
Looking at that your photos it is easy to see that your girls and Maddie carry Jake's spirit in their hearts.
Thank you Mo for reminding me to just hug a little tighter, kiss a little longer, love a little more, to just stop and live in in the moment, remember how precious each and every day is. So often when I see pics of Ellie I see Jake. She has such a strong resemblance to him. I truly believe he was pivotal in her being your baby girl. The great thing is that someday we will all be reunited in the most beautiful place with that sweet boy.
Remembering Jake.....
Thanks for reminding me to hug my boys a little tighter and to treasure each day. God certainly is using your tragedy to touch and impact others...
The innoncence of Jake's face and the look on Don's face in the background says it all. Ellie was sent straight from Jake - he told her what to do to make his "Mo" smile.
Words so profoundly said and so profoundly FELT! It's shoes NO ONE wants to wear, but sadly some of us these wonderful families have had to "wear them"! I lift your family in prayer throughout the year, but I want you to know I always GIVE praise for Jake and how he brought people together from all over the world! That was this Sweet Boy assignment here on earth and it's no doubt, he heard the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant"
While I LOVE LOVE LOVE pics of your baby girls...that boy Jake is something else.
Thank you for that special, sweet suprise!
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