Oh, did I mention Santa came?!

Well, he did. And I am going to be in mucho trouble if I don't get these pictures on this blog. Kimie is seriously sick and tired of my delay in posting Christmas morning. So, here ya go, Kimie!

So, this is only a few minutes after getting up!

Santa rocked the Groves house!

And left Gabs a much too big bike. Way to go, TG!

The other one seemed to fit Ellie Sue perfectly! She took off through the house like she was SUPER BAD!

Poor, poor little two braided GG. She just couldn't touch the pedals!

It looks like Santa threw up in pink!

Until you get to our "mature" daughter's side of the room!

Ellie was the first one up and came to our room bright and early. She didn't pass go and she didn't collect any of her toys before she came to get us!

Nor did she lean over and awaken her little sister to come and enjoy it with her right off the bat. I had to encourage her to go let her in on the secret!

Santa brought LOTS of art supplies. Santa, is you crazy?! Is that PAINT!?

and baby dolls? Heck yeah! we GOTS us some baby dolls!

This has to be one of our best years ever. The girls are old enough now to get excited about every little thing. Gabbi sits and stares and ponders every single thing about a toy. Ellie tears open the package and chunks it to the side to get to the next one.

However, if you ask Gabbi what she got for Christmas from Santa, it's always the same... "Toys". In fact, that's exactly what she'd tell you every time you asked her what she wanted from Santa too! "toys".

Now, ask Ellie what she got for Christmas and the words that pass her lips, "A hot glue gun and a sewing machine". That's my girl!!

Daddy came in to be surprised by the loot.

And to do the all important opening of packages and such .

Then he made himself a cup of coffee and put on his skull cap (proof positive that he keeps our house at subarctic temperatures!) and enjoyed the show.

Gabs could have sat and slathered lipgloss on her lips for 30 minutes straight. She really could! She will go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.... until her face is COVERED in make up!

I am keeping a grateful journal in 2012 (and encourage you too as well... more on that later), and one of the things I wrote yesterday is that I am grateful that my little girl likes to wear her hair in two braids. Isn't it the sweetest thing? At least one of them doesnt' think she has to have a Snooki pouf every day! See... I'm grateful for that too!

Then came the arduous task of sorting the gifts from under the tree. We had a few that we wrapped for each other, a few for the kiddos, and lots to go to JinJin's with later in the day.

Todd and I are not nearly as agile as we once were. WOuld anyone agree that hitting 40ish is when things just really take a turn?! It did for us. God forbid I had another kid whose room had to be UPstairs! Oh, Lord!!

I do LOVE a full stocking! DOn't you!?

I'm also glad we saved a few wrapped gifts for the girls. They really enjoyed getting to open a few on Christmas morning.

Especially THESE!!!

If you follow me on Facebook, you'll know that Staci threatened to get these for Ellie at the mall. They didn't have her size though. And she thought that would be enough to keep her from getting them. Ha! I figured, if I got the boots in a 12 (she wears a 9 1/2), then I could claim she could only wear them around the house. Riiiigghhhhhttt!!

I mean look at the JOY on that kid's face! She was totally beside herself!

The girls also opened a gift from Tashia on Christmas morning, a new LSU cheer uniform for each of them. Wonder when we'll be needing those? Hmmmm??? yea, I wonder!

yayyy... glittery Toms!

For BOTH of us!

Ellie drew her daddy a piece of art on her very own. Not only that, but she also got all the wrapping paper and supplies and wrapped it for him. She also wrote the names on a majority of the tags on the gifts under our tree this year. My baby girl is growing up!

In fact, next year.. no ... THIS year! is kindergarten!!
Gabs may also tell you that besides "toys", this mirror ranks pretty dadgum high on her favorite Christmas gift list.

Lizzie just came in for the socialization. Really, she wishes everyone would just go right back to sleep. It was way early for that girl.

What? What?!

And then came stocking time!

Now JinJin and Pops didnt' raise no skimpy stocking stuffers!! Nosirreee.

So, as Gabbi cheered over getting her M&M's (simple pleasures for that girl!), we all three posed for our merry Christmas picture together.

Uggh, Gabs. That's gross.

Within minutes, the fingernail polish was a-flowin!

Except for the artist. She was busy putting on her press on nails.

Nails, makeup, high heels... THAT's what lights her fire!

Our den was ransacked, but it was a really awesome morning at the Groves' place.

and honestly, I love the LOVE that I see when my girls are playing and sharing together and with each other.

And more exciting than anything is that Miss Ellie Sue got to wear her high heel boots over to JinJin's.

You think she's proud of these?!

Gabs got her M&M's in hand and her Rapunzel dress on and was ready for the fiasco about to ensue at JinJin's too.

Right afteeerrrr.....

a little spin in her Barbie car.

Pops and Nana gave her this car the night before on Christmas Eve.

And to say she likes it is a gross understatement.

I'd say she more LOVES it!

and what makes Gabbi happy makes Mama happy!

Sorry Lizzie girl, you aren't going to be able to go today. We'll see you this afternoon, after mucho lunch and present exchange. And don't be judging... I KNOW I need to clean out that garage in the background... thus ORDER!!

With a loaded rear end, we packed it on up and headed on out.
Christmas morning 2011.
P.S. Got your word?! I think everyone saw mine and WHY I chose it. For the record, I KNOW why I chose my word and what areas in my life need ORDER. You can't have a blog, put your life out there publicly and not expect a little scrutiny from time to time. But, just sayin, I was not asking for any input on WHY I should have chosen my word or WHAT areas of my life needed ORDER. Nor do I need to know the priority in which the reasons needed to be listed. I know this. I chose my word because of it. It's MY WORD. My LIFE. My health. Sorry. I'll be back tomorrow. Happier and more chill.
Thanks for reading my blog.
HOORAY for Santa! Gosh, I miss the days of Christmas morning with little ones. Our Christmas this year was way too quiet! One son now married, spending Christmas at his place with his bride, the other son a college student. He didn't wake up before noon. Hubby and I are thinking we may need to change some Christmas traditions. Maybe we could celebrate in an exotic place...the BAH, perhaps?! ;-)
As for the P.S. - SERIOUSLY?! I had no idea that people had done that. I'm sorry, friend. I think we all need to FOCUS on our own lives, our own faults and shortcomings, and our own ways to bless people.
Big hugs...
BTW...your girls couldn't look any more excited and adorable than they did in those pics. LOVE it!
Thanks for sharing Mo! Looks like you had an awesome Christmas. I want some boots like Ellie too. ; )
You are sooo funny! I love your comment and why don't people keep their comments to themselves? Is that person perfect? My word should be keepmymouthshut because I can't seem to do that when people annoy me. My mom too will make comments about my weight. HELLO do you not think I know I'm a plus size woman!?? Check...got that! Anyhow the girls are adorable. To see the joy on their faces its priceless. Cherish the time. It seems likes yesterday mine were that age. Now this year if it didn't start with an "I" it wasn't on the list.....iphone...ipad....ipod.... and I get lectures about that too. I buy to much, blah blah blah. Last I checked they were my kids, my money! Enjoy it Mo! Love your blog, always!!!
Before I comment on Christmas, did I read that Ellie will be going to kindergarten? I'm seriously about to cry!! What happened to the cutest bald headed baby girl with a pink body cast??? I love that girl! So independent and beautiful.
I really do love this post! Christmas is by far my favorite time of year, nothing warms my heart like a happy child! Loving Ellie's boots! Gabs is so precious, such simple things make her so happy!
I love your "p.s"...I saw what you're talking about the other day. P-lease! Keep your opinions to yourself ;)
I can't wait for you to share this year with us. I'm very excited, your girls are growing and learning and I'm extremely excited to see what 'order' you bring into your life this year.
I'm sticking with CHANGE, they have already begun. And I really don't care who likes them or not!
yay! cHRISTMAS pics! Ellie's pink boots are hilarious! Sweet Gabbi and her lipstick. I can't believe that somebody commented on your word!
Yo Mo! It looks like Christmas was joy-filled at the Groves house. I love ending the year with so much joy. Ellie's boots are AWESOME as are Gabbi's new wheels! I am so excited for my 2012 word, THRIVE. It's time to get rid of stagnate actions and survival mode mentality.
As for the judgement passed by others, you can only control what you do, what you say, and where you are. Those who do not value and appreciate the joy you bring to others from your inspiring and heartfelt blog posts can choose not to read your blog or keep their thoughts to themselves. Posting your life and thoughts is extremely vulnerable. Rather than look down on you, I think readers should embrace, encourage, and lift you and each other up in our quest to live out our individual words for 2012.
Oh the sweet memories going thru these precious pictures has stirred. My "baby" will be 42 this year, but I so remember my house looking like a war-zone on Christmas morning!! I wouldn't trade a single memory for anything in this world. Enjoy your babies while they are exactly that Mo...babies! As for people who feel the need to stick their noses where they do NOT belong...rise above it girl....they are just jealous of what you have....A LIFE!!....huggers, BJ
Mo.....Oh my gosh it looks like Christmas was so much fun with your two little girls. They are so cute and growing so fast!!! Ignore what was said....I didn't read it but not worth getting yourself worked up over....we love you and your blog!!! Wishing you and your family the best for the New Year.
Awwwww... I LOVE the excitement on both their faces! Priceless! I was noticing Ellie had a change of boots from the first pic, to mid pic... then came the pink ones! She hit the jackpot FOR SURE!!! My 6 yr old would LOVE them!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! (definately won't get any judging from me! :) Love you just the way you are!
Sorry girls for deleting your comments. They were duplicates, so I was trying to clean it up a bit. No hard feelings. I still have your original comments. And I didn't mean to cause a stir with my P.S. either. I just get a little defensive in "that" area. And don't need to be reminded of it. I try to focus on all the good, no GREAT, in my life. That's all. MO
I too, saw the remark or comment after you posted your word, and thought, wow, how rude is that!!! That person needs to concentrate on herself and not you or your health.
Christmas looked like a blast at the Grove's home. Those 2 girl's are so precious. You hit the jackpot with those 2, but I know you already know that! I loved seeing their smiling faces, even with M&M mush..LOL.. Thanks for sharing, and Happy New Year!
I think my word this year is JOY. Jesus 1st, Yourself last and Others inbetween. I need to put him 1st and also see all the JOY I have in my life.
God Bless~
Those little pink boots are FANTASTIC! I would have gone crazy for those when I was little. I still remember the jelly heels I got when I was five or six. They were huge but I wore them CONSTANTLY.
Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas morning!
I love the sheer bliss on their faces. What is more precious than that?
Your P.S. - how does that saying go? Everyone should sweep infront of their own door (or something like that)! I personally appreciate you for exactly who you are....your authentic self!!! HUGS!
What's the old saying...one bad apple? Don't sweat it, Melanie. Look at the joy this blog brings to so many! You touch lives daily - in SO MANY ways!
I LOVE starting EVERY day with your blog! First thing I do every morning when I pull my computer up. Thanks for that!
And p.s. - I said a little prayer for you!
Enjoyed "Grove Christmas 2011"!! The girls looked so happy! Ellie's boots were hilarious as was Gabbi's TOO BIG bike. I shook my head in agreement in amazement at the "subartic temps"!! Must be a MAN THING!! My husband is the same way!! I seriously think he was a POLAR BEAR in another life!!! Too funny!!!
Bikes were a BIG HIT here as well. Bre got her BIG GIRL 18in and my 3yr old grandson got his 14in BMX big boy bike. Both with handbrakes and all the frills and gadgets!! Happy kids is an understatement!! There is TRULY nothing like the sounds and sights of a kids voices/face on Christmas morning....nothing!!!
Thanks for sharing your Christmas and you household THROUGHOUT the year! I know you as well as many other bloggers expose your lives publicly. It takes alot of GUTS to do that and I just wanna let you know YOU ARE APPRECIATED, YOU ARE ADORED and YOU ARE ADMIRED by many of us! Keep "DOING YOU" girl!!!
PS Not gonna focus or comment on the rude comment. That's giving it "too much attention". It doesn't deserve that at all.
Omg! Not believing what I read! I would delete those people as followers... There is enough negativity in the world... Don't need any " frienemies".... I got your back!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, some people.
I miss seeing my little ones on Christmas morning. They are both all "growed" up now. Luckily I have a 4 year old grandson although I don't get to see his face when he first sees what Santa brought but him hey, I had my turn.
Looks like you all had a glorious day.
All the best for the New Year. Keep your blog posts coming. I look forward to them everyday, kind of like my mediation sayings I read every morning to jump start my day.
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