and so. I called Jessi. I know that the girls in my Ruston office periodically call and want their baby fix, so I figured they could help out. Jessi said SURE and was at my house bright and early at 7:15 with the baby bus!
Do you love that outfit on Gabbi Girl? I will tell you about it in a minute.
I sat them atop the counter (where we eat, commune, etc), and fed them graham crackers. Hey, what can I say? Dad was out of town remember!
You KNOW Aunt Kimmie was coming in to see those babies. She NEVEER misses an opportunity to love on them.
Ok, so about this outfit. I think the shirt was a WalMart special for $4.00. The leggings....
(although way to tight!) came from the Target DOLLAR spot, but the bow was $9.50! YES. You read that right!! Anybody out there making bows these days? I want the big ol' stand up kind. If so, email me. We need to talk! mgroves11@comcast.net
And this is Miss Patchez, Gabbi's Occupational Therapist.
They are working on body parts in these pics, I feel sure. (Jessi took them... my kids don't travel without a camera in the diaper bag! and they only hang with people who are willing to use it!!)
"Gabbi, where are my eyyyyyyes?"
"and where is my noooooose?"
Dontcha LOVE when they can look so innocent and sweet?!
I LOVE the big matching bows on the girls! SO cute! And the outfits are adorable! Cute pics. I love the last pic of Ellie!!!
LOVE those leggings on Gabbi. Too cute! Sure wish I lived closer, (and actually knew you, of course) I would love to help you out with those baby dolls...any time!
The BIGGER the BETTER on the BOWS! When bow lady emails you, pass her info on over, k?! Love the upgrade (to the hair) and the downgrade (to the checking account)!! Hey, I do need vinyl......emailing you now!
Ellie & Gabbi just get sweeter & sweeter each day. Ellie is starting to lose the baby look. Such a doll!
Great site for bows, you can design you own type and color and portion of the sales go to a great cause! Check it out.....
LOVE the new banner...LOVE ellie's face and the last picture! Seriously, hilarious!
I can make you big bows!!! i'll send some in your box:)
what color?
That Ellie...she's a hoot! And Gabbi...my goodness, her hair is growing so fast!
You are truly blessed with wonderful friends and neighbors. When our boys were little, we didn't have very many people around us that we knew, and we were 6 hours away from family! It's so nice that you have such great help!
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