I really do LOVE that my kids spend so much time in the art room.

And I gotta tell you... I think they love it too!! Ellie throws around terms like "Stamp pads", "Stencils" and "Decoupage" like it is no big thang and something every four year old should know!

She can whip out her own stamps, inks, paints, brushes, and tells the big girls to "put it on their palettes" like nobody's business.

This is some of Gab's handiwork. Lots of watercolor and stamps.

I think this might have been a combination of Ellie and Gabbi contributing to this one.

And then, Ellie added a little embellishment to Amy's "A" from the day before. Amy being Emma Lou's friend who often swings by for a little studio time!

And Ellie did this "E" all by herself. I gotta say, I was impressed!!

Rarely can we do an art project that doesnt' also say, "Madi".

Gabbi is working through a program in OT to help her with her handwriting, controlling her pencil/ crayon better, and ultimately preparing for school.

She got a little carried away with her marker but I couldn't help but let her go around with this little half moustache all day!

I mean, let's face it, it is really cute!

So anyway, just sayin, art time is a normal thing in this house.

And I am hoping that all this artwork will translate to a little bit of a kickstart for both of my girls' fine motor skills necessary in kindergarten.

And speaking of kindergarten, this is the way my PRE-kindergartener colors her color pages at school!

Nosirreee... a normal color in between the lines won't work for her!! She has to doodle in the lines, add shapes and stripes, and multi color them.

budding little artists! how fun for them that you let them create and learn the way that makes you all happy. and that ellie is a genius. gabbi is hiding all of her brains behind that cute little face so she can be lovey while ellie is miss independent lol
Wow, I'm impressed! Looks like you have two little art lovers on you hands....and I think that is GREAT! Art opens up a whole world that so many folks never visit! YOU ROCK ELLIE & GABBI!!!...huggers, BJ
We are working on pencil holding here too and it isn't going well....any suggestions on helping my 4 year old hold his pencil?
As a 3 year old preschool teacher I gotta say Gabbi's grip is awesome. Keep up the fun!
I'm impressed. Those girls will definitely follow in their mom's creative foot steps. Awesome!
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