Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gabbi blows rasberries.

Well, I am a brave ol' soul... but here is another video!!  I don't know how this one could be perceived as anything but P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!!  I know it is a month and a half old, but it is SO worth it!  

Enjoy my sweet Gabbi Girl.  



Anonymous said...

She might be the cutest raspberry blowing child I've ever seen!

stephleighjenkins said...


Liloia Family said...

That is absolutely PRECIOUS!!! Enjoy these moments, before you know it they'll be over.

Theresa Shirley said...

Cute, cute, cute!! You go on and post WHATEVER you want to girl! We're here for you!

Theresa Shirley
Rockmart, GA

Kris said...

That is precious - and I finally learned to sign in.

Denise said...

Awe! That is about all I can say...that girl is just precious. Does she ever cry?

randdmom said...

Oh, my too precious! She's so smart to do it right after you do! And at only 5 months old! Soooo sweet!

Kathryn said...

Warms my heart right up! I love that child.

tricia said...

You are exactly right..............PRECIOUS!

Unknown said...

Too stinkin cute!
What a sweet little angel baby.

Mindy said...

OMGosh.....that is the cutest thing EVER! The crop went GREAT on Saturday. Can't wait for the next one....wink...wink!

Unknown said...

Absolutely P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!!

Kim said...

Such a happy little toot!! Thanks for sharing your bundle of joy with us!!

Proud Grandma said...

How sweet - she is so cute and always seems to be smiling - it is indeed very precious!

Mary said...

ADORABLE, your one lucky momma!

Jennifer said...

Yup, just precious! And those cheekers....I could kiss on those all day.

Firemom said...

I love watching her - watch you! They are such funny little imitators. Thanks for sharing!

Mary T said...

That's the most adorable little drooly-face I've ever seen! I'm lovin' your drawwwwwwl.......I bet even "cursin'" sounds sweet down there. ;)

Diana said...

Mo ~ I am out of the woodwork - yeah!!!! Gabbi is BEAUTIFUL, not to mention Miss Ellie. I have been a L-O-N-G time follower & I am so glad that your back. I am the proud Mother of 3 girls, and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. There is such a wonderful bond between Mothers and Daughters. Please let me know if you are coming back to Colorado any time soon, as I would love to meet you & the gang. I live in the Denver area, but can take a ride to the mountains to see you when you come back. I had a hard time with each of my pregnancies, and people kept saying "Why don't you adopt" I THOUGHT I could never love someone else's child like my own, but after you adopted Ellie & then Gabbi - my whole outlook changed. I LOVE your girls (and I do not even know them) The video of Gabbi blowing raspberries is the best!!! Keep um coming.

Martha from NC said...

ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS!! Love all of her facial expressions and especially that great big smile!! She is so cute. Thanks for the video. If anyone has a problem with that one, tell them to go to the garden and eat worms!!! "Nuf said"! Have a great day.

jennifer h. said...

I LOVE her!I'm having a rough day and that sure made it better! thanks for sharing!

ThinkPink said...

That is sooooo precious. She is the smiliest baby I think I've ever seen. Thanks Mel for posting this. Made my day and definitely put a big 'ol smile on my face.

Molly in Georgia

Amber said...

How stinkin cute.. My little one never did the raspberries.. And believe me I tried to get her to.

a picture a day means the memories will stay said...

Ilove how she watches your every movement . She is sooo cute!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!

Unknown said...

OH gosh Mel! She is just the cutest thing!! She can make any ole bad day and make it better with that grin! So precious! Can't believe she is already 5mths old, and so smart!

Jaime said...

100% worth it! She is so precious!

Dawn said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! So glad to be able to access your site again. Now I have some READIN to do!

I have signed before ~ just so ya know :-). Today, I just decided to "check" to see, and there you were! Your blog is like a great book that I can't wait to get to the next chapter! So glad to be able to read again!

Blessings to your prescious family!

Auntie Mip said...

Hey Mo,.

The raspberries were too cute and giggly for words. Okay so you are going to wish I never "un-lurked" myself cuz now I cannot shut up. I wanted to make you aware of a really sweet Etsy shop run by a young mom who just lost her 11 month old baby to neuroblastoma. From diagnosis to her passing there was just 3 weeks. I can hardly imagine...and I have been a peds. oncology RN for 21 years. Anyway, much like the Raborn-Massey clan, this family is turning heartache into reward. They are raising money for playgrounds in their dauughters name. They make the sweetest and most darling baby dresses...I think the sisters would look so adorable in. So here is the link...I thought you might enjoy the opportunity to cruisetheir site.


Auntie Mip said...

Okay now I am embarassed...they only have one thing in teh shop...seems as though they sold out completely...popular stuff. Stay tuned :)

Mbeaty19 said...

So extremely cute - I remember when Johnathan would do that. You are so lucky to have a video. They grow so quickly and there are so many times I wish I had gotten a video of Johnny doing something precious.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I wanna eat that face up. She has to be the cutest, sweetest, happiest child I have ever seen. Love me some rasberries! I love your videos, they make me want more babies lol.

Beth E. said...

That Gabbi...she's got blowing raspberries down pat! Plus, an added benefit, she washed her own face! LOL

This video was just what the doctor ordered...thanks. :o)

Jennifer said...

Love it. Just love it!

RADstitches said...

Precious! You should have seen me helping her while I was watching the video! LOL

connie said...

oh how precious i love watching her blow her raspberrys so cute and her cute little laugh i hope some day to be able to meet you all give theellie and gabbi hugs from me i hope u will put up more videos of them and pics too i love watching the video's and looking at the pics your a awesome photographer wish i was as good as you.... well im going to go cant wait to see more videos and pics

Anonymous said...

I can never get these blogger vids to play. It just says "buffering..." and will stay that way. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? We have high speed now and they played better with my dial-up. help! I want to see sweet Gabbi too!

Our Journey said...

ADORABLE!! She had slobber going everywhere!! haha! She is such a grinner!!!

Beverly said...

That is so precious! I didn't even have the sound up (because I'm at work!) but it made me laugh. That little Gabbi is just one little bundle of precious smiles! I can't wait to watch it when I get home so I can hear it!

Cameron said...

What precious little girls you have .... thanks for sharing with us.

Kim in NC said...

Cute!!! A lurker finally signing in!!!

Kim in NC said...

Cute!!! A lurker finally signing in!!!

Sue said...

This is so cute. She is so cute.

MaryH said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I can't stop watching it. She was so proud! Glad you are back and sharing your life and your girls with us again. I wouldn't have smiled as much today if I hadn't seen the Raspberry Princess!

Macmama said...

AWESOME! Nope - not the video as I haven't had a chance to look yet - oh but I WILL! I WILL! Its just awesome that you're BACK! I've been off-line for a few days and lookie look what came on while I was gone! WOOHOO! ok- just a little excitement here! Welcome back! I hope that all is well and taken care of and that you NEVER have to go dark again!

Hope you have a great evening! I am - I can't wait to log on tonight and catch up on some sweet girl babies! again welcome back! ~g

p.s. that's one way to get this lurker to sign in ;)

Jenn_N_Luc said...

Oh Melanie...that was SOO cute! Gabbi has got to be the happiest baby I have EVER seen!

Katie said...

That was the cutest thing, it was like she was sooo not wanting to quit smiling but she wanted to blow raspberries too. LOVE IT!!!

Mike and Kris said...

She is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

Mary said...

She just get cuter and sweeter everyday! Love her. However, I must admit, I must share your "sense of humor" as my family would say because I howled and howled and thought the "wrestling" video was hysterical! I guess someone didn't like it is what you are getting at in your post. Many, many times when something like that happens I always grab my camera first (as long as no one is seriously getting hurt) and then end the "situation" after the photos are taken, of course. Keep on blogging.

Michele said...

Too cute!!! Love how she gets all proud of herself! Sweet baby girl!

Lakeville Vertical said...

Precious as can be!
I love her sweet smile and oh how happy she looks. Always fun to hear your cute little voice also. :)

a_manda said...

Love the excitement leading up to the raspberry and then the concentration while she's doing it.

Jo Ellen Link said...

So darn precious - we never tire of these adorable videos!

Lindsey said...

This is too cute. Thanks for sharing.

Hallie said...

If that don't make you smile, NOTHING will!!!

Holly said...

Priceless!! She is just so darned cute. Thanks for hanging in there!

Love Holly & Holly & JakeDog

Debbie said...

What a precious video!! She is cute as a button!! Thanks for sharing. Made me get a great big ole smile!!

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

Linda Corn said...

Oh how cute!! I needed a good belly laugh. She is so smart! Her smile reminds me of the Gerber baby only cuter. Both of your girls are adorable. You can tell you & Tod are great parents. I'm going for a pre-op for some more biopsies and a consultation with a radiology oncologist to see if I'm a candidate for a interstitial needle transplant and I'm kinda nervous so this helped lighten my mood. Thank you so much for coming back and including me. God Bless you and your whole family. By the way I am a Believer. You wouldn't believe how many times I've looked at the clock and it's 1:11 OR 11:11 AM OR PM and I always think of Jake. The day of my surgery I have to be there at 11:00 AM. Coincidence?

Dannon said...

Sweetness....you're so brave for posting another video! I love it when she tries to smile and blow raspberries at the same time....adorable!

MLP said...

Troy will not like it one bit at all that I just watched this. That makes me want another baby BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!

Cuter than cute!!! Those grins!!! OMGoodness!!! She is the happiest little thing!!!

Love ya'll!!!

Jan said...

This is just adorable. I've watched Gabbi many times and laugh every time. Enjoy these precious years - they pass far too quickly.

Unknown said...

Smart, sweet, smiley.....she is absolutely adorable!!!

snekcip said...

Too cute!! Ellie is scrumptious!!!

My two year old is sitting watching this clip and she is "trying" to blow raspberries....except her is SPIT!!

Tara said...

Precious video!! LOVE.IT! Go Gabbi!

Nana said...

Gabbi is just precious! She looks at you with such love in her eyes!
Oh how blessed those two little girls are!!!! And, I believe that you and Todd, the bod, are truly blessed too, and will continue to be. Thanks for sharing.

Carrie said...

She is just TOO STINKIN' CUTE! Love seeing her in action :)

Amy said...

Bitchin video Mo, I love it! I'm gonna show it to the boys tomorrow when they wake up--they will crack up (and I'm sure Derek will get spit all over my monitor)!

Loydeth said...

She is so beautiful & sweet. Thank you for sharing your blog again. We were missing you. Hugs from Panama.

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh! I have watched this so many times. I could just eat her up!!!(not to be taken literally of course!)

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I have watched this so many times. I could just eat her up!! (not to be taken literally of course!)

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I have watched this so many times. I could just eat her up!! (not to be taken literally of course!)

Holley Sisters said...

Too cute!! I LOVE that PRECIOUS grin!!
