Just wanted to share the cute, cute little card Jessi and I designed for spring send out. 
Some of you may know that I send out a card every month to close friends and family. I have been doing this since Ellie's first Christmas. Anyhoo, I didnt' send out my Christmas cards this year until just the beginning of January, so I skipped an actual January card! And then, I skipped a February card! Oh, the horrors! But, now I am back on track, and the above is March 2009! I'm already thinking about EASTER! Wooo Hooo!
Oh, and below we have the earrings that I plan to teach you to make in the upcoming kit. Jessi and I are fine tuning the directions, so stay tuned, and be checking
Etsy for that!

I am so glad to be back blogging. Seriously, I am meant to share my life. I just AM! I am unhappy and gloomy when I have to be bottled up. So glad you are back here with me. Melanie
Beautiful spring card!!
Take care
So good to meet you at alphafest! I don't think I've ever commented on your blog...but I LOVE it! Never knew I could be so intrigued by a family I didn't know! I love those girlies...they are so much fun!!! Thanks for being a blogger and giving us something interesting and upbeat to read everyday.
Your spring card is beautiful!! What a wonderful idea.
Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. Such delicate beauty!
I was wondering if it is too late to sign up for the scrapbook. I had to go back and read all the new entries to catch up. Welcome back!!! You were missed.
Love from Thibodaux
Gorgeous pictures! The girls are so adorable. Glad you're back to blogging. I missed you!
I think it is safe for me to say we are all happy to have you back as well. Love the card and the pictures are excellent. They are inspiring me to go take some spring pictures of my kiddos too, well as soon as our 18 of snow melts from our spring blizzard and our town is no longer a swamp!!!!! For now I will have spring in your pictures!
Mel we love you blogging as much as you love doing it. you and your family is my inspiration. I love the card for spring. Ellie and Gabbi are simply gorgeous. Thanks for the post. Sandy
Very cute card!! They are so precious!! We are glad you are back too. It was a LONG two weeks without you!
That card is GORGEOUS!!! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos of the girls!!
And, WE are glad you are back blogging! I personally REALLY missed you! I'm going to Canton Friday - woo hoo!!!!
The spring card is sooooooo adorable and just plain 'ole precious. The field of wild flowers is such a perfect backdrop for your photos. Your artistic talents run far and wide, Melanie.
Praying and always BELIEVING, Denise, xoxo
I for one am so glad to have you back!! When you are not here for my daily *fill* and UPLIFT....I am gloomy.
When you post the fantastic cards you mail out, I feel as if I am one of those close family/friends that are on the list to get one ~ thank you!! This card is absolutely ADORABLE ~ your girls are absolutely ADORABLE!!!
I will be on the look out for the earrings!!
Again....so glad to have you back!!
Okay, Mel, can I just BUY the earrings? I love them, but I know I would never, ever, never make them! Your March card is so adorable! I can't get over how photogenic (sp?) Gabbi is! Ellie's little arm around her sister sure it cute. You'd think she was nothing but gentle and kind to her baby sister!!! Beautiful photo treaures...
Yeah. I am first comment!
I am glad you are back too!
Love Joan
Mo - I love the card - your girls are adorable - I'm really glad you are back blogging as I missed you. I love to read your blog every day and find out what your sweet little ones are doing now! Thanks again for returning to the blog world!
Hey Melanie,
I saw this site on a blog and thought of you! PRECIOUS BABY SHOES!!!
Great pictures!
I hope I'm not missing it, but would you be willing to put a link to your Etsy shop back up? I think my 15 yr old daughter would love to make them. Will you also list the tools I'll need to pick up as well? Thanks and I'm glad you are back too!
I agree with you---you are meant to share!! Lord--I wish I had your energy! I don't see how you keep up with all that you do, and still make everything so FUN!! I do admire you for it though. I think that is why so many of us love to read about your life. Inspires me to want to be more fun! :) Thanks again for sharing,
Theresa Shirley
Rockmart, GA
Such a SWEET card! The girls are just beautiful. I am sooo glad you're back too. I was in San Antonio drinking margaritas on the Riverwalk this weekend, but still following Mojoy on the iPhone. My husband just LOVES sitting with me while I do that! NOT!! I was telling him we need to go to the Shake in June, and he was explaining to me that I am delusional and don't actually KNOW you guys. They will be calling to remove the weird woman who seems to think she knows everyone! MEN!
I absolutely loved that picture of Gabbi pointing to those green beans in her mouth! I feel that way sometimes myself!
AlphaFest looked like so much fun and I don't see any security around removing "non-real friends"!
Just so dang glad you're back!
Love Holly & JakeDog
I am so happy that you are back!!!! I missed your blog! Even though I don't comment much- I LOVE to see the girls and how they are growing and I can sooo relate to so much of what you write!!! lol!
We are SOOOO VERY glad that you are back also.
Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE the pictures! You couldn't have found a better background for spring pictures!
Those are so cute cute cute girls.
LOVE LOVE the card. When did Ms Gabbi get that littel double chin?? I want to squeeze her. She and Ellie are just too flipping sweet! I love when my girls love on one another. Now days its a rare thing so its hard to capture the love lol...Thanks for sharing! SOoooooo glad you are back, I was seriously traumatized by you being gone! lol
What a sweet card! I love it. And, yes, you are right...it does make me feel a little better... but it's because of your girls, not the flowers! :o)
Those earrings are great!
I am so glad to have you back! I have seriously been having withdrawals. The newpictures of the girls are precious(as always:)). I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Have a great day!
That card is absolutely the cutest and most precious thing I have ever seen. The last pic...they have the same expression.
i love your spring cards so precious i wish i could make some like yours yours are so cite and sweet i love the pics you chose of the girls i cant wait to do the ear rings kit
We are so glad you are back. The cards a simply beautiful!!
I'm not crazy am I? Please tell me the Etsy link wasn't there this morning. I know I hadn't had my Diet Pepsi of the morning but I swear it wasn't there. :) Anywho, thanks for getting it up so quickly after I asked. (Even if I'm wrong, just pretend it wasn't there, just so I don't feel quite as dumb.)
LOVE my card!!! I just got it in the mail...they are growing up so fast!! And I love ellie's sweet little bracelet!:) alphafest looks like it was lots of fun, and as always...you outdid yourself!! I was going to come in for it, but renee was sick all weekend! {sad} hopefully soon!!
You were still gone when I left for vacation.. I'm back today and so THRILLED to see you are back as well. I missed reading your blog and seeing how those gorgeous girls are doing. Your new banner is fantastic. :) Too cute.
I was so tickled to see that you were sharing your blogs again. I enjoy reading them every single day. I don't ever comment (call me a lurker), but you have the best blog ever!!! Thanks!!!
Thanks for sharing your blog again. I enjoy reading it every single day. Even though I don't comment (lurker), it is so fun to hear about your girls and your amazing family. You are truly blessed!!!
Those girls are just precious! Love those Ellie curls and man, that Gabbi has the sweetest smile!
Beautiful card!!! Beautiful little girls!!
Mo, I so missed your blog and I am so glad that you are back!!!!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Very cute card!
I love your March card. Those are two beautiful little girls. I sure am wishing I lived in your neck of the woods. Not just because I'm having trouble with my neck but I could put up with the neck if I was having as much fun as you are! AND thanks for the great idea for Easter. I have two little neighbors that are going to get ALPHAKIDS books for Easter. They look like great books. I just wish I could buy all of them at one time! I'm so glad you're back!
Mo - I also would like to get the scrapbook - is it too late? I'm behind in everything!
Love the card! So absolutely adorable!!!
Beautiful card!! Love it and the earings, again so glad your back!!
First of all ..... love the spring card. It's adorable! Now for those who aren't crafty ...... can we just buy these earring without trying to make them? Love them, but just thinking about trying to make them is stressing me out!!
That card is ADORABLE!!! I love how you send out cards...
Have I told YOU how glad I am to have you back blogging?!? I am so glad you love to share your life!!!
so glad you are back too! i fell complete again! haha. weird, i know!
I love the card and I love the idea of sending one out each month. the receivers of the cards must look forward to getting theirs each month. I love the earrings they are super cute. My daughter assures me I could not and would not make them. I might though. Is it hard?
Gabbi girl KILLS me...she is a serious giggler and that just charms my socks off! Her big sis is pretty stinkin cute too. have fun mommy!
MO I think we are all glad you are back..what do you think?? Love the pictures...thanks again for sharing your life with us...WE MISSED YOU...can you tell?
I think if I lived closer I would like to work at MMPT..Looks like yall have lots of fun.
I love the pictures of the girls they are so beautiful. I am so thankful that you are back.
Hey, The earring are great! I wish we had your weather right now. We are still fighting with the river in Fargo and now the snow is started. Up to12 inches today. We need some relief.
Adorable..Adorable girls...
Stacey caringbridge.org/visit/cherylstanley
The card is adorable. Those monthly cards mean a whole lot more than the "expected" Christmas card. Thanks for sharing.
I do BELIEVE that you are meant to share your life. It is always a joy to be invited into your home, family, and life. I have had the pleasure of being a reader for a number of years, meeting you first while you shared the fight by your sweet boy. Thank you for allowing me to be a guest in your life!
LOVE IT... The idea and the card! Do you print them yourself or have them printed somewhere?
Wow...a card a month! You are my hero Mo! LOVE those pictures!!
The girls are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! The pictures of them taken in the field of flowers are just AWSOME! I am so glad you are back blogging and if I have figured out how to leave comments I promise to not lurk anymore! God Bless!
The girls look so darn cute!!! We are just as happy to have you back in our lives as you are happy to be sharing it. Many hugs going your way!!!
Love the card! So happy to have you back also, I missed you so! Hugs from Fort Worth!
We are SO GLAD your back... Missed seeing those adorable girls, and hearing all the WONDERFUL stories!!
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