Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Making cool bracelets
Sorry I have been out of pocket for a day or so. Todd the Bod and I were in New Orleans for the national championship. And I DO NOT want to hear from you Alabama fans!! ha
I had a few pics already loaded up, so I am sharing those until I load up LOTS of pictures from New Orleans. This is the other day when E, G, and I all sat down and made bracelets from a kit they got from Santa. I have to make some ORDER in the closets by actually USING the toys, games, books, etc that we have/ got for Christmas.
That is part of my own little strategy for ORDER. And when we had several bands leftover, I THREW THEM AWAY! Goooooo me!! That is highly unusual. I think it's an artsy thing. I can't throw anything away. I always think I can make something out of something, so I usually end up accumulating. So, I am proud that I just threw it right away. You "green" folks, don't lay into me. If you could see my upcycling area, you'd realize I just can't keep it all!
And I also think it's a nice way to make me sit down with my little precious ones and take the time to really spend together and all share the same activity.
Ellie's bracelet was covered in bling and glittery puffy paint. Aren't you surprised?! I know you are. She's usually so "plain" and "boring" and muted. You know all tan, and beige, and white. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
This is mine. It says "Use ur Gift". That's my abbreviated mission statement. I plan to wear it on "turquoise day", as Ellie calls it. Pretty appropriate since that's the day we wear our turquoise shirts. Don't think that one has missed it one little bit. She doesn't miss much actually.
Ok, so here it is... your one and only time to let me have it, Bama. If I heard "Roll Tide" once this weekend, I heard it a thousand. So dish it out. I can take it. And no matter what, I can tell you that regardless of the outcome, the time I got to spend with my hubby alone, out of town, and at a total passion of his (LSU football) was just totally worth it. Making memories. It's what makes a FULL life!
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I have no comments about the football. I always feel bad for the losing team. Those are someones children and we never would want our kids to be those that lose. Weird I know! Anyhow I love the bracelet kits and I laughed when you said you threw the leftover bands away. Good for you! I too am a craft hoarder. I keep little leftover because you might need it one day. I've begun to let it go and get rid of it. Insane. I keep the stuff but 99% of the time I never use it.
Love the girls as always. Time away with the hubby is priceless and happens way to little for me!
Looks like fun to me....hope you guys had fun in the BIG Easy......huggers, BJ
Good for you for tossing the leftovers. I too struggle with that where craft supplies are concerned.
I love crafting time with my daughters. Of course time away with the hubby would be nice too! ;)
It's all about making memories! I am so happy for you and Todd, I know that time was much needed.
this is not from me but my husband :) ROLL TIDE :)
Glad you and Todd got to go have a GREAT time together. That means so much in a marriage! I kept looking for you on TV, all those thousands of people. Can't wait to see the pics & get the lowdown on the trip!
OK, I'm going to say it and get it over with: Roll Tide Roll! Great game, great opponent, but glad my Bama won! After the devastating April tornando in Tuscaloosa, I think my former city really needed this win. However, my Grandad did play baseball at LSWho, so I can't trash talk too much.
Now to cheer on for our dear old Packers! Go Pack Go!
Keep enjoying those babies! They are worth every minute!
let's go mountaineers!!!! my team set many records in the orange bowl!!!! and i was rooting for your team!
love the projects, and i know what you mean about the saving. i did some of that tossing last week myself. jeff and i cleaned out the rest of the spare bedroom closet that i had my saves and artsy fartsy junk in. he sleeps in that room cause he works midnights and we had already painted and moved his gun cabinets and some of his dead critters in there to make it his own man cave. i tossed some stuff that i had been saving for a long time that really meant nothing. it felt good to downsize, but you could barely notice!!!
Thought about you as soon as I heard the results of the game the other night - glad you had the greatest time with your hubby and always find way to "suck some more marrow out of life." I have gotta live by that one in 2012. Didn't think my word should be "suck" however. No one would understand that one!
OK, forget Tides & Tigers, go you Hairy Dawgs!!!
I've finally come up with my word, drum roll please.....CHALLENGE! I was CHALLENGED after my son wrecked my ONLY car on Christmas, I was CHALLENGED to find a replacement after not having a car payment and low insurance for several years, and I'm CHALLENGING myself to better my lifestyle going into this new year.
So glad ya'll had a great time together and I was CHALLENGED pulling for your Tigers! LOL!
I have held my tongue so far but ROLL TIDE and thanks again for the painting. My hubby and I had our first getaway without kids (near impossible when you have 4) last week for my birthday. I wouldn't trade my time with him in Atlanta for anything. Glad you had fun too!
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