Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunday afternoon in the garden.

We are starting a new tradition around these parts...On Sundays, we are all going to church and meeting afterwards for a big ol' lunch together! We meet Pops and Nana at church and we go to a buffet style place after lunch where there are many extended families, and it is an easy place to visit and talk and even let the girlies roam. This past Sunday, I decided to take Maddi home with us to play.
And you KNOW I can't have three little girls all in super cute little dresses and not take pictures in the garden!
I am LOVING that my baby girl is sitting up and can now "pose" a little better for pictures.
However, you will have to deal with about a gazillion pics of them looking in opposite directions, because, well, Ellie is a bit busy! ALL the time!
Would you just LOOK at those azaleas?! They almost become like one of those silver umbrellas a photographer uses in photo shoots. It reflects all kinds of light toward the girls! ANd I LOVE that my snapdragons are coming up in front of the little statue.

You know what this picture reminds me of? Remember a year ago when these two were standing back to the camera on a Sunday afternoon (it was actually Mother's Day). It was also the day they were both dedicated to the church. They were little bitty turkeys and were standing at a rail. Ellie was actually driving Maddi crazy as she tried to come around behind her, but couldn't let go of the rail, as neither were actually walking yet. I will have to hunt that picture down. Because... man, what a difference a year makes!

I love my little girly poo coming out of the garden in this pic.
And then they BOTH let loose flying down this hill! Out of CONTROL!
Oh, man. I wish you could actually SEE the wisteria draping all over the balcony of the cottage. Mmmmmm... it is awesome.
They picked and picked and picked.... and most of their flowers were delivered directly to "Gaggi". That is how Ellie says Gabbi.
And now for a collective "awwwwwwww"....
That little girl is so sweet!

And then there are these two! They are NOT getting the concept of sharing at all! Tonight, at Staci's you should have seen them fighting over the bottle of sprinkles in the tub. YES. Staci, for some strange reason, gave Maddi a bottle of sprinkles (as in to decorate cookies or cupcakes) and she felt it MUST be a tub toy! And, you have SEEN Don's shower. remember... all 7 of us in it?! Well, Maddi LOVES showers, because she feels like she is at a water park! Ellie was not so sure! There's a bird... back to sweet after church in the garden.

I could not believe that I was even able to get these girls in the same shot. They sat there for about 1.2 seconds! and I GOT IT!
I just love that they are going to grow up together. Lots of vacations. Shared swingsets. 6 little floaties by the pool. And eventually, sharing clothes from each other closets. Wont' it be fun?!
I think 20 months may be my favorite month so far! I think I have said that since she was 8 months. Or maybe 6! I keep saying it cannot get better! and it just keeps on getting sweeter!
She is in a phase right now where she doesn't want to go to sleep. Well, I dont' think it is a phase. More like a way of life! I try to pretend like I am asleep to get her to give in. She literally kisses me all over my face, over and over and over! Little pecks like she sees me do her little baby sister (and her!). I try hard to keep my composure, but usually end up laughing. She is such a smart little toot!

Since my sister has taken another big hiatus from blogging, I will remind you of her cute little girl.
Well, hope you enjoyed it. Hate to rub it in with all the flowering bushes for all you in the COLD! But, seriously, I really feel for those up in the floodlands, (Fargo) and still having to wait for snow to melt. We are praying for you down here in the deep south!

 Thanks for keeping up with the Groveses. Gosh, I LOVE to look at my girls. Just had to add that as I looked at the above picture for one last time before I hit "post".

Nighty night. Melanie


Anonymous said...

Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous Mel! Then you go and add three sweet, precious little girlies and that makes a picture perfect! I love looking at the pics of your girls (Staci's too). Ellie always has this "look" on her face, this "I am up to something, ready to do something." She is a busy girl! As I say over and over, reminds me of my sweet girls. I wish they were that little still, I miss that baby stage! PS Can I come and be part of your family on Sundays? We do the same but its just dh and I with the kiddos!

RADstitches said...

They are so big.. and CUTE! I want to pinch them all! LOL

MLP said...

I also LOVE to look at your girls. You have melted my heart tonight with your precious little ladies & your lovely garden!!!

Roberta said...

What beautiful girls and flowers in your garden! I just love seeing all the pictures. You are so right about how much the 3 girls have grown....like little weeds :o). God bless.

Liloia Family said...

There are tears in my eyes....all three of those girls are incredibly cute!!! You are so right about them growing up together (that's what brought tears to my eyes). My sister and I each have 3 kids, all the same ages, we go on vacations together, they all are growing up together and it's the BEST!!! Mine are 16,10,5, hers are 15,10,5. I am so incredibly happy for you and Stacy, after all the sadness, that these 3 beauty's can bring such joy to your family now.

Renee said...

Doesn't get much cuter than those 3. Enjoy them b/c time they grow up way too fast. I think my favorite age was when my oldest was 2 and the younger 1 and then again when the oldest was 3 and the younger 2.

Christie said...

I love, love, love the pictures of the girls, oh and the garden isn't bad either...lol. I could just sit in your garden and chill everyday.

Kathryn said...

Good morning! What beautiful pictures to start my day. Thank you! I do love azaleas. The poor things just don't do well here at all. We had beautiful ones when we lived in NJ. I miss them. How nice to come together as one big family for Sunday lunch. That is a special time that your girlies will remember forever!

Mary said...

Beautiful Pictures & the flowers, I cant wait for flowers here in MD.
I am jealous. You should be a photographer in your "spare" time!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful pictures! I am sooo jealous. Up here in Minnesota, our growing season is about 4 1/2 months, by the time my garden is in full bloom the stupid frost sets in. I think it is so wonderful that your beautiful girls and the beautiful Maddi are going to grow up being so close.

stephleighjenkins said...

Your garden is amazing and the girls' are as precious as always!

firefamily said...

This comments things so cool, now that I actually know how to use it. Thank you for sharing those beautiful pics with us. Those flowers are just gorgeous, I am so jealous that you all are enjoying the warm weather. We just got another 6 inches of snow yesterday, hopefully it will melt fast. Fargo got 18" of snow yesterday so they are looking at another round of floods before this is all over. We are lucky, the Mississippi is in great shape and we are not in a flood zone, but definately a SNOW zone this year.
The Girls a such a joy to watch through your pictures. Speaking of pics, I need a new camera, mine was stolen and I need a really good one, any advice?
Well, wanted to keep it short, thank you for continuing to share your life and your family with us. We love you and will see you at the Shake.
Cyndi (and the family)

Tammy said...

The garden is gorgeous! Thanks for putting up all those pictures of your darlings, they are soo sweet! And the ones of Maddi too, tell your sister to get back on the wagon, her break is over! Hugs from Fort Worth!

Beth E. said...

What great pics of the girls, and what beautiful flowers in your garden! I'm a little jealous. We are still in the "cold and wet" stage in our area. At least it's not snow!

You picked the perfect setting for the girls' pictures. They looked adorable in their dresses, all with their coordinating hair bows. Too cute!

Thanks for sharing them with us...

Jenn_N_Luc said...

What beautiful pictures! I'm just LOVING spring! Just wait until next year when Gabbi is running around with them! SO FUN! I love your cottage too...I bet you are going to miss that when you build your new house.

tricia said...

pics are great. so nice to see them out in the fresh air enjoying nature. Tell staci we are still waiting for the pictures of the rest of her house!

Cheese Lady said...

Oh I so can't wait for flower season to start around here, the tulips are about 1in. out of the ground right now so it's coming soon! The girls are as cute as ever.
I wonder what your first signs of spring are? and when does it start if the flowers are so big already!

Unknown said...

The only thing blooming here at my house in Washington state are my daffodils! We need some sun!

Olympia, WA

Jaime said...

Mo, these pictures are just gorgeous! As are all three girls! That is so great that they will all be so close since they get to grow up near each other! You have a wonderfully, beautiful family!

connie said...

i love the pictures of ellie and gabbi in your garden so sweet and very pretty i love flowers too you are a great photographer thats for sure i wish i could be that good maybe one day. i cant wait to see more pics of them in your garden having fun and enjoying the nice weather. i got up this am to rain its suppose rain here the rest of the week ugh not sure what the weather will be for the weekend i hope it will be pretty.
well i got to go
hugs and love
give the girls hugs from me

Shannon said...

Ah I can't wait for warmer weather and my flowers can start blooming. I did see green the other day, but with rain/snow predicted this weekend, it will slow down the progress. I'll just have to gaze at yours for a another month or so. Adorable pix of the girlies!!!!

Sammie said...

Beautiful - the girls, the yard, everything! I just love this time of year, except for that green stuff that is floating in the air.

Cathy Tansy said...

I have missed your blog and watching the girls grow up before our eyes. They are precious. Ellie and my daughter are only a few months apart, so I get to see what I have to look forward to. i am so jealous of all the flowers blooming out- it is still chilly in NE Arkansas! Great to have you back- I have been having MO withdrawals! ha-ha

snekcip said...

Don't you just love GARDEN PICS!!! I have to send you one of my sweet girl I took in the garden (check your email-I don't have a blog yet!)I love the way the colors just POP!!! All the girls are just beautiful!! My sweet girl just celebrated her 2nd bday on Sunday and I can't still believe it!! Where did the time go!!!!

Tell Staci hello and I miss her BLOGS!!!

Mary T said...

What a great tradition for Sundays. Growing up with a close family is such a gift and will keep your little ones feeling secure. Don't know how you can even think about leaving those beautiful gardens when you build your new home......don't ya wish you could bring them with you?! You've done an amazing job....should be in a magazine.

Holly said...

Melanie!!!! Thank you Lord for bringing Mo back! : ) Girl, I have missed you and your funny stories! I had just about given up hope. I think it was a test to get those of us that don't comment regularly to start talking. I'm glad ur back and don't do that to us anymore!!!! Take care! Holly

Amy K said...

Oh my goodness your garden is beautiful! Of course I'm jealous, beings we still have a small amount of snow, and some bitter cold winds today in America's Dairyland! The 3 little girlies are so precious. And the video of Gabbi just made my heart smile. Thanks for braving it, and sharing another video with us!
Many blessings....

coolgirl2011 said...

I love the picture of the girls in the garden,they're so cute.

Sue said...

I love your girly girls too!

Sarah said...

Those girlies just keep getting cuter! Isn't it true - I always think that the age my kids are at is just the best one ever! Seems like yesterday my baby was a little one with springy curls like Ellie - now she's 5" taller than her momma!

Belinda said...

OK I Think I need you to come to my house and fix me a garden like yours!!! I love it!! Those baby girls are the finishing touch. TOOOO CUUUUTTEE!

Cody Jo said...

Love the pictures of flowers.... Reminds me that it will warm up, and we will see grass again... Your girls are such little dolls...

Praying for a slow melt in Sawyer ND...