Ok, so for the record, the way I operate is...

I work my fingers to the bone all day long, fly home at least twice a week, do art class with kids. Then, I DEVOTE my evening time to my children, typically involving golf cart rides til dark!

Then, there's dinner, baths, and PLEADING with Ellie to go to sleep. During all of this time, I usually pull out the ol puter and type up my blog post. In the past three months, I have become accustomed to having a personal assistant, Robin, (who by the way is back at the front desk at MMPT ... call her and say hi.... 318-396-1969) who was uploading my pictures for me daily so that very time consuming part of the routine would be handled.

Similarly, if I had need of any errands, i.e. fixing my defunct computer, she would also help me in that department too!

People ask me all the time "how do you do it all?". And in the past three months, I was getting a taste of "the good life" being able to send someone to do errands that I would otherwise have to do after work, thus cutting into my golf cart riding time and stressing me and my whole family out. These errands, 90% of the time, revolve around art supplies for retreats and weekly classes.

Which brings us to the reality of today's situation. I have a broken computer which cannot be fixed until a vital part arrives, and maybe, ready by next Thursday. Therefore, I can't blog from home.

I have a computer sitting at my desk at work (not that I actually get to "sit" at work hardly EVER), which doesn't have my personal pictures on it!!

The exception being these I have chosen which were all uploaded from my iPhone about a year ago, when someone suggested I clear off my phone or it, too, was going to crash from data overload!

That explains the old photos.... like....

So, now you are up to date on my life as of late. I hope to do a blog or two at work between now and next Thursday when I have my computer again. I have an iPad, but might as well not, because I know not how to use it. Todd the Bod has a laptop which I seem to be deficient with as well. And I dont' DARE ask him about electronics or computery things!! He thinks I hit my head!

Just rest assured, I WILL be back. And cant' wait to show and tell all about mine and Mary Allison's trip to the beach. By then, I will also have had an Easter egg hunt at my office, and will have all kinds of artsy pics to share! Oh, and another mini art retreat this weekend! Things happen fast in my world. But, I gotta admit, I like it that way!!
So nice to hear from you again! Love the pics!
Glad to hear from you! I missed you!
Love Holly & JakeDog
Love the old pics!
Enjoy the family and all the things that make you happy ;)
Good for you, Mo. I wish I had half your energy... or gumption or sumpthin! Thanks for a little glimpse into your world. We all love you!
glad to see you back here - but as long as i know you are "alive" on fb, i am good lol
You help me paint a canvas. I will teach you the iPad!!!!
You help me paint a canvas. I will teach you the iPad!!!!
Enjoy your life and your family, and don't worry about us, Mo...the blogging will still be here when your computer part arrives next week, but what you're doing with your family is most important.
Treasure every moment (I know you do)...those sweet girlies will be all grown up in the blink of an eye! It happened to me with my boys...I never shoulda blinked! ;-)
Have a blessed Easter...
What Beth said....! I kinda like being 'teased' by you and the anticipation is growing and growing. Like waiting for Christmas!
Mama J sends her love and thoughts to you and your precious family on this Blessed Good Friday.
Hey Mo, glad to hear from you, but I couldn't help but notice that there was the tiniest tone of apology in this post. I don't want you to feel that you ever have to apologize to US if you've been quiet around here for a few days. When you let us know about your broken computer and you were going to seize this opportunity to take a wee break from blogging I was actually HAPPY for you. I have been one of those people, along with many others, who finds myself thinking "How DOES she DO IT!?" Knowing that you are almost forced to take a short break from one aspect of your life is sometimes a nice reprieve because you're also absolved from any guilt. So don't feel GUILTY, MO!
That being said, I loved seeing a mish-mash of old pictures because it reminds me of how much time has passed with you as a part of my "morning routine!" (I think we are going on 5 years btw!)
We are your community Mo, we are your friends, and we are patient.
Enjoy your golf cart rides, and have a very happy Easter!
Maggie in Boston
Mo - just in case you are interested - there is a SUPER EASY app that you can use for blogging from your iPad called BlogPress. This will probably sound like a lame commercial for it but I found it even so much simpler to use than the pc. I agree with everyone else - enjoy your golf cart rides and your girlies - but if you can't help yourself ;) you may have an easy work around til your ole "friend" is repaired.
Loved the old pictures! You don't "owe" us a blog post everyday!! Although, we all love reading about your busy life and seeing your pictures of your beautiful girls we understand it isn't necessary to sustain life. Haha...Seriously, even if you weren't apologizing, it kinda felt like it. No need to do that girlfriend!! Your life makes my head spin! In a good way but whew! You would be bored around me! Haha. Keep doing what makes you happy, girl!
OT: I painted my bathroom a beautiful teal color and will be hanging the canvas you made for me in there tomorrow! It complements the color very well. YEAH! Thanks for adding your talent in my home! Have a very Happy Easter weekend!
Hugs from Missouri,
I love seeing these pictures....I think the picture of the four of you on the beach (in turqoise/green) should be on the cover of a magazine. The way your hair is blowing...the whole thing...and Tod, the Bod, looking so fine!!! I hope you have it framed... Hope you all have a wonderful Easter...
loved the old pictures especially the one of you with the thumbs up. Please don't ever feel like we have to have a blog post very day..... your children and family are far more important - and they will be grown and gone before you realize it. Blessings to you! Have a great Easter
Love, love, love the beach pictures. I am so excited, this afternoon Riley walked a good bit holding sonjas fingers. I got it on video. That is all thanks to you and your wonderful staff at wm mmpt. Many blessing are seen with our sweet angel because ya'll know what he needs. He was also clearly saying bye bye bye today too.
Enjoy the break. I wonder how we ever lived without computers.
Enjoy your break - I think we all understand :) Love the pics and glad you got to the beach with MA.
I've seen posts on facebook, so I assumed it was a computer issue!
Enjoy your girlies!
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