Ok, Mary H. What a great long life !!! 99 years. What a thing to celebrate! I hope you guys are getting her ok for a CELEBRATION in the coming days.
Bethany, bring it on. Who's gonna keep your five?!
And while we are at the pool... let's continue, shall we?

Gabbi Girl is a big fan of sunshades. Have I mentioned that before?
Oh, and I agree, it may be her molars coming in. I intend to check on that! She just can't quit pooping! ANd it is liquid! Think chocolate milk! So her behind stays raw!

DUDE! What gorgeous nails in that above photo!! JS!

My sweet baby girl. None of us want to come inside on our vacation, especially to watch WowWow Wubzy, but my baby girl needs me! So, these pics were one of our final days of all day on the beach/poolside, until we figure out what this issue is all about

But on this day, with mom and JinJin at the pool, it was all good. Hey, DeeDee. You reading?! Drive yo self on over. It's not that far! Grandmother A is leaving in a couple of days, and we'd love a replacement!

HOW can you resist that?!

or this?!

There may be a little understanding to how you can resist this... DEVILish smile!!

Ok, so here's another story. There was this lady sitting behind me at the pool. And she was wearing this visor.

I HAD TO HAVE IT! I asked her about it and where I could get one. She said she's a marketing rep down in the Lafayette, LA, area, and didn't have anymore of these with her. She said, "I'd give you this one, but I know it's sweaty and I don't want to give you a dirty one.".... and I interrupted... "That's ok! My husband is a golfer so he knows exactly how to wash visors! I'll take it."
So, I proceeded to tell them all about Jake and how I came up with the "MO-JOY" concept and all the miracles in our lives... the jackpot, Staci's pregnancy, Jin's new convertible, my TWO mama baby calls.... and as usual, they were amazed. I think she felt KARMA wanted her to give me that hat! And so, being the same karma-minded type, I said, "let me make you something." I, as you can likely imagine, don't just SIT poolside! I was making jewelry!

And so, both of these lovelies got a MoBeads original... my new buddy is on the left. But both of these ladies have an older daughter, and they knew they'd only be able to wear these bracelets for a very short time before theit sweet, precious daughters took them off their wrists! That's the way it is for mamas! We just give, and give, and give.... just ask JinJin!

One place I let her GIVE was at this craft table set up around the pool. Ellie wanted to partake in ALL the crafts!

And I could see the bar within a few feet of me. Fruity drinks... callin' my name!

So today's approved craft (we have to pace ourselves!!), was the ceramic painting.

Ellie chose the flip flop frame.

They must've been fresh out of peace signs!

She loves all things artsy. I have no idea where she gets that trait from!

ya know, Gabbi will participate, but she doesn't seem to be drawn to it like Ellie Sue. I think (and hope) she will inherit my love of sports. I LOVED me some softball, but... I digress.

I love that the Beach Club is so family focused. Nighttime poolside movies, daily crafts, weekend water slides/ pony rides. I mean, seriously, what condo have you heard of that does that?!

Jin Jin entertained the little while I watched the big.

Oh and aside from all this action, there is also a cheerleading camp going on down here. Have I mentioned that?! Well, these are a few mamas from Monroe, LA, who I met poolside. When they saw my activity, they all wanted one too. Check out their knotted leather pearl lariats. I made lots. If you are interested, let me know, and I will list prices.

To answer the question before you ask it... NO, I do NOT ever stop. I get asked that all the time. But, lucky for me, it is never a burden. I LIKE being crazy busy. I LOVE making jewelry, and again, lucky for me, it is desirable and great to sell. So, it's kinda like I'm not "wasting time", and my husband can't complain too much that my hands are never idle!
Okie Dokie. Until we meet again. (15 comments, folks).
Looks like y'all are having a great time! I love the visor! I was hoping since Kelsey had been on the blog before we would be the "been on the blog before" new babysitter to arrive!! Maybe next year :) Looking forward to the next post...
That yellow swimsuit is beyond cute! Hope poor GG's tummy straigtens out soon. That is no fun when it is so hot.
Lovin' the leather and pearls...can I put that in the Art Retreat file? :)
I want a fruity drink too.... Girls are precious as always!!!!
Ok. Prices please. love the leather bracelet and lariats. Must have one. Hoping GG feels better.
yep. i need a piece or 2 of your new jewelry. it looks just light enough for my freaky sensory issues!
Isn't that cool about the visor? You must make friends everywhere you go! And you wonder why Ellie is so out-going..Lol. Hope Gabbi feels better real soon!
Yep, I need some prices...love, love the leather bracelet and lariats. So glad you like to stay busy, we get to benefit with cute jewelry.
I bet you make friends everywhere you go! That's so cool.
Ellie looks so grown up sitting at the craft table.
I'm telling you...that condo place is the ultimate resort! How did you find it?
Sorry to hear that Gabbi's tummy isn't any better. Hoping her bum heals fast so you can continue your fun times at the beach.
Love, love, love the jewelry too, i always admire your artistic creations including your painted canvases. Is their anything you can't do? :D
Hope Precious Gabbi Girl is feeling better soon! School is officially out in Katy Texas - Let the fun begin!!
Good thing your on your vaca so you can just love up on that sweet child - poor little thing :( Feel better Gigi
Oh, and I'll just bring my 5 cause, really, what's 2 more?! Plus the more you have, the more they entertain each other. ;)
Oh SO close, let me be number 12! I love Ellie's flip Flop frame. Poor GG's bottom, hope it's feeling better very soon, poor thing!!
I wish I had a tenth of your "outgoingness" to just strike up a conversation with someone. You sure meet some awesome people.
Sweet Gabbi, you get better soon. I'm missing that signature sparkle in your eyes.
Love that the beach club does such fun activities for the kiddos.
It is awesome!,, reminds of Ameila Plantation. Looks like fun. Guess I will make do with the neighborhood pool until the 4th og July. Love the bracelets and necklace. A set would be soooo cute.
Still having fun! Girls are cute, as always!
Yay 15!!!
Poor Gabbi Girl! We do love Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Gotta come see those girls when ya'll get home.
Lovin the pearls and leather...Im interested, show up close braclets and necklace......
it seems like i want at least one of everything you make! love the leather & pearl necklace! i want one for my plus-size self, and 2 regular ones for my skinny daughters. let me know how much i owe you! thanks
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