And then there are the times I have mentioned to Todd and a few others who may or may not think I am a nut that "something is going to happen" or even (once I started realizing what usually DID happen)" someone is about to go to Heaven". ANd sure enough, TWICE, when I was seeing the 11's very regularly, it occurred. Once was a boy,Ryan, in my Sunday School class who had lived with liver cancer for years, and I had no idea he was even on a downward trend until he passed away, being the very week I had verbalized the intensity of the 11 sightings to a friend. And then, again late in the year a few years ago, when suddenly and totally unexpectedly, my step-brother, Rita's son, Dave, passed away. I told both Rita, Dave's mom, and Tracy, Ryan's wife, about the "information" I'd received and that they were safe and sound in Heaven, in my opinion. So, do you think I am crazy yet?! If so, that is ok. Really, it is!! As I sit and type this right on through 11:11 PM tonight, I think about how often I still see that time and STILL it makes me think of my precious nephew EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!
So, with all that... let me tell you about another 11-11-11 situation. Today, St. Jude is really making a push to get in donations to support the runners/ participants in this year's St. Jude marathon!! TEAMJAKE has 93, yes 93 runners!! That is so awesome!! The runners just cannot know what that means to our family to have so many people still remembering Jake and keeping his memory alive by running in his memory!! We have many who have still not met there $500 minimum to get in to the pasta dinner the night before the event in Memphis. I would love to take this opportunity to help them!!
P.S. If you try to pledge money and it doesn't work, just email me ( and I will see what I can to do to make sure we do what we can to pair you up with a runner to make a pledge. Thanks!!
Soooo.... here is where I am asking for your help!! You can go here...
there is a list of names of people who will be participating in the event and who have not met there $500 to come to the pasta party to represent TEAMJAKE as one big group!! If you are so inclined, please click on one of these names, (or follow the directions otherwise... I haven't made my donation yet, but plan to today in honor of JAKE!!, so I can't promise you I'm telling you correctly how to do it!), and pledge money to be donated entirely to St. Jude. It is for such a good cause. St. Jude gave us a full two extra years with our precious little blond headed angel. I pray you or anyone in your family never require their services, but if you do, you will understand why, after Jake's passing, FIVE years ago, I am STILL and will ALWAYS do all I can to raise money, awareness, and support to help St. Jude's Hospital!!
I appreciate you. And thank you for still loving and believing in Jake!!
P.S. If you try to pledge money and it doesn't work, just email me ( and I will see what I can to do to make sure we do what we can to pair you up with a runner to make a pledge. Thanks!!
I just knew I'd be in tears with today's post. That's the sweetest face ever!
Thinking of your family today, and headed over to the donation page...
Blessings & Hugs!
Mo... I'm one of those lurkers who followed Jake's story, then moved over here when you started your blog. I remember all of the 11's in your life well. You are blessed to be able to understand what the 11 signifigance is in your life, and to embrace it!
I will probably always be a more silent reader, rather than a commenter, however, I will also always be a reader of your blog, an admirer, a fan, and someone who keeps you all in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing your life with us all.
Mo...I just donated enough to help one of the runners get to $500. I hope all of your other followers will do the same. Every $1 will help.
i believe!!!!
I love how the 11's have followed you and I really believe in the strong connection as you do. I love how your post shows 1:11AM at the bottom. Trusting today is a day filled with love, beautiful memories and many wonderful surprises for the entire family!
NJ mom of 4 boys
Mel I only met Jake one time but you know my family has always helped in some way....but even to this day at least once a week when I look at the clock it is 11:11 and I always say Hello Jake!!! I Love you Mel and your precious family
I woke up today and you were the first person I thought of today and we celebrated Jake this morning with an 11 11 11 party. Like the other readers, I too was in tears as I looked at the beautiful little face and his gorgeous smile. Today is Jake's day and my whole family is wearing one of our JOR shirts today. I pray that you are surrounded by Jake today and that you feel his presence in all that you do. We are wrapping up Halloween and moving into Christmas at our house starting tonight, every time I do that I think about Jake and how much he loved all of the holidays and I will never forget the Happy Merry Christmoween tree that was waiting for him when he came home home for the last time.
Much love and lots of hugs today as we all celebrate Jake today.
The Eckarts
Cyndi, Darren, Dylan, Chrissy, Matthew and Belle
Crying at work is not a good thing EXCEPT on 11/11/11 for Jake! I'm going now to help someone make it to the spaghetti dinner! Love you, Mo!
I believe too Mo!! I continue to see 11's a whole lot, & ALWAYS think of Jake & say "Hi Jake!" Those pictures of him are just precious. I know ya'll must miss him terribly. It's great that he sends you "reminders" still though. I know ya'll shared a special relationship. Thinking of you today! Lots of love coming your way :)
I wish I could remember them now, but I know there were a few other instances that guided you toward 11. I'm sure it's in the archives of MoJoy somewhere, but I'll be racking my brain all day.
Since you first began telling us about the 11's... like driving in the car, seeing a sign from Jake, and then looking at the clock and lo and behold... 11:00, and many other small things like that, I too have been more aware of their presence.
Numbers certainly aren't for everybody, and that's ok, but for some people it really can explain a lot, and bring a lot of comfort. I'm not savvy at numbers' meanings or symbolism, but I also feel that there are so many powerful things about our universe and beyond that I may never be able to understand, so how could I be so bold as to say that something "isn't true" or has no "value?" What I do know is that there are numbers in my life (like 11!) that evoke emotion in me, that bring a sense of calmness and peacefulness, and how could that not mean something? So instead of challenging it, I quietly accept that something is there, I feel something and I want to honor that.
That being said, just like the Eckarts said above, I woke up today knowing that it would be a significant day in your family and a day all about Jake. I now say hi to Jake all the time. I remember you posed a video of Ellie when she was a little girl on the counter in your old kitchen, and during the video you looked at your phone's screen and said "Oh Ellie, say hi to Jake" and in her perfect little southern child's voice said "Hey JAKE!" I just about died, and since then have been saying "Hey Jake" anytime I see 11:11. The last time was just last night. As I was going to bed, I looked up, it was 11:11, and all I had to do to fall asleep was say "Good night Jake!"
I've said it before, but it is always worthy of saying... Thank you Mo for bringing us along on your journey, welcoming us into your life and embracing all your friends across the country. I look forward to our "chats" every morning!
Like many others thought of you and your whole family when I woke up this morning. Having followed Jake's and your site for many years now I have seen so many significant moments and memories involving the #11.
When reading your post and you mentioning the 11 being significant to the passing of someone you knew reminded me not long ago you were having a lot of 11 moments and you weren't sure what Jake was telling you. I have a feeling it was about MA's mom.
Still get goosebumps think about Ellie's date - It was written in the stars the moment Jake passed. He knew what Todd & you needed and he was going to make sure it happened.
The number 11 is very important and has become a part of my life also. Another great way to remember such a special little boy who touched (and continues to touch) so many lives.
When I got to the end of the post, there were 11 comments :) I hate to change the number to 12, but I got chills when I saw it!
Thanks to all the Blogger Jake followers who have donated in his memory, it has been fun to see the numbers go up on Team Jake's page!
Thanks for all the donations, i will have more than my $500
Oh Mo this post truly gave me the spirit to shout " I BELIEVE" Truly beautiful.
Simply put, there are no coincidences!
God bless baby Jake! Mo I just don't know if I could survive losing one of my precious nieces or nephews. They are the air I breath!. And I say this having lost my big brother, when he was 7 and I was 5, to leukemia.
Your family is prayed for and Jake is remembered every day. I remember he loved. M & Ms. I remember he love Halloween, and 4 wheelers, and LSU and hid big brothers and and hid Aunt Mo. I know his mama and papa adored him. And I know all of this because of your beautiful words. Baby Jake's legacy lives on on this 11-11-11 and every day there after!
melanie...i am running the marathon this year in honor of my daughter caroline and all of the amazing st jude kids...i cannot wait to meet you along the route!
be looking for me...i will be towards the back!!!! LOL
Mo: My best friend Maureeen "Mo" Sutera passed away May 11, 2009 from breast cancer. When I read your post I was blown away. I know my Mo is forever happy in Heaven.
I will donate to one of your runners.
Mo, I thought of Jake all day yesterday. Everytime I see 11:11 on the clock, I yell to hubby to look and we say, God Bless you Jake!!! I now have BeLiEvE sayings all over my home, and think of him, everyday. We all miss that sweet lil man, even though I had never met him. I hope to one day meet his Aunt Mo, and his Momma someday, Lord Willing. You have been such an inspiration to me in my life of disability's as well as my hubby's.
God Bless~
You know I always just assumed that the 11:11 was because it resembled Jake's signature. I remember seeing it on Yeley's car. Another coincidence? I think not.
With all your elevens, I am definitely a believer. I'm reminded of Jake, the sweet boy I never met, when I see them. A friend shared this with me and I think you might enjoy it too. Here is her devotional from 11/11/11 that she read at 11:11.
Loved this post ~ I thought of you often last Friday on "Jake's Day" (as I dubbed 11/11/11).
Mesquite, TX
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