I have to take a little time this morning to finish out yesterday's multi-post. And speaking of yesterday, WOW. 2 new people signed up to be followers. Thanks, guys! I can't believe there are still new people out there in cyber land interested in our crazy life. And speaking of CRAZY...

This kid isn't even 2 years old yet, and she is already starting, "Mom, watch this." And she begins her series of "tricks". On that note, she is also has started "Hey mom. This is pretty." when we are out shopping. I have to stop and look at every single piece of clothing that she can touch from her stroller. And that is not good enough. I have to say, "Yes, Ellie. That IS pretty!"

Meanwhile, inside....

Gabbi discovered Oreos!
And very shortly therafter, she discovered the sink at the condo!

Ahhhhh. Squeaky clean!
Know what I love about this chair? This is Jake's chair! JinJin bought it for him to use at the ballpark, and that FUN summer of 2005 when we made multiple trips to the beach, we brought it with us. It just lives here now. Ellie LOVES it. Just her size. or as we used to say, "Jake size!"

I am loving that my girls are starting to "play " together!

It was all going smoothly until Ellie bit all the tips off of all the Color Wonder pens. And it was the FIRST time we ever opened it! So much for that idea!

Since I was documenting it all, I also sat down and watched (sort of) Atonement. Did anyone see it? How did it end? I got all bogged down and couldnt' really pay attention. Namely because I had to do this....

Annnnooooooother sink bath!

Todd came in from his 36 holes of golf and refused to look at the camera, even though we TOLD him that we were doing a daily documentary, and we NEEDED him to cooperate. He tried to be funny....

and did this.... He'll learn!

And finally, check out this face. THis is the "uh oh. Did you see that?-face"

And that is because I had just busted her doing this!

Gabbi is in there asleep! that is a NO NO!
And then the inlaws showed up... so that was a whole nother photo shoot. For later today!
Oreos + baby spit = CEMENT!
But they love em and so you dunk them in the sink and get the chisel out to get it off the floor and/or carpet
Wow...never a dull moment at your place, is there?! Ellie bit the tips off her markers? LOL
Mo...Thanks for sharing your pics and thoughts with the "blog world"
I enjoy your blog so much!
So precious, I especially love the pics of the girls together, they look like they are good buddies.
I just noticed you visited my blog (I hardly ever go on there). You asked me what a "pip" is. It's a saying we use up here in the "north"...it means a "ham" or someone who is "funny" and shows a lot of "antics". I would say your Ellie is a "pip". Thanks for visiting my blog. I am going to get inspired by you and try to do better...LOL. Dawn
Love, love, love the multi-post blogs each day! You're making my day. I feel like I'm at the beach with ya'll. Fun! Loved Masson's post yesterday. What an awesome girl!
I am about to hop in my truck and come right down there! I am telling you, my Brooke and Ellie could hang.... the girls are doing the exact same things at the exact time. And Brooke is pretty fiesty like Ellie, could be interesting! Since we probably won't make it to the beach, I am seriously considering the Shake 4 Jake!
Thanks for the many posts to document your trip. I am loving every one of them!! My 2 boys (24 and 19 now) didn't get anything but a sink bath until they were about a year old....makes it a lot easier than bending over the tub doesn't it? :-)
Have fun and enjoy your sun. We have had rain, rain and more rain up in Michigan this week!
Who doesn't love an oreo, seriously... lol
I remember when my girls bit the tip of the markers off, including the color wonder...Must be a kid thing that they all do.
Looks like Tod is enjoying his fun,tell him to smile!
Keep enjoying!
where did you get gabbi's brown gingham bubble? elijah and renee happen to have shorts like that and hazel needs to match!
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