Time to get busy on some more canvases!! Here we see the decopauging fininishing up.

and once this was all finished and every last page was in place, Mo pulled out more canvases to get prepped for the masterpieces they are working on even as we speak!

This is the start of painting with vaseline. This is something was that I was privileged to start the example for! Mo calls from her busy schedule at work on Thursday and asks grab a canvas, get Vaseline and write a word on it. Then just paint right over it.

Here they are busy getting their paint on! I must say I've really enjoyed watching everyone's artistic side come to surface and full force.

This all happened so fast that I almost missed the getting the pictures taken.

These are some very advanced skills going on! (We have pegged this class the advanced class)

We would have giggles, some Nora Jones going and exchange life stories. There have really been some friendships made.

Good ol Cheerio, never left Mo's side.

Here we have Paige starting on what will soon be a very funky house painting. Mo called this the "warm up" canvas.

Here we have started with a background, this is Jennifer's.

Ummm Brooklynn, where is your back ground?

Nena Beth is getting ready to get her Stencil on!

Mo is always on stand-by to give her Mo-merizing advice.

Well, what do we have here? Brooklynn is getting her paint on!

Once Mo is confident everyone has a direction they are going in she dives into her own.

Aren't these just adorable!!

Brooklynn is very tedious, but she is really great at being an "out of the box" thinker.

This is where she gets it from.

Here I am sneaking a peak at Jennifer's work in progress.

Some of these are just pictures of these little houses coming together. Would you look at those beautiful snapdragons over Amy's shoulder. (I guess Mo let her bird fly my way!)

Once houses are painted and ready, the ladies were asked to find an inspiring quote to add if they wish.

I snuck in the work room so I could make sure ya'll could see how things from yesterday set us up for today's projects.

Would you look at this sweet house Paige has done! It matches her eyes!

You go girl!! Can you see how everyone is getting so confident and really going their own direction. They are so advanced!!!

I LOVE how Amy's turned out. She just sits quietly and then before you know it... Wah Lah!

LOVING how proud everyone is!! It makes you excited just being a part of this whole experience.

Mo doing some more of her MO-merizing!

and Here I give you... The first completed (except Brooklynn) Canvases of the advanced Retreat. Aren't these great!! Stay tuned for some rockin claymaking and jewelry!

I have been a lurcker for a long time (followed Jake) and really want to be at one of these events, but the timing just didn't work for this one.
Can't wait for the next one -- please give as much notice as possible so those of us who will be flying have time to plan! All looks like so much fun!
have been a lurcker for a long time (followed Jake) and really want to be at one of these events, but the timing just didn't work for this one.
Can't wait for the next one -- please give as much notice as possible so those of us who will be flying have time to plan! All looks like so much fun!
March 3, 2012 10:24 PM
Y'all are cooking wid gas now! Enjoying the pictorial....! Mo, where along the line did I miss you getting Cheerio?
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