I have certainly postponed posting any photos of the weekend we spend with our buddies, for the Superbowl! Here's Sarah with Ellie Sue. She HAD to wear her poncho!

Our Saints weren't in the running, so actually, we didn't really care who won. I was sort of pulling for the Giants though. Gabs was given all her love to Linda Lou.

I was giving all my love to myself. Taking "hold out the camera" pictures of myself!

We went to the next door neighbor's joint for the usual grilling of all things meat.

I didn't even make my kiddos dress in team colors. There was no black and gold and no cheeseheads, so we were not invested!

I packed us some clay so we could do a little crafting while there.

And Todd the Bod DID sport his green and gold. How ya like that, Amy K?!

And speaking of "crafting", I actually DID spraypaint myself a XLVI tee shirt for the partay.

That's the closest I came to an actual event tee.

Always the best thing about our shindigs is the food.

That's Joe, Johnnye's older brother, and his girlfrand, Renee.

Paula and Angie were queens of the kitchen.

I know I have mentioned how much I love my new camera. Check out what it can do. I scanned from my far left to my far right, capturing the whole room and all the people at the bar.

These were the diehards, actually watching the game.

I'll be honest, I was conditioning clay. Getting ready for Camp Creative the next day!

And then there was THIS guy rooting for THAT team.

I am getting the retreat all laid out. Just for the record, here's who I have signed up.
Brooklyn's mama
Jennifer P
Maybes.... Zhohn, Polly, Riley, Julia
And here are the activities I have planned so far... girls, give me some feedback...
Clay pendants for St. Paddy's Day
Decoupaged hymnal on canvas, cross/ fleur de lis and verse or saying
Textured canvas with "word"
Canvas with masking, stamps, with house and "home quote" and number of home
Fabric cuff
handmade earrings
Tag mini book with pics from the weekend
Doodle project with oil pastels, watercolors and chalk
and..... any ideas you five?!
still can't find where you posted what kind of new camera you got :(
Thanks for the shout out Mo. I LOVE the A-Rod jersey! We, of course, wore our Packers gear too.
I'm trying to comment more for you. My son Adam wore his Packers jersey too, and the next day to school. His younger brother is a Giants fan and was the only one who cared who won. We were actually cheering for our numbers in the pool - we did win $500 bucks!
I was pulling for the Giants too. Gotta support the Mannings! But please get ya man some black and gold. :)
Mo, you sure are making me want to cancel my Canton plans! I can't believe the list of things you have to do for the retreat!! The only other idea I thought of is starting a mixed media art book with different techniques. Between Ellie's magazine circling, Gabbi's clay rolling abilities, and your plans for the retreat, I am wanting to come back to Louisiana!!
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