I'd say Gabbi's favorite princess at present would have to be Belle. Or Rapunzel. Or Belle when she was a commoner and wore the "blue dress".

My girls are very clear that there is a "blue dress Belle" and a "yellow dress Belle".

Blue dress Belle is the one who reads books and ignores all of Gaston's advances!!

In the fairtytale, she is an independent thinker and does not want to go with Gaston, the town hunk. Rather, she later falls in love with the beast and debuts her yellow dress.
Meet Blue Dress Belle.

Gabbi was determined that she was going to give her Cinderella necklace to Belle.

And despite a long line of people waiting to take a picture with Belle, she was so loving and patient with my girls.

She took the necklace from Gabs and tried it on. Gabbi would NOT take no for an answer!!

She was looking at me and letting me know she was not keeping it, but I knew it was going to be hard to get it back to Gabbi. She WANTED Belle to have it!

So, Belle played the music from it and because she wore it a while, I think Gabbi Girl was satisfied.

I just sat nearby and clicked away, because it is pretty uncommon for the princesses to take so much time with one (or in this case, two) kids.

Then, she got out her book and told the girls to gather round.

They sat by her, and Belle started reading and talking to them about her adventures and all the books she has read.

No pictures in the book ,but Gabbi Girl was into anything Belle was!

I think Ellie Sue was singing to her "there goes the baker with his tray like always. The same ol bread and rolls to selllll. Every morning just the same. Since the morning that she came, to that poor provencial town. Good morning, Belle........" we know it verbatim!! That's what happens when you watch the same movie about 50 times!!

And by the way that is what Blue Dress Belle sings at the opening of the song. ANyone recognize it?!

This was a sweet picture. I think I may have to frame it!! This was a sweet little perfect Disney memory. A sweet princess and two very favored and happy girls!!

So, Blue Dress Belle kindly returned Gabs's necklace and we went on our merry way.

Thank you, Belle, for being the perfect princess for my girls!
And thank you, kimmybee for being the ONLY one to comment on my blog yesterday. WHAT'S UP!??? Come on, throw a dog a bone!! Comment so I know you are reading!! MOre Disney tomorrow, and soon a few of the retreat ideas!
i didn't even go back and look lol i enjoy seeing all of your adventures and like to make sure that you know about it too!
i know i would pick the blue dress belle over the yellow too - and it is so sweet that she took the time to be so interactive with your girls. this is the first time that ellie even looks interested and she is looking at belle like she is a teenager with leggings and high heels on lol lol
there is a new cheerios commercial on tv that makes me think of ellie! the little girl doesn't want to wear a dress cause it is for a baby, she puts on little punk rocker lookin clothes. then something else she says is for a baby and then when it comes to the cheerios she starts to say they are for a baby then changes her mind. after she eats her cereal she stands up on the chair and spreads out her bracelet clad arms like she is flying lol i think of ellie sue everytime i see it!!!
That was so sweet! And you got some great photos. :)
Sorryyyyy....Board meetings this week so that means early in and late home...but I did squeeze in my time with the guhs.
I take my punishment gladly cuz I don't want ya to ban me. Don't make me come down there. LOL
This post with 'Blue Dress Belle' has to be one of the sweetest.
Mo, I am the bad egg that reads everyday and never comments. I am so jealous of you and your sweet girls. I went to disney in november and didn't see a single princess thanks to my 2 stinky boys. I will just enjoy and live vicariously through you and your girls. Thanks for sharing.
Love the Disney blog posts. Even though I live about an hour and a half from Orlando, I haven't been to Disney in several years. It truely is a magical place and I love seeing the pictures of Ellie and GG with all the princesses. Beauty and the Beast is the first movie I took my nieces to so it holds a special place in my heart, especially since they have girls of their own now.
Love your Disney posts. Living the magic through you since we can't go until next year.
The book pictures with Belle are my favorites, but I'm a Blue Belle fan myself too.
Do you still take canvas/jewelry requests through Etsy or elsewhere?
Reading from my pHone most days and commenting is a bear!
Called me out. I read yesterday but just didn't comment - not fair to you, for sure. Love all the Disney posts (and all the posts). What a special time with Blue Dress Belle. Gabbi, for sure, will not forget it.
Loving the pics. Looks like it was a magical time for the girls.
I never comment(maybe once or twice) but read everyday too. I love the pics, it made me go get out all our pictures from our many trips to Disney as the kids grew up. And your girls are beautiful!
Great job with the camera! I always get sucked into the moment that I forget to click away.
TOTALLY reading the blog and vicariously enjoying Disney through the eyes of a "girl" family. I love my boys, but might have to "borrow" a girl for my next Disney trip!
Blessings to you!
Lori in Oregon
I've been reading every post, just been too lazy to comment! IM SORRY! I'm enjoying the Disney trip ;)
I too, read everyday, but I don't always comment. I should more, as I love when I get comments on my blog. I love all the Disney stories and pics. Your girl's are beautiful.
God Bless~
Sorry Mo - I don't get a chance to read over the weekend. Love the blog and following your family!
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