And I had to put a little "I love you" from Jake in the form of those four hash marks that he always used to sign, "J-A-K-E" when he signed his consents for surgery or blood, or whatever! That is his way of saying Thank you to you!
Lauren, These are the two I made for you to give as presents. I just took full liberty to make them totally unique!
I tried to make them different from one another, so maybe one will fit one recipient's personality better and the other for the other one!

Angie, I hope you like this one. It is for the new baby's nursery. Sorry for getting the size wrong!
Look closely at the heart over the "i". It has wings!!
Seeeee? So , I did kinda fit it all on that canvas!
Sarah. This is for Miss Sophie. I tried to choose colors that were to your specifications of pink and green, but consider the "shabby chic" look.
And I took a little liberty to add "bug" to the end of her name. Tried to make it subtle. I just couldn't help myself!!!! She looks like a Sophie Bug! Like my Gabbi Girl!

And for Miss Tina...
Of course, I had to add the main man's name in the wing!
And an extra little set of wings down on the word.
Hope it goes in your foyer display. I tried to consider all the colors you mentioned that were already there.
Angie, I hope you like this one. It is for the new baby's nursery. Sorry for getting the size wrong!
Kristi. Ta Da. A new one! I like it even more than the first one! Hope you do too.

Hey Kim. Here are a couple of the teacher gifts coming your way! I have three more to go!
Hey Kim. Here are a couple of the teacher gifts coming your way! I have three more to go!
Number one...
and number two!

And Brenda. This is your silver metallic heart with wings. FINALLY!!!! Do you want "Believe" on it?! I wasn't sure. Was waiting on you to tell me.
Oh, and this is the one I did for your friend who adopted from China. Per your request. Likey?~
Kaye, this baby is headed to your house as soon as I add "Cannon" to the bottom and "believe" worked in somewhere subtly on the fleur de lis.

I love all the spills and splatters on this one!

It has character!
Hey Cooper's mom... did you think I forgot?! Well.... I didn't! I need all of you guys' addresses to start the shipping process. On the back of this one, I wrote "I think I can. I think I can."

Oh, and I am a little crazy about Christmas themed canvases right now. I just think they will rock on a mantle with lots of garland and Christmas decorations all around.
This one has no home, so if you want him. ... holla!
Hey, Chloe's mom. I love this one!
I wrote the recipient a special message on the back about finding MoJOY!
OK, now don't make me beg. Just email me your addresses so we can get this show on the road! I have a few more that I will post soon!
GREAT AS ALWAYS!!!!!! Hope you figured the packing thing out ;)
Miss you and the 2 little trouble makers!!!!
those look awesome!
How much for the Christmas one?
Finally figuring this thing out!!! I would love to buy the Christmas one. If it is still for sale, please let me know how much! Great work Mo!
Your talent simply blows my mind! You are BEYOND creative!!! I love each canvas here and those that you posted previously. Can you give some prices for a Christmas canvas, various sizes? They would make wonderful gifts. I love your necklaces too. And oh my gosh, your scrapbooks are to die for! I am so envious of the gifts that the Lord blessed you with!!!! :)
OH! OH! OH! I see that I am not the first one to ask for the Christmas painting, so I hope you will do more, Mo. I just LOVE those candy canes!! Please let me know how much it will cost for a relatively big one.
Keep up the uber awesome work!!!
Big hugs,
Denise, xoxo
I want a christmas one!!! I love them. I also LOVE the necklaces you did!!! I would love to order with my kids names - 2 discs and then maybe one more with believe or faith or something.
Beautiful!! I can't wait to hang it up in Sophie~Bug's room!
Okay...I want a Christmas also... What size is this one?
Could you contact me about a special request? We have a special music teacher at our school. Her son is being treated for neuroblastoma at St. Jude. You can read his story at She dedicates a lot of extra time with our students in choir. My child is in choir, and I would like to give her a believe painting. Please e-mail with sizes and prices.
Mo ~ I love it! and I know Rhonda will too. Check is in the mail. :) what do you think is the turn around time on your jewerly?
Mo,I would like to get a Fluer de lis one with BELIEVE on it for my den,are you selling them?/You are just too much,GOD gave you a talent and you ran with it!!I did shed a few tears tho,I will never forget Jake and Stanton and all the others!!Let em know!!
You are so talented Mo! I would love for you to do one for my girls' room. They are 4 and 6.
Fabu canvases! I want one when we get settled! I'm still trying to decide what I want....hmmmmm.
Would love to know if you would be willing to attempt a snowman picture. I collect snowmen and this could be a great addition to my collection. Thanks!
So want one but it has to wait, at least untill our fututre trip to West Monroe LA, today the kids figured it out, I was out and dont have voice mail my oldest was going through call display and said Mom why is someone from Louisiana phone you and then it clicked that you live in LA, I said it wasnt Mo calling it was probably Karl phoning???
Here is the low down, after reading about IMOT and your sucess story's and learning of K's issue's (twin B in birth order who suffered oxygen dep. at birth) I seriously debated phoning for info. This Monday I came into the kitchen (the only clock in my house and it was 11:11am then Monday night it read 11:11 AGAIN, I looked up and said OK Jake I get the point and phoned Shawn Yesterday morning.
If we qualify and once we raise the moula we will be coming your way, my friend asked why so far and I said because I trust Mo so I trust her team, it will be a 2662mile journey but for K we will do anything. Jake was definatley pulling for you!
For us it would be Early next fall at the earliest for coming which makes her about 18 months old ish.
And then I will definatley order me some canvas!!!!
The Stanton canvas brought tears to my eyes... I'm guessing the Tina it was for is Tina Haynes... I still check in on Stanton's caringbridge site every now and then, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was reading about Stanton and Emma Grace and their adventures...
Your canvasses are gorgeous, and one day when I'm not a poor college student, I will buy one :)
OMG. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your St. Jude one. I will be getting in touch with you. And the one from China, will be stealing that saying. Tammy, Hanna Gibson's mom, would love those. She is my step-sister and she also adopted a baby from China last year. So I will want both of those. This year is five years for us and Hanna's b-day and Gracie's b-day are coming up so I will be getting in touch with you soon.
Mo - you are so flipping talented!!!!! I love them all, the made in China loved in America is just so precious!!!
one word..........TALENT
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