And THIS is what Ellie came up with in all that heap!
Lawd. Lawd. I am going to be in for many a fight when she is a teenager! I mean, look.... look at that sweet little bed and owl bedding in the background. I TRY! I really do!
For instance, that princess crown is meant to go with the princess dress that it came with. And those hoochie clothes...well, I am pretty sure that Missy rolls her shirts up. And I am pretty sure it is because of what she sees the big girls doing, as well as what she may see on tv. Honestly I have no idea. I for SHO do not dress like that! Oh wait, wasn't JinJin all skanked up in a rolled up shirt earlier this week on the blog?!
That's it! MOM!! Please quit setting a poor example to my children! Dress responsibly!
Right about here, DeeDee and Granddad have asked Ellie to show them her recital dance to Justin Bieber's "Baby Baby Baby Oohhhhh".
She was more than happy to oblige.

I think DeeDee was a bit shocked! She'd never seen a kid this age throw her hips QUITE like that!!
Neither had daddy-O! His presence may have dampened her hip thrust a bit.

But, what can I say? He totally melts when his girls involve him in their play! Whether that be a little lip gloss...
I think DeeDee was a bit shocked! She'd never seen a kid this age throw her hips QUITE like that!!
But, what can I say? He totally melts when his girls involve him in their play! Whether that be a little lip gloss...
That Ellie absolutely cracks me up. She has a gift for entertaining. I can only imagine how truly talented she really is.
The look on Dee Dee's face is priceless.
Thanks for another morning of smiles.
....yes, thanks for a morning of smiles...AND....almost spewing muh coffee all over puter when I saw that "hip-thrust"....she is such a hoot!! I can hardly wait each morning to see what is new in your household...LOL!.......huggers, BJ
How cute. I can see that the girls have Todd wrapped! Stay strong bc you will definitely have to make the decisions and become the 'mean' parent in a few years!
They are too cute!!! When are you headed back to the land of Mickey? We are headed down for our first time ever in late August, not sure that was a smart move for this Northern girl who hate humidity!!!!
Laurie in NJ
Oh my goodness--she was gettin' down I tell ya!! That is absolutely hilarious! That girl is definitely a hoot :) They are both just cuter every single day Mel! Love it....
My Annie is close to Ellie's age (she will be 4 in September) and was sitting next to me as I read your post. Annie's comment? "I like her princess dress!" Sigh....these girls. ;)
Ellie has her some wicked hip action for such a young girl! Go Ellie!
Oh Mo ~ I have said it before, and I will say it again – Ellie is a TRIP!! She is an absolutely hysterical little girl who has it going on! Too funny about Jin Jin showing her belly and setting an example for her little dolls – you crack me up.
I just love that your girls are so confident in all that they do because of you & Todd cheering them on – great parenting!!!!
So, almost 4 going on 30 – way to go Ellie!!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Diana from Colorado
She is a riot...and you have some "Fun" days coming.....
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