Look Close! I mean reeeeeal close!

It's in there, but you have to be really fast!

She does NOT appreciate your reaching in her mouth to feel it and really doesn't show it that often. I am like the Crocodile Hunter... stealth and sneaky!

But THERE it is! My patience paid off. A full on smile! Can you see it?! 12 1/2 months old and FINALLY a tooth! (Barely!)

Go Gabbi!!! Better late than never!!!
Teething and still has that priceless grin! Too cute!
Gabbi has a tooth!!! Way to go sweetie!
You know, Bowen was 11 months old when she got her first tooth and the second followed the next week!! All her teeth were like twins, they came in sets, or pairs, it was kinda funny! You sneaky Mo!
Teeth or no teeth that little girl is a DOLL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness - that has got to be the happiest little (well, BIG) smile I have ever seen! Precious, precious!!!
just so cute!!! yeah gabbi~~~
That is a beautiful tooth, Miss Gabbi! What a lovely way to end my day. Thank you again and again for sharing your daughters with us!
Both my boys were late in cutting teeth, but we always heard that the later they cut them the stronger their teeth are.
Mason is 6 1/2 and still hasn't lost any of his baby teeth. I figured since they came in late that he will lose them late. Suits me fine though...that's the last step of him being my baby boy.
Hugs to you all.
My little girl is two years old and only has her top four and bottom four teeth and one molar on each side. I asked the doctor last week and she said it was fine. The dentist told me its good also. It should mean they have better teeth as adults. Time will tell. Morgan also didn't get her first tooth until around 13 months. Gabbi is getting so big!!!
AWWWW! You go Gabbi girl! Congratulations! =)
I saw them just like that! Yay Gabbi Gull!
Way to go Gabbi!! Watch out Ellie, Gabbi might bite you!!
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