Well, have you had fun reading all the guest bloggers over the last few days?! I certainly have!! And I can't believe how GREAT they've done!! NO offense, ladies, but there were some seriously DEEP concepts discussed regarding art, life, and friendship. And speaking of friends... dude, these girls were very good friends to give me a few days off from the blog to just totally decompress. I needed it. Ever have, ooooh, one of those MONTHS?! Well, I am kind of having one!!
And so... when the opportunity came up for me to travel with Todd to a golf tournament down in Biloxi, Mississippi, I jumped at it!!

There were about 10 golfers from our home course who went down to play in this big tournament. Big as in 450 teams!! The wives found themselves at the pool, in the spa, in the malls, etc on a daily basis!!

This is where we stayed... the Beau Rivage. It is really a nice place.

And to all you northeners, well, I apologize. But, this is what we are STILL doing down here in the south!

I sat in this spot daily, as I waited on the valet to bring me Todd's truck. I went to some neat spot every day, typically all by myself, as I tend to like things very different from the rest of the crew.

Over the course of the next few days, I'll be sharing some of the cool things I saw and the adventures I went on! I'm starting from the last day and working my way back. This is Saturday night... sports bar!

Because you know who was not ABOUT to miss the LSU game!! ANd neither were any of the other men in our group.

This place had numerous big screen tvs, so Todd the Bod was right at home!

Oh wait, here we are. Can you believe I even paid to have my hair washed and dried and fixed?! I've never!! But, I gotta admit, I LOVED it!! I can already see me being that old lady who goes in a couple times a week to get my hair washed and fixed and just picking the "holes" on the off days. My Nannie used to get me to fix her "holes" in her fluffy old lady hair. And I gladly did it!! Please noone take offense. I'm telling you... I am on my way there!

This is Todd's golf partner, Mark. And his wife, Michelle. Mark and I went to a homecoming dance in the 11th grade. Just sayin'! And all three of us went to school together. And now, he's playing golf with my hubs.

Did I mention going into this last day of golf, Todd and Mark were in third place OVERALL... .I am talking about number 3 out of 450 teams!!! That's pretty awesome, boys!
This is Jeff. He is Mark's older brother. And this is his wife, Nancy. She hauled my talkative butt home from the coast, and we had some very introspective conversation.

Also on our trip home was Lisa. She and Nancy both shared some really good tips on various parenting dilemmas which they've been through and I am sure to face. Oh, and Lisa's husband, Steve, is a local attorney and also a golfer at our home course.

This is Debbie and Brian. Debbie and I went to high school together. Look behind her... that's Nancy drinking a chocolate milkshake with BAILEY's in it!! ummmmm!!

And, here's another attorney/ golfer dude... Brian. And here he is with his lovely wife, Jamie.

Wyatt and Jeannie were along as well, and I hear Jeannie is a real hoot. I intentionally tried to spend quite a bit of time totally alone on this trip, and I never even opened my computer. Not even once! I do wish I'd gotten to know Jeannie better. Check out Lisa's little love message in the background.

And here's a hottie for ya!

This was just about an ideal setting for all of us to watch the game together. And there was a West Virginia fan in the room.

She probably wishes she'd kept her mouth kind of shut. There were LOTS of Tiger fans in the room!! And Sorry, Kim, but... Tigers kind of kicked some bootay!
Todd nearly had a heart attack when I whipped out my camera on the way out, while walking through the casino. He said, "you can't do THAT!". Who knew?!

By the way, looks like I CAN!!
Oh, now THIS is a place I came to love!! Todd would deliver me a coffee every morning. A girl could get used to that! I also discovered I really, really like caramel/ vanilla lattes, iced. De-lish!

It was a good 4 1/2 hours home, but we had some fun scenery. Any of you northerners seen a cotton field when it is ripe for the picking?! Well, add that to your list.... cause here she blows!

And finally, the "thing" I'd most anticipated as we came back into town....

and just like that.... I remembered WHY I needed the break in the first place!!

Strange kid!
Glad you had a few days to decompress, you certainly deserve it! And btw...I LOVE me some Michelle Hebert Counts, jealous you were able to spend time with her.
Have a great week Mel!
Yay for you and your down time Mo. We all need that once in awhile, and I can only imagine with as many irons in the fire as you have, how much you need it!
Great picture of you & Todd.
Happy Monday to you.
See...you're not just a pretty face, you are smart too. You know when you need to recharge your batteries! Good for you. It was nice to read your 'students' blogs and I know I'm not the only one who regrets not being able to attend this one. I do hope that your time away will kick start your hectic but fun and awesome life. I know you wouldn't have it any other way, but Lordy girl...you wear me out! So jealous of your spunk and energy and I have REALLY missed your blogs and the babies. Slow and easy now Mo...(yeah right) Missed ya!
You gotta do what you gotta do...
To keep your body strong
Your mind sharp
Your soul peaceful
Your marriage loving
So glad you took time for you!
Missed ya Mo but so very glad you had a great and much needed break! Welcome home :)
hey that was fun to see the cotton field it looks like snow!
So glad you got to go & have some down time. Although I did enjoy the guest bloggers, I sure did miss you! I know those girlies were glad to see their Mama! So where did Todd end up in the tournament? I know you said "going into" the last day, they were third. So glad you're back with us :)
Glad to hear you got away for some fun. I gave Deb her necklace this weekend and she LOVED IT!!!
Thanks again. :)
i expected wvu to lose -- but not by that much!!!
everybody needs time away and time alone. enjoy every day and all of it's gifts!!
It's good to see you rejuvenated! I can't wait to see what adventures you had on your daily outings. I hope you're ready for Canton because it is only 4 short days away!!!
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