Monday, September 15, 2014

Ice bucket challenge.

 At MMPT, we were challenged to do the Ice Bucket Challenge by another therapy clinic in town. We answered the call!  But, because we had a lot of folks in the West Monroe clinic that day, we knew we'd need BUCKETS and BUCKETS of ice water!   The boys got to work!

ANd the kids at the clinic, who were doing therapy, were more than happy to oblige in the dumping!
 Oh.  And yes... that "MAN" on the top left would be Hunter Bunter.  Hard to believe, huh?
 I'm never sure if the videos play on my blog or not.  But, I tried!
 Renee and Crystal got pretty soaked.
 As did John Wesley, Amber, Abby, and several of our student interns.
 This little punk LOVED making sure his therapists got good and drenched!
 Especially me.  I look like I'm wearing a leotard.  Do NOT print this pic out for any reason!  At all!!
 I love loving what I get to do every day.




kimybeee said...

I noticed that some of you got way wetter than others lol

snekcip said... I was awaiting The Ice Bucket challenge on your blog!! You didn't fail me!!!

PS I agree w/Kimybeee...there are some who are wetter than others. Okay...going to the printer to print your pic!! Ha! j/k

Holly said...

Always building teamwork and having a blast at the same time! Yay Mo!