and when the high schoolers (except John, in the foreground... he's a freshman at LSU, and that also deserves its own distinction!), come to hang out at your house, you have seriously ARRIVED!
Check out Ellie who plopped her little self right up in amongst the teens! SHe thinks that is her group!
ANd then there are the grade schoolers. DOn't think we missed a group. We also had the middle schoolers. They did a lot of "walking around" up and down the driveway. We've all been there! Just too cool to hang out inside!!!
Mary Mallison came to visit her back up family!
And then the Gabster found this fingernail polish.
Bless Veronicia's heart! She looked like she'd just hand gutted a hog. I don't know where I dreamed up that analogy But, anyway...
I couldn't believe the willing participants, but then again.... HOW could you tell this face "no"?!

Veronicia just sat and sat and sat. I think she ended up with about 5 layers on!
Looks like you could cut that intensity with a knife!
The "bigs" migrated back to the private den off mine and Todd the Bod's bedroom. They didn't want any part of actual socialization! (MA, far right) has a new boyfran!
Ellie and Angel Grace ended up in Gab's room in the dress up closet!
Gabs, herself, had a new victim! Big thanks to Penny!
Oooooohhh, wowwwww!! Looks like tye dye nails, V!
Or else a really, really, really bad fungus!
And then, I found this little cutie patootie in the den, tucked behind a chair, doing her OWN nails!! I swear, my girls can sneak away in the blink of an eye to do their nails or make up their faces!! Even with about 50 people in our house!
By the way, are those not about the cutest leggings you have ever seen in your life?! Thank you, Canton!!
Angie, our PSYCHO LSU fan, was hitting the bottle, because she was so dadgum nervous. If you watched the game, you'll understand that!
So, here we are... the men... the diehards!
ANd this is overtime. And Alabama just missed their fieldgoal attempt!
I interrupt this very intense football moment to introduce you to the HOOCHIE cheerleader who showed up in the doorway at just about this very moment! (I really think that is about a 12 month old skirt!! I have NO IDEA where she found that thing!)
Even this Ohio State University alumni up in the very small rural village of Ostrander, Ohio was rooting on LSU for you! I was thinking your place had to be going nuts when they went into overtime! I love how you and yours rally around events - big and small - together. LOVE it!
I can only imagine what your house was like with all that LSU energy! I also find it very fitting that Angie was with the die hard men on the porch.
As I have said before..I live vicariously through your family and friends. Such a fun and anything goes group of peeps! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to know you and your family are so loved. You are blessed.
I just don't know how you do it! I get tired just reading your blog! LOL Seriously, I dont know how you manage everything. I do well to get to work and to care for my two baby girls (who are pretty darn close in age to your two, so I know what that is like!). I wish I had just a bit of your energy! LOL
I just LOVE all the fun ya'll have!! It must be a blast to come to your house! Makes me want to re-locate to LA just to be near--haha!! Therefore I'm all the more determined to come to an art retreat one of these days :)
As Mr. Rogers would say... "Won't you be MY neighbor??" I want to live next to you... you have all the fun!!!!!
I love it that you always have so much fun! But, I have to agree with others-how on earth do you get it all done?? We host people maybe once a month and it's hard to get that done b/n work and housework. :) I want whatever energy source you have!!!
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