This is the starting line. And I am standing about a block away!
This is around mile three! As far as you can see, the street is packed from one side to the other!
There are a LOT of runners who participate in this run every year.
I have no earthly idea who miss blue shirt is, but check out the TEAMJAKErs in the background. Gooooo, Lindy. Only 23 more miles! ALmost there!
There goes Londa. A first time 1/2er, who will learn next year to get on MY side of the road if she wants a good picture. Thank you, Londa.
ANd here are the Penningtons. They, too, ran the 1/2 for the first time. I think it was their first big run at all. So glad you decided to do it with us! Thanks.
Hey, I see a TEAMJAKEr back there in the back! Sometimes, they didn't know to creeeeeep over to our side so I could get a better shot of them!
Becky knew! She and Karl were right over on our side of the road, hands in the air, smiles on their faces!
This is a spectating crew... Robin, Miss Jo (Karl's mom and Mr. Jerry's wife!), Me, and Masie, Jake's first cousin.
This is Valerie, an old TEAMJAKE veteran, and her friend, ____ Hogan. Sorry, ___ Hogan. For some reason, I can't recall your first name. I know where you work, what you do for a living, and who your husband is, but for the life of me, I can't remember your first name. So sorry! We DO hope you come on back next year!
This was Cindy's first year to do the St. Jude run. She was one of our 1/2 marathoners. Way to go, Cindy. Thank you for supporting this fine institution and running to remember our boy.
This is Miss Lori Beth. She comes all the way from Alabama year after year to support TEAMJAKE! This was around Mile 10!
This is Dean. He is a full marathoner this year! and it ain't his first rodeo! He is husband to Valerie, above.
and the boy always has a smile on his face!
Dean wore an older TEAMJAKE shirt. I loved that one, because it had a verse on it that I loved. This year's design also had the verse. Have I mentioned we have more? The tee shirts are $20 and the hoodies are $25. Email Don at if you are interested in getting one. Maybe even for a Christmas present?!
Can you believe Mr. Jerry was able to stop, smile, and post a thumbs up at Mile 17? I would have been asking for an oxygen mask!
and like that... he is off , like a dirty shirt!
Hello there, Chris. First time marathoner! We are proud of you. I know this is one of those very cool things that you get to cross off your "bucket list". Maybe someday I will add it to mine. Not yet though! Congratulations.
Mishka, TEAMJAKEr of years past, was there to cheer with us on the sidelines. She travelled from Little Rock, AR, with these twin sisters who were doing the full marathon! One had done one before, and it was a first for the other.
They were there to support each other through the whole thing. Cool huh?
At mile 10, valerie was looking good. ____ Hogan was pulling up the rear, but keeping one foot in front of the other. Way to go girls.
Gooooo, _____ Hogan!
Jamie was our fastest marathoner this year. We could always know that we had not missed ANYONE if we moved to a new mile marker and saw Jamie come by! This is him still smiling around Mile 24!
He runs year after year. Jamie, if you are reading this. Thank you so much! We really appreciate your support.
You see little things like this all day long. People who know a kid with cancer who has impacted their life. We would use these names to encourage them to keep on going, saying, "Ben has been through some things tougher than this. You can do it. 24 miles behind you. You are about to run by St. Jude. Think about all those kids in their whose race will NOT be over today! Keep going. You can do it!"

That is the type of thing we would say to the runners to help them keep moving!

ANd once again... smiling Dean! 2 more miles. I mean, 2.2 more miles!
Mr. Jerry... still thumbs uppin'!
And Chris, now with 24 miles behind him! He KNOWS he can make it now!
Lindy, we are so proud of you. A multi-marathoner! You go, girl!
And here, Mishka sees her friends coming up the hill. Her friend, Tommie, went down the hill with a TEAMJAKE sign to run up the hill with them!
and here is Jamie, with the verse about "finishing the race", making it on to the finish line of his own.
I am so thankful for all the people who sacrificed the time (not to mention their bodies) to train and then to travel to Memphis for this very important weekend. We hope to see you all there again next year. Along with lots of newbies!
Peace, love and Merrrrrrry Christmas!
have really enjoyed looking at your blog (you KNOW i'm not a blogger!!) saturday's post was very touching!!
BTW: nice pictures!!
Oh, I hope to someday be there to witness the magic of St. Jude and the Marathon. Thanks so much for sharing the pics. Looks like a great time was had by all.
Oy, I remember that hill. That is where we first met face to face! Trish Hampton introduced us.
I am warmed to my soul by these photos. Your family is so good!
I've always wanted to run a marathon!
Love the dedication, the love and the spirit of the MARATHON posting! What a wonderful group of people!!
Shot you back an email w/info!!
This was my first half marathon and me and my best friend ran it together. We loved being a part of Team Jake and we will be back again!!
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