Oh my word... these two are so dang cute! If I do say so myself!

I can't help myself... I MUST buy matching outfits. I must!

I think my favorite part of the day is late in the evening. It is just so peaceful. The weather is nice, the sunset is gorgeous and my girls are sunkissed, clean, and warm!

I, on the other hand, am usually sunburned, dirty and haggard!

My favorite night so far was Sunday night when we took the girls down to the pool late in the evening.

At first, we thought we would just sit poolside.

Gabbi was happy enough to just hang out in her Bumbo!

She, and I, and Daddy-O were chillin by the pool.

It was only a matter of time before Ellie was saying ," Fwimmin' pool." And so.....

Meeee asssonn took her upstairs and donned the whole swimmy diaper and bathing suit to please her royal highness!
This was just taken to show sweet little feet. Can you ever see too many sweet little feet? I think not!

Remember Ellie's "tricks"? Well, here is one!

I'd say we dissuaded it, but the kid is a nut! She is just playing around on the top step, then, WAM... she is saying, "Watch dis!" I tried to see about a baby gymnastics class, but there was no such monster. The teacher actually said she may put a small one together since I assured her I could get together four or so little munchkins to take. I digress.... anyhow, I think Ellie needs an "outlet"!

Gabbi just stands back in disbelief! MOM! Make her stop! MOM! Get me out of this Bumbo! MOM! Put more Orajel on my aching gums! (Oh yeah, there's THAT! UGH! 2 straight hours of crying last night. 11:00 pm to 1:00 am NONSTOP! Jin Jin... where are you!?

Bless her sweet little pretty mouthed self!
i love sitting by the pool in the late evening............so peaceful. i would have loved to watch Ellie do her tricks.
ELLIE!! You are about to give me a mental breakdown! POOL, WATER and CEMENT!!!! OH MY!!!
Gabbi, poor sweetheart, hope those teeth breakthrough soon!!! Gabbi crying...say it isn't so!!
The evening time at the beach is the best--I have to agree. Ellie is quite adventurous. And I'm sure Ms. Gabbi is taking it all in----she's in training. Fun times ahead for you.
That last picture of Gabbi is enough to make me smile for a while. That pool is so peaceful at night, isn't it?! Love that yall are taking it easy and relaxin'. Tell Ellie, I mean Monkey See to "top it". I can't look at her do that anymore!!!! I figured you had Fusion, I mean, there's not much in Mac land you don't have :))))
Ack! That Ellie is making my hair go grey. Wait. It already was. Never mind. Much.
Mo, You should go to this site! With all the cute bows you like to put on the girls this is the place to shop! Pass this along to Stacy too. There are some really cute bows on there!http://www.missyprissybowboutique.com/
Cute post MO. Of course they always are! Hope Gabbi gets those teeth through soon.. Be safe, have fun! I cant wait to get to the beach too! We leave June 22 YAY!
Ellie may be a Gold Medal Gymnast someday...who knows!! I definately think gymnastics is in her future!!! The outfits (as always) are adorable. Your girls are so cute. I am enjoying seeing the pictures from your vacation, its relaxing just to see all of you on vacation. Enjoy!
Now Melanie----are you sure it was THAT baby that was crying??? I can't even imagine that smiley-faced child crying for 2 hours!! When are Staci & the rest of the bunch coming down? I've been checking her blog, but she's still on "Mother's Day/Hunter's birthday"..... I'm glad ya'll are having such a good time!! :)
Oh--and one more thing. That picture of Gabbi's sweet little foot made me think of something. Have you ever done one of those kits on her where you dip her hand & foot into this wet "plaster" stuff (not sure what it's made of)? You can buy them at any baby store/craft store. I did one on my son (now 7) when he was a baby, and it is SO precious! It captures every little line & wrinkle, and makes a perfect "cast" of their little hands & feet when it dries. I'm sure as "crafty" as you are, you probably have already done something like that. Just a thought.....
What no baby gymnastics in your town? That is just wrong. My almost two year old daughter started gymnastics at 18 months. Its called Parent-tot and is for kids 18 months to three years. Its the perfect outlet for them to burn off some energy. Plus it helps them learn how to sit and listen to the teacher. Good for when real school starts. Hopefully you can get a class together. Its so much fun.
Oh get little Gabbi some teething tablets. I got them at Walgreens, but I'm sure I have seen them other places. They really do the trick for pain and are all natural.
Ms. Ellie...you be careful doing your monkey tricks!!! Very cute bow!!
How blessed you are.....beautiful girls!! Enjoy your trip.
Hey!!!!!!I think I just figured out to comment....yea me...Awwww I am so excited you guys are having such a good time. It makes me want to cry just thinking about when meeeeasssonn was Ellie's age. Mary Allison I am so glad that if you could not be with your own family on your birthday that you were lucky enough to be with your adopted one.......and what a great one that is...also I am having a hard time feeling very sorry for you when I see the beautiful beach and those beautiful babies....I need my Ellie and Gaggi Girl fix....bad....I am just still sitting inside at work at my desk and being very jealous...I can't believe it took me this long to figure out how to comment..hey no smart butt comments from any of yall either...oh well hopefully I will get to see you guys soon...I would say don't have too much fun without me..but after beaching, virgin daquiris(? sp) shopping and dancing on tables I quess it is a little late for that....Gosh
Todd and Mel she is not going to want to come home to our boring house. hahah Love to All of You and call me if you need me...Kiss the girls for me......Ms Pam aka Mom...in case you forget...I Love You Mary Allison
I am glad you are having so much fun. I wish I was at the beach. Love the matching outfits! So cute! I was wondering if you would be up to making me some kind of jewerly, like maybe a necklace. I don't know what I want but, I want it to have something to do with adoption. (remember we are adopting a baby soon) You are very creative and I thought you might have a great idea.
Gabbi Girl is the most contented, easy- going baby I have ever seen!
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