I LOVE that she is sitting all alone now. We have been working on getting up on her hands and knees, and she is now able to stand and hold onto the couch when I let go of her. Can you even believe that?!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Easter bunny tees.
Oh, my lands. CUTE doesn't even BEGIN to describe it!
We went over to Staci and Don's last night for a Shake 4 Jake planning committee meeting. (Yes, there is actually a lot of planning and meeting that takes place before the big shindig.) I put my girlies in their matching outfitss and away we went.
Jin Jin was there, so we got some really cute pics before the big meeting started. It isn't hard to take cute pics of Gabbi lately, because, seriously, all that kid does is smile! I have got to get these blown up for ol' JinJin. She NEEDS these, don't you think?!
Now, as for Ellie... it is tough to get her to STOP long enough to pose or smile.
Look at my "big" girl wearing cute "big girl" barrettes! I even bought her a few mid size bows today.
And Ellie Sue has graduated to the "Way too big"size, and I LOVE it!
As for these super cute tees, well, THANK YOU to my dear blogging friend, Lindsay. Hey, Lindsay, are you selling these in your Etsy shop!? I really don't know. Go to her blog and ask her!
I am trying to get some cute pics for our Easter card that needs to get out into the mail pretty dang soon! However, I am about resigned to the fact that I will have to do a cute pic of Ellie and a cute pic of Gabbi. Because, getting them TOGETHER is just about not feasible! It isn't Gabbi's fault. She sits sqarely and smiles on command. The other one is ALWAYS on the go! I suppose it will be this way for, oh, maybe the next 3-4 years, so I may as well get used to it.
I chased her down the hill to catch up to her and get these pics.
I got to tell you though, Gabbi is getting to that age where I just could eat her up (not literally of course, huh, C?!)
I LOVE that she is sitting all alone now. We have been working on getting up on her hands and knees, and she is now able to stand and hold onto the couch when I let go of her. Can you even believe that?!
Ok, so I gave it a whirl. This was one attempt at Ellie with "Gaggi" in her "lap". Mmmmm... not so bad!
Oh, look at this little scrunched up nose. The mohawk has grown long enough to get pinned down with a barrette But if you look closely, you can still see a little Alfalfa sprig sticking up in the back.
And so, we have this last attempt. Mmmmmm... .not too bad again. Maybe we will get that Easter pic after all!
I LOVE that she is sitting all alone now. We have been working on getting up on her hands and knees, and she is now able to stand and hold onto the couch when I let go of her. Can you even believe that?!
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Cute, cute, cute....you are SO BLESSED!! JinJin does indeed *need* big prints of those pictures!!
too cute for words!
Your girls are sooo stinkin' cute!!!
The girls are beyond darling! JinJin is beautiful with her Granddaughters! The shirts from Lindsay are precious!
Too cute!!! Your girls are lucky to have each other...and you and Todd as their parents! :)
I put a new post up on my blog ~ it's an orthopedic clinic in Rwanda... and I thought that you'd like (an appreciate all that we have in America!) the pics!
Those girls are so cute. I love the t-shirts. I need a girl to dress. Do you think my boys could wear those...lmaooooo j/k
Oh! How cute are those shirts? I love the bows, too. Where do you find them?
aww, JinJin looks so happy with her babies. When am I going to be able to get my Shake for Jake tickets?
Absolutely JinJin NEEDS those pictures! Those girls are just too, too precious! I'm just so thrilled that you're back and sharing with all of us.
Hello!! I have NEVER posted a comment before of here, but I love, love, love keeping up with you guys. My name is Angie and I am from Arkansas. I followed Jake's story through CaringBridge and was so touched by that little guy as I know so many were. I was DEVASTED when I tried to get on your blog a couple of weeks ago and couldn't, so I am taking this time to introduce myself and tell you that I love keeping up with you guys. I am just now getting a blog up and running. I don't have any post yet, but maybe in the next couple of days. I have two children myself so I think it is a great way to journal everything since there seems to be very little time to do so with ragball and gymnastics 3 days a week! Your girls are precious and I am so glad that you are back!!! I have learned to no longer be a lurker!!!! www.makeupandmudpuddles.blogspot.com
Melanie, are you for sure doing the spring scrapbooks, or just thinking about it?
Goodness gracious, I could eat Gabbi up myself. She is oto stinkin cute Mel. Does she EVER get fussy, cry??? Me wants another baby now lol. The shirts are adorable, great job L! Would love to get some shirts like that for my two girlies. Definately get one blown up for jin jin, too precious. BTW the last shot of the the sistahs is adorable and would be great for a card.
Awe, Gaggi is so cute and I just love her sweet smile. Yes, those pics need to be blown up for JinJin. Ellie is growing up so fast...so sweet!
Ellie and Gabbi are just precious. They look adorable in their matching Easter Tees. And it is FANTASTIC to see JinJin again.
Much love, praying & BELIEVING, Denise, xoxo
Oh My Goodness what cute pictures!!! and...yes, Jin Jin definitely needs those! Can't wait to see all of you at the Shake for Jake!
I just LOVE reading your blog. No you don't know me, but you are inspirational to me. I have two daughters myself, ages 7 and 3, and you make me appreciate them even more. I was a Jake follower and it's been so long ago that I don't know how I ended up following his story, but what a great kid! I'm so happy you have "opened" your blog back up. My family lives in Elwood, Indiana and I'm so jealous of your springtime weather already. My name is Trisha Hobbs and I'm so glad to finally introduce myself.
Nick is my cousin that my mother reared since he was 2weeks old. He has always been our baby since we were almost grown when he came along.and boy did we have fun with this wedding.The wedding was at a lodge on Lake Darbonne and it was aboslutely beautiful. Yes I had a guy from Elizabeth La to do the pictures of my LSU angels. I love the pictures of Ellie and Gabbi. and yes JinJin does need a big print of the pictures.
What darling outfits! Jen looks so pretty too. You MUST have some of the pictures enlarged and framed for her. I am going on vacation to the Outer Banks, NC for a week, so don't think that I have gone into "hiding" or "lurking". I will return on Easter Sunday and look forward to catching up with your Blog. HAPPY EASTER and God Bless!
Those bunny tees are precious...Lindsay does a great job! I'm thinking YOU need a matching tee and you could have a pic taken of the three of you! Heehee
You have such great photos of the girls....I don't know how you will choose just a couple for the Easter card....good luck! :o)
LOVE their shirts!!! Maybe I'll have to attempt some bunny shirts next! I'm going to try to come home during renée's spring break which I think is with Easter break. I'm still perfecting the headband, but by then it will perfect!!
I swear, they get cuter every day!
LOVE the bunny shirts! Precious!!! By the way, if you think you will get pics of Ellie being still in a few years, you're probably wrong :) I have a 6 year old that is full of life and he never slows down! Of course we wouldn't have it any other way!
Wow I just mapped it and we are only 5 1/2 hours. I will definately have to see what I can finaggle ( is that a word) lmaoooo. Then maybe I can pick up my earrings and bracelet Mel??? Hmmmm will let you know.
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