HELLO BLOG WORLD! HA! This is MA! I am guest blogging (and yes I do feel like quite the superstar) I am here to report on one of the BEST nights ive ever had with my friends! Our FIRST annual tacky Christmas party. (I am above all Tackied out)

The group started out small... some had work, dance, etc but we began to grow.

If you havent read the blog about Mo's party... GO READ! Theennnn, come right back! But, we too played the secret game! SO HILARIOUS!

Blogland... yall have seen me grow up since age 12.. feel like yall are my 2nd fam! I dont know if yall know but above is my BEST friend Lauren! She is my equivalent of Paula. We do everything together and are very alike yet very different. People who know us call us "Romie and Michelle" NEVER a dull moment when we are involved.... EVER

Here they are! My bestest friends. Some of these girls I have grown up with, some met in junior high, and some are new friends. I am SO blessed to have each one of these girls.. My grade is very close knit. All of our girls are extremely close. No drama. And all our boys are close knit too.. makes for one awesome group! (We cant wait for Senior Trip.. HA!)

TACKY!!! So very tacky!! Im so glad we did the Tacky Christmas theme.. It was fun!

Top Row (L--->R)we have Caitlin (who is the COVER MODEL of Varsity Cheer Magazine 2012, proud of her!) Hanna (who I went to kindergarten with! we both sat at the green table), Richmond (who moved to West Monroe in 2nd grade and we were in the same class 2-5 grade) Lauren, (best friends since sixth grade but went to Kindergarten together), Sierra (my other best friend, went to church togehter since pre school but became best friends after the summer of 9th grade), Kristen (friends since 1st grade!) Bottom Row: Adriane (Played soccer on the same team for 10 years STRAIGHT! Go purple storm!) Madeline (a new High School friend) Alex (friend since 1 st grade!) ME! And then Kelsey my good friend since junior high!

Next we have (l--->r) Rebecca (we went to the same daycare as infants and we are still close!) Shelby (my mom's best friends daughter.. we go way back. just like another sister!) and last on the back row, Sari (new highschool friend who i would call another of my "close best friends" we hang out ALOT!) Then, bottom row, Anne Marie (played soccer with me and adriane and have been friends since age 4!) and finally Maddie (our dads are good friends, friends since age 5!) Yall may remember Maddie.. she has watched Sue Sue and GG before!!

I have some PRETTY friends!

NEVER a dull moment

PRESENTS! for the secret game (I HAVE AN AWESOME STEP MOM)

I am slightly embarassed.......... you think I would learn not to make ugly faces or else it WILL be on the blog... (I am too much like Mo) (not a bad thing!)

So let me explain... this year we did a GAG gift exchange... so marvel at these gift!


Ketchup and Mustard GUN!


Size 4X Panties.. Oooh La lA:)

Reindeer Beanie

Wind Chimes!

Awkward Family Photos snow glabe.. Classic

Edible undies! hehe!

Fur HAT!

Awkward Cowgirl!

Chinese Rice Hat.. Oh and BTW! Meet Amelia (youve probably seen her before!) We have danced together since we were 5 annnd we recently became very close friends! LOVEE me some Amelia!

SIERRA! and her.....

Me and my 6 and a half in PLATFORM heels.... oh yes

Hey Abbie.

Cute huh??

MMM work it Maddie

Meet Abbi! Great friends since junior high!

The whollleee group!

and again!
We spent the night.. ate. and Todd mad a HUGE movie screen and we capped off the night by watching Christmas Vacation! (Oh and Clayton thought it would be funny to try and scare us!) then the next morning my awesome Pau Pau (Paula) brought Kolaches, donuts, you name it!
The party was a TOTAL success!! We carolled too! To allll the boys' houses! SO Funny! We made a ton of memories and I will NEVER forget our first tacky Christmas party!
I wanna take this moment to thank my FABULOUS step mom for helping with this party. She made it happen. And not just for helping me with my party but with everything. Mo has always been my 2nd mom and with the challenges I was faced with 12 weeks ago.. She hasnt smothered me like some, but been there no matter what.. from last minute Christmas gifts.. to a place to stay at 2 AM after a school dance because I was in her neighboorhood and their were no beds at my friends house, to taking me to get my "fake nails" as Ellie would say. Her heart swells! Not only Mo, but Todd too. I have always been so thankful for the role that they have played in my life but in the past weeks i have realized how blessed I am to have them. No doubt they helped make me who i am today! It is terrible that it takes a tragedy to realize what all you have in Life..I know that both of them will continue to "do life" with me.. Prom, LSU games where they use me as an excuse to Par-Tay, college stuff, weddings, kids.. I know they will be there every step of the way! Just like I will be for E and G. always! God has been MORE than great to me.. I try and keep a positive attitude and know that things happen for a reason. One thing of many I have learned from Mo is that someone always has it worse than you! Pitying yourself will get you NO where in life and neither will a pessimistic attitude! So I try and be optimistic everyday and NEVER have pity parties.. I just put on my big girl panties and think about that other person who would love to live the life I am blessed with. I suggest you do the same... its a new year! Take the hand you have been dealt and run with it! Bad things are gonna happen but you just gotta realize that it happened for a reason! YOU determine your attitude, your circumstances do not!
I have been thinking.. and I am pretty sure my word for 2012 is going to be LIVE.
I want to LIVE life to the fullest! It is a short one so while alive I want to reallyLIVE and seize EVERY oppurtunity to make a memory!
I want to LIVE healithily (is that a word?)
And want to thank God everyday for the life he gave me to LIVE!
I am a blessed girl! I love all of yall like my own family! Hope Christmas was spectacular and that New Years is even better! What will YOUR word be??? I want to hear!!!!
Mary Allison
You, Mary Allison Mitchell, are an amazing girl! I have always been proud of you, but the way you have handled life lately brings me to tears. You have faced this terrible thing and found your way through it. I know it is a journey you are still on and will be on for a while. But I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will come through it and be a better and stronger and more compassionate person.
I love you kiddo!
First of all, I think it's awesome the way you are so close to your "bosses," like they are family! The hermit crab was by far my favorite gag gift.. HAHA!
Merry Christmas Mary Allison! You are amazing and wise beyond your years! Good advice for everyone! We have never met, but I have kept you and your family in my prayers and will continue to do so! I look forward to lots of good updates on MoJoy!
That was BEAUTIFUL Mary Allison, truly beautiful!!!
What strength & courage you display for such a young woman. I am so happy to hear that you have a great Step Mom (God is good)and indeed you, Mo, Todd & the girls are very fortunate to have each other.
Have a happy, healthy New Year and thank you again for the lovely "guest post."
Diana from Colorado
Mary Allison you are precious!
I know you didn't guest blog for kuddos or praise but that is exactly what you are going to get! What a fine model of young womanhood you are for Ellie and Gabby! What a wonderful treasure you are to Mo and Todd. How beloved are you to your daddy and sister. How PROUD is your mama. Sweet girl you have been lifted in prayer for 12 weeks and this will continue.
Mary Allison you are precious!
Your are an amazing and wise girl!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Looks like the party was great! Thanks for 'introducing' us to all of your friends.
Your thoughts of Mo and Todd brought me to tears. You all are so blessed to have each other. What an amazing outlook you have in such a terrible situation. Happy New Year!
My word this year is Change. I will be making MANY changes this year.
God Bless!
Mary Allison, it has been a joy getting to know you and watching you grow into an strong, amazing young lady through Mo's blog.
I'm certain you have wonderful things ahead of you.
Thank you for sharing your perspective - it is truly inspirational.
May God continue to bless you...
Good Morning, Mallison...what a great party! I felt the energy just from reading your blog. Both you and Mo wear me out with your amazing zest for life and energy. It makes me feel so alive! Thank you for sharing.
My word for 2012 is "chance". Before we write people off or pass judgement, we should remember that until death takes us, everyone deserves another chance. My goal is to remember that and give others encouragement to want to change either by words of encouragement but more importantly by the way I treat them.
God Bless you Mary Allison and the wonderful young woman you are becoming.
WOW! You are an amazing young lady, MA! I have enjoyed watching you grow over the years and seeing that bond with the Groves family grow stronger and stronger. You are both so lucky to have each other. Our prayers continue for your family. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I agree with the first post, MA, you are amazing. You are a smart, caring, loving, warm, fun young lady. If you are ever in NC near Raleigh, you are welcome to stay at my house any time. Your attitude alone will carry you far. My word this year is JOY. I've read so much this past year about choosing joy. So, for 2012, I'm choosing JOY in more ways than just a word. I look forward to more MA posts. You are a hoot and a half! We all love you and look forward to sharing your life's milestones. Happy New Year, sweetie!
Precious! Yes, MA you are blessed, but you are also teaching everyone else how to truly LIVE despite tragedies and hardships. Keep it up sweet girl!
What a wonderful party and post! I don't comment often but read every day. As you said, you are lucky to have Todd and Melanie in your life and vice versa.
Mary Allison you are the true meaning of "JOY"! Keep that joy in your heart and soul and that beautiful smile on your face and you are gonna tackle any obstacle w/the zest and zeal that is deep within you. May the New Year bring you continued you joy and laughter. You have a strong sense of family you combine that with good friends and you can't go wrong.
Cute party, Beautiful friends and great gag gifts!!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sending HUGS from Bre and I!!
PS Cute gag gifts!! Well everythg except the hermit crabs...they are GROSS!!!
Mary Allison, You are one amazing girl. Thank you for the challenge to put my big girl panties on and get on with life! And...I'm 61yrs young. :)
God will use you in ways you can never imagine with an attitude like yours. You are truly blessed. God go with you every step of the way!
What a wonderful post! You are such a special young woman and Todd, Mo, Ellie, and Gabbi are very blessed to have you in their lives! You stay the way you are right now and you will go far in life.
I think my word for 2012 will be LEARN. I want to learn to knit and I want to learn to take great photos! That will be hard for my 47 year old brain, but I am going to give it a try.
MA, you are an amazing young lady. I am so thankful that you, Mo, Todd, E, G have EACH OTHER! You are a blessing to everyone that has the privilege to know you and I pray that my grandsons will soon have a "BEST" friend just like you to show them and share with them how much joy and fun life can be when you 'grab it by the horns'. Luv ya, MimMim
I have been so excited about the party for u from the very second Mo mentioned it! I'm glad it was a first of many more to come!!
Today as a sit squalling reading your blog I came to realize I'm needing to read this.... Every single thing you said I needed to hear! So, if it means anything... You literally touched my heart. I'm a 39 yr old mother of two beautiful daughters (13 1/2 and 8) and I'm making changes my my life.....Thanks to you! I have constantly been thinking of you every single day. I would think of my girls and what if. I'm so very proud of the very strong young lady that you are! I can't wait to see what is in store for you! It's gonna be good I can already tell! I know you have lots of people that are proud of u MA!!!!
Chickie, you are just the bomb. Really. What a blessing you are to everyone in your life, and thank you for allowing us to watch you grow. Happy New Year!
Shoot. Forgot to tell you my word. Beach brain. No, that is not my word. I am going to stick with remain. It served me well, and I still need it.
mary allison = beautiful inside and out!!!! looked like a great party and a wonderful blog post!!! look forward to you guest posting again!!
and an amazing testimony!!!!
I don't comment often, but Oh My! MA - you rock! You are wise beyond your years! We've never met, but you and your family have been in my prayers. What a blessing you and the Groves family are to each other. God always knows what people to put in our path! Best wishes to all of you for a Happy 2012!
As many on here, you don't know me...but your post brought tears to my eyes. You are obviously an incredible person and I am sure your mother is very proud of you. (As well as your step mom:).
Way to go, Mary Allison! You make me proud - and I don't even KNOW you. You're 100% right about attitude and gratitude. Thanks for the reminder. You hang on to those two and NOTHING will be able to stop you in this life. Happy New Year!
MA, Back again and just wondering. Are those Uggs? Himself and I have been dashed into Ugg-world via our elder Grandgirlie (5th grade). She really, really needed a pair for Christmas, because EVERY GIRL IN SCHOOL HAD THEM except her. Which was a slight exaggeration, but I digress. We found her some grey Cardie's that didn't frighten us. She was over the moon! Birthday coming up. What next?
I am so amazed by your positive attitude about life. You go right on enjoying Life MA....you deserve the best!
Loved the post MA! You are a strong young lady!
MA loved your post. You are an inspiration! Definitely wise beyond your years. Your post was something thati needed to read. Thank you for sharing your party and your words of wisdom. I enjoyed both. I am still working on my word. I will post it later. Happy New Year.
The party seemed like tons of fun! Beautifully written. Happy New Year!
Loved this post! You are wise beyond your years, Mary Allison! I am so glad that you, Mo and Todd all have each other. What a blessing! Hope you have a Happy New Year!
MA, I'm so very proud of you. You are wise beyond your years, and have more courage than most people I know!
Love all of the pictures of your friends, the gifts, and YOU! Sending you BIG HUGS, all the way from Southwest Virginia. :-)
P.S. I haven't decided on my word yet...I have a coupla more days to decided! ;-)
You are an amazing girl. I have loved watching you grow up and wanted to just love on you in the last few months. As I have read about you, gotten to know you and your heart I have always hoped that my 15 yo would have a heart, attitude and sweetness that you have. BTW, would you like to marry my 12 yo son? He is really cute. I am glad to see you so happy, enjoyed your post and look forward to continuing watching you grow up and being a beautiful light that the Lord loves seeing shine.
I stumbled on this blog by accident. I was really surprised to see an old high school friend's daughter on here. Richmond. :) Your party, Mary Allison, looks like awesome fun! :)
Amesone Friends God Bless Your Family
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