Thanks so much for all the sweet words today. The service this afternoon was quite remarkable. The family made the request that the preacher tell it just like it was and that the medications had created someone who didn't even resemble their mom. The girls and Jay did a major community outreach today by letting the "reason" for Pam's death be known and shared with a warning to others who may be suffering from depression or self medicating. And then, my sweet Mary Allison, stood at the podium and offered the closing prayer. My baby was a rock! Bless her heart. Bless all their hearts.
And then, tonight, she showed up at the high school to participate in a production for the homecoming festivities, just as she had previously planned. I am so proud of her. And I know her mama is too!
Because I am kind of mentally worn out, I will post a few pics from earlier this week.

In case you have ever asked yourself the question, "I wonder how many barbies one can strap into a baby stroller", well, today is your lucky day!!

I think we came up with 20. Or so.

Ellie Sue does everything in excess. I wonder where in the world she gets that from!? Weird!

Going to bed at a normal (After 11:00! That's early for me!) time tonight! Thanks again for your concern.
Sleep well my dear, sweet cyber friend.
Hugs and prayers...
Ellie! Can't wait to see her as a teenager!
Still praying.
Mary Allison is such a strong, inspiring young lady! Still thinking of her, her family and all of you as you go through these days with heavy hearts. Much love to you from the tiny rural village of Ostrander, Ohio
I see West Elm boxes in the background!
Mary Allison and her family did an awe inspiring thing, that will hopefully help a lot of people suffering with the same problems. My heart goes out to her and I pray she (and her family), will continue to be strong in the face of this tragedy....much love to them all........huggers, BJ
Praying for this sweet family!
Sending my prayers and hugs to you and Mary Allison's family.
Your posts have been beautiful this week during such a sad time. Tears have streamed down my face daily as reading your blog this week (and sometimes even when re-reading). Prayers have been going up for all of you! I am SO thankful that Mary Allison has you & your family during this hard time. I'm sure you & your girls will be bright spots for her when nothing else seems to make sense. Thanks for sharing your heart with us this week, as you always do!
Such a brave child is MA. I just love her to bits.
Adore the Barbie squish!
Still in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to surround this family in His care.
that kid needs a cat to strap in that stroller lol lol lol
love and prayers!
What a strong young lady MA is to offer a prayer at the end of the service. She continues to inspire me with her strength and faith. Please let her know that she and her family remain in my prayers and that she is sooooo loved.
Praying for MA and her family, and you and yours as well. What a horrible tragedy! I'm so glad she has you, Todd, and the girls for support! Bless her heart! Hugs to all
Hugs and prayers
You definately were placed in Mary Allison's life for a reason! You will be a blessing to each other! You are both such wonderful, loving people!
Prayers to all!
How's the Weems/Mitchell families doing? I think the girl's message to will surely help others in this very situation. AMAZING YOUNG LADIES! How is Nicole doing? Losing both her brother and sister in a very short period of time has to be just awful (it would be awful no matte what the time between was) but this must be terrible for her. Glad MA and her family have you around. I think they are going to find refuge hanging with your family. I think everyone needs someone like that in their lives, and I think you, your DH and girls will be those people. Blessings!
I'm so sorry about the passing of your friend and am sending lots of love and prayers to the family. I know how important MA is to you all and will be lifting her, her sister and their father in my prayers.
-mom of 4 boys from NJ
Hey Mo....I have read all the journal posts and my heart is just so heavy for MA and her family....I do understand how an RX can change someone you love into someone you don't know anymore...My Sister struggles with this from her husband. My brother in law went from this happy go lucky, always helpful person, into this sleeping, hateful monster. We have all tried to help him but until he himself can see that he needs help our hands are tied. We have even went as far as contacting the doctor and talking to him but my brother in law finds another doctor....sigh.....I really wish I could give ya'll a great big hug and take all the pain away, But please, please tell MA and her family that she is loved and that she has alot of people praying for her and the family here in Missouri.<3
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