And every Wednesday, it's like a reunion with our favorite cousin, Madi.

It's been like "an etteeerrnnity" since we last saw her, after all!!

And dancing is about the only place where Ellie puts up little fight over what she is going to wear, because Miss Linda has strict rules regarding wardrobe in dance.

Black leotards, pink tights, and a skirt. There are a few little deviations here and there, but basically, that's the drill. And she also prefers a bun.

Gabs has dancing at 12:00, and there's a 30 minute gap between hers and Ellie's classes. This is when I slid in and snapped a picture. Gabbi Girl, the runt in this picture, made her way into the big kid photo!! And there's one missing, Ruby, who was not in a good mood upon arrival and was dragging a bit to move into the studio.

If these girls are anything like me and the girls I took dancing with when I was three, they will grow up to move from class to class each year together. I remember there were girls in my dance class that went to schools on the other side of the river. (WEST Monroe is separated from Monroe by the Ouachita River). If it hadn't been for dancing, I would have never known them at all. Once in college, and four hours from home at LSU, we would talk about memories of knowing each other from dancing when we were wee ones.

It's neat to think that these little darlings may also be bound by this unique experience.

This class has a really unique situation. There are only six people in the class. That's because most 4 year olds are in pre-K, and their mamas work. Because of this, they primarily choose the after school class for 4 year olds on Thursday afternoons. That class is big. We kind of lucked out.

We have this tiny little class of six. I would think that normally they would have cancelled or combined such a class. Buutttt, Miss Linda and Miss Linda Lou LOVE us, and I think they made a consolation!

We totally lucked out, because as they've been practicing their recital routine, we are seeing that they will have somewhat of a solo performance, as each one of them enter the stage independent of all others and do a little ditty. Well, it's ballet, so I guess it's not really a ditty, but you know...

Aha. THere's Ruby. See? I told you... she was NOT in a good mood that day!! (Hey, LeighAnn... you still reading my blog?! She warmed up later! I promise!)

Ellie and Madi L.O.V.E. dancing!

and they L.O.V.E. each other!!

I don't know if I have mentioned this, but the professional photographer was scheduled to come into the classroom the following week to take pictures of the girls, both posed and random, natural shots, to use as a collage for purchase. I couldn't STAND it that I wouldn't have the opportunity to buy the pics of my girls, especially my Gabbi Girl, with her FIRST dance class.

Miss Linda Lou let me sneak in late in GG's class and between their classes for Ellie's group pics.

Ellie and Madi were in full dancer mode... first postion!

Ellie is busting out with a fourth position.

And I think Madi may be adding a little hip hop in there now!

The reason we would not be able to participate with the professional photographer was because that was our Orlando week. So, here are my shots...

I just won't be able to order them in a big collage style on a poster. But, I suppose I could make that work too, if I had too.

Miss Linda Lou even obliged and got in a few shots for me.

And then, I poked my head back in in time for the change of the shoes... between ballet time and tap time.

This summer when Ellie and Gabbi were taking the same summer class, I would poke my head in and Ellie would not only be doing HER shoes, but also Gabbi Girl's. She is a responsible big sister!!

And there's Miss Linda. Still dancing after, I think, 50 years. She was MY dance teacher at age three, I know that for sure.

And now she is instilling love of dance in all these little dancers' hearts and minds.

Madi.... ummm.... don't you put out too much effort there.

And then, I sat a spell and took a few actual tap dance action photos.

Girlfriend is WORKING that hip action!!

I LOVE this picture. I lightened it up a bit and printed it for Miss Linda Lou.

So there you have it... sassy sass.

Friends in dancing from age three.

And my favorite picture of all. The whole gang.

So glad my girls love dancing and are being taught by those who LOVE dance as well!
Adorable pictures! Hope your girls continue to dance and make lifelong friends.
I can feel the joy shining through Ellie & Madi (and of course little Gabbi Girl too) in these photos! Such sweet girls.
This is just precious. What a gift to have the LINDA's to love and work with your girls and Maddi. Warms my heart...great pics..the pro don't have nuttin on Mo.
My daughter, Kacie, took ballet from age 3 until she graduated from high school. She loved it! Glad to see your girls enjoying it, too.
My granddaughter, took dance from age 3 thru 13. She loved it also...and she too, has friends made during those 10 years. I think it is a great thing...this process teaches them so many different things....love the pics!....huggers, BJ
I love the dancing pictures! All those little girls looks so pretty, even Ruby! They are all good pictures! More please!
Mo! You can make those collages online at CVS or Walgreens! Any number of pictures you want in them. I do one each year for the grandparents of my kids from the past year. They are very resonably priced and they will even mail them to you if you don't have either store down there near you!
Laurie in NJ
Love to see the joy on their faces!
Too cute! You can get snapfish or most of the online photo shops to get a poster with all your poses. I use to do baseball collages when my boys were younger.
I can't believe how beautiful Madi is!!! of course she has always been cute, but she looks so grown up!!! Those 3 girl's are going to one day, have boys all over the place!! Ya'll will have your hands full!!!
Walmart also will do collage prints. I have had several made with all my grands in it.
Loved all the dancing pics. Thanks for sharing!!!
God Bless~
Steal my heart!! Love the pics of the girls! Especially love to see Madi!! She is such a beautiful little girl, as ALL of them are! There is something so precious about ballet and little girls. I was able to bask in that last yr. The studio here accomodates the older girl more so than for pre-school age girls Bre age. I mean how can you get your child to a 3:30 class when the school district for elementary does not end until 3:25!! Ridiculous!! Although I long for tutus, ballet shoes and fifth position...I have given in to spandex suits, barefeet and flipping and jumping. Gymnastics is byfar my girls thing. She could do this 24-7! Just ask our poor dog, who ducks/dodges those random cartwheels! Ha!
PS Yay! Blogger loves me today!! No kicking me out!!
PRICELESS! The pictures are priceless. Those little girls will have relationships that will last forever. They all look so cute and some of the pictures of them with their facial expressions...well they're priceless!! You did a great job with your camera, as usual. If I didn't live so far away, I'd drive my hiney to LA for the recital. It would be so worth it.
Thanks for sharing!
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