"Working the land"... sounds like Laura Ingalls should be involved!

So, here we are fooling around on our new land. Our good neighbor, Johnnye, came over to help. But Don would really protest if I didn't mention that he gets "best neighbor award" for bringing over cold bottled water and a diet coke on ice for ol' MoMo.

From our housepad, we have a gorgeous view that actually could be even more gorgeous! Todd spent his time trying to cut some low limbs so the canopy is higher!

I spent my time tackling THIS!

See... this was my view for AT LEAST an hour.

And after an hour. There was probably TRIPLE this much more to mow! UGH!

I can see why Todd HAAaaaad to have this new lawnmower which (IF the grass were not so high) can FLY through a yard lickety split! And YES you CAN cross your legs and drive it at the same time!

This is kinda how we envision our trees looking after we trim em up.

Look at my little workhorse! We dragged many a limb into a big pile for burnage!

Even had to cut a tree or two. Basically, if you are a pine, you don't get to live on our land! Only hardwoods around the new house!

And after all this fun, not only did Todd's chain come off his chainsaw,

but also...

after tackling allllllll this grass...

the motor on this quite expensive mower also blew up! Note how helpful Johnnye is as Todd slaves over the situation. (Actually, Johnnye also spent about an hour on the mower too! Thanks, Johnnye!)

And that concludes our working the land!
Tomorrow... SUGARLAND!
and a week from TODAY...MO turns the big 4-0!
Has anybody heard of some sort of fun thing we could do as a blog community to celebrate?! You know, like a chain letter or progressive dinner type blog game?! Let me know. This DESERVES a celebration!!
OMG!! My hubby has a mower like that (only it is an x-mark) and if it blew up..I may just have to bury him! LOL it is his baby!! I am NOT allowed to mow on it...but in his defense..the first (and only) time I tried...I hit a tree :) I cant wait to see your house. I know you are excited..and HAPPY BIRTHDAY a little early..I am only about a year behind ya!
Hey Mo.
Your place looks great. I admit I wanted to take me a pole and tackle box to the lake behind your place when I went to the meeting at Dons wednesday. you have great progress coming along. see ya soon to get my canvas
whoa you have alot of property to tend to!!!!!!!!!! i bet it will be beautiful when finished.
I'm all about celebrating. Bring on the virtual brownies and margaritas!!
Good Golly Miss Molly that is a lot to mow....I think you might need a tractor with the brush hog thingamajigger!!!
You are a Leo eh? Me too, the 18th of this month!! I will be 38, so I am NOT far behind.
Hmm, thinking we should have a cyber party dont you...
You should look into MckLinky to link all the blogs that want to leave you birthday greetings. You just need to come up with something for all of us to blog about. Like 40 things about me or 40 ways to celebrate your birthday.
Mo that is not a yard...that's a pasture!! Poor mower just couldn't go any longer!! YOU NEED ONE OF THOSE COMMERCIAL MOWERS (LOL)!!
Alright PARRRRR-TAY! Let's get this party started!!! We have birthdays in our family 08/02 08/16, 8/17, 08/18, 08/19 and 08/23! So as you can see we are partying the WHOLE MONTH OF AUGUST!!
Wasn't Sugarland GREAT?!?!? I got to see them Saturday night in Houston with George Strait! Loved them!!
Shew...just reading about all that work wears me out! Sorry, I'm way behind on my blog reading. We had a death in the family.
I hope the mower was able to be fixed. Don't work too hard in that hot sun...use sunscreen.
You're gonna be the big 4-0??? Girl, you're still YOUNG. I know there will be a big party down in your neck of the woods. Your family KNOWS how to celebrate! I don't have a clue about what to do in blog land...It's 12:30 a.m., we just got home from traveling, I've gotta work tomorrow, and I'm pooped. If I think of something I'll let you know.
Oh man, I had flash backs from when we built our house in 1995. Has it been THAT long ago?? Heat stroke comes to mind. I almost had one when we were cleaning up our land. I can honestly say it is worth it.
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